Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 19 January 2019

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Being who I am

Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe Church Times Is Christian language to blame for falling church attendance?

Terence Handley MacMath interviews Natalie Collins, gender-justice specialist for Church Times
‘Christianity should be at the forefront of gender justice, but it isn’t’

Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head How shall we pray for our elected representatives?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Churches – further reflections


Opinion – 16 January 2019

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Can evangelicals evangelise?

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Candlemas: for schools and homes
The Bible in a Year?: Evangelicals, lectionaries and apps

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church ‘Concerned Anglicans’ in Oxford- who are they speaking for?
and Concerned Anglicans in Oxford. Are they all Anglican?

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Saving the Best Wine Until Last

Laudable Practice Giving Thanks for Elizabeth I


Opinion – 12 January 2019

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of being in Christ as the gateway to radical new inclusivity

Clare Hayns Consider the Lilies Head above the Parapet

Marcus Green The Possibility of Difference fake good news

Angela Tilby Church Times The trans guidance is not radical

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Church Times Evangelism isn’t just for the Evangelicals
“Progressive Christians have good news to impart, not pre-packaged solutions”


Opinion – 9 January 2019

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Church of England Safeguarding Guidelines: progress, regression or PR spin?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The mystical Jesus and non-dualism

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Steeplejacking – subversion and schism in the local Church


Opinion – 5 January 2019

Fergus Butler-Gallie Archbishop Cranmer Ding-Dong Merrily Online: what can the bust-up over Greggs vegan sausage roll tell us about the Nativity?

Richard Beck Experimental Theology Everyone Already Knows All the Answers

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church 2018 Safeguarding and looking to 2019 and beyond.


Opinion – 2 January 2019

David Walker ViaMedia.News Hope at the Hinge of the Year – Football and Fear-filled Futures

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Give us back our Benedicite! A task for General Synod?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding and the Falsely Accused


Opinion – 29 December 2018

Tim Wyatt Church Times Key reports in 2018: everything you need to know
“Too many long documents to read in 2018? Tim Wyatt provides a digest”

Richard Mammana Mockingbird Popsicles and Prayer Books

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Unconditional Love – a New Year Resolution for 2019

Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head 10 Correct Opinions About Christmas Carols

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News When “the Goodies” become “the Baddies”…

Jonathan Cooper Independent Our Anglican Christmas has been tarnished by the church’s role as an enabler of LGBT hate


Opinion – 22 December 2018

Luke Miller Archdeacon of London Happy Anniversary

Cally Hammond Church Times Dear tokens of my passion
“Four years ago, Cally Hammond was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was Christmas.”

The Anglican Communion News Service has compiled a list of Christmas messages from Anglican Primates.

Jonathan Draper Modern Church ’tis the season

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau The meaning of the Magnificat

Sandra Palmer St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views The Ox and the Ass – inclusive nativities

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Open Letter to Meg Munn on Safeguarding
… in response to Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel First reflections…


Opinion – 15 December 2018

The Episcopal Café Gaudete

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News “Enjoy But Don’t Inhale!”

Mark Savage BBC Meet the godfathers of the Christmas carol

Helen King sharedconversations Out in Africa?


Opinion – 12 December 2018

David Ison ViaMedia.News Are Christians Guilty of Exerting Peer Pressure to Make People “Fit In”?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church John Calvin and the Christian Right

Ian Paul Psephizo What are the church attendance statistics telling us?

Samuel Bray The Living Church A neglected gem: the Sunday first lessons in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Laudable Practice Another reason why we need Sunday Mattins

James Marston Eastern Daily Press What does a priest in training have to do?


Opinion – 8 December 2018

Erika Baker ViaMedia.News Toxic Debates & Disagreement

Maria Evans The Episcopal Café Ambrose of Milan

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of management and theology


Opinion – 5 December 2018

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Why worship?

Andrew Nunn Southwark Cathedral sermon preached at the Memorial Service for The Very Revd David Edwards

Benjamin Guyer The Living Church A Sunday in the Anglican Diaspora

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Advent – The Challenge of Active Waiting

Laudable Practice High-Church Populism in Advent

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Church in Wonderland: the Clergy Discipline Measure shoves victims down a rabbit hole


Opinion – 1 December 2018

Jo Bailey Wells WATCH AGM Sermon preached on 17 November 2018 The Woman of Valour

Elizabeth Baker Huffington Post My Evangelical Church Is Gaslighting Me, But I Refuse To Fall For It Anymore

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of bullying

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Teaching meditation or mindfulness in the CofE

Janet Fife Surviving Church Deliver us -From evil?

New Statesman Matters of life and death: Rowan Williams and John Gray in conversation

Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Whither Mission?

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News A New Clash of Civilisations – Where God is on “Our Side”


Opinion – 28 November 2018

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Entitlement. Power and its shadow in the Church

Mark Vernon Christian Today The idea of a male God is deep-rooted – but wrong

Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News Spinning the Stats – Are We Too Defensive to Really Listen?

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Listening with love: sex, gender and mutual flourishing with Evangelicals


Opinion – 21 November 2018

Andrew Forshew-Cain ViaMedia.News There Can Be No Half-Way House on Marriage Equality

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of mission, poverty, isolation and mental health

Laudable Practice Why we need Choral Mattins

James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes A practical guide to the Cathedrals of England


Opinion – 17 November 2018

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Democracy and Theocracy. In praise of Choice and Christian Freedom

Keith Giles Patheos Why John 3:16 Isn’t About The Crucifixion

Cristian Ispir British Library Medieval manuscripts blog Medieval hipsters

Robin Ward Church Times How should priests be taught to approach the rite of confession and absolution?
Philip North Church Times Confession: An opportunity, not a risk

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News Is Agreement Over-Rated?


Opinion – 14 November 2018

Bill Carroll The Episcopal Café Our piece of the puzzle

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Rediscovering the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Remembering, Reliving & Dealing with the Church’s Abuse

Andrew Brown Helmintholog The trouble with religion


Opinion – 10 November 2018

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim My Journey into Catholicism

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of sex, sin and church unity

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Secrecy, Cover-up and the Cause of Truth

Colin Blakely ViaMedia.News Is an Armistice Needed for Divided Nations & Churches?


Opinion – 7 November 2018

Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls Fake Participation: what is wrong with Living in Love and Faith?

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Iwerne: what did David Conner (now Dean of Windsor) and others know about John Smyth’s regime of abuse?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding and the Church’s future

David Mitchell The Guardian Trust the Church of England to miss the point of Halloween

Ben Ryan LSE Religion and Global Society blog Christianism: A crude political ideology and the triumph of empty symbolism

Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England The Centenary of the Great War: Thoughts on Good Remembrance

Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News We Will Remember Them…..All!


Opinion – 3 November 2018

Jen Williams A brave faith What Open Table means to me

Janet Fife Surviving Church Shibboleths and the Love of God

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News C of E Risks Failure on Human Sexuality Because of Privileged Power

Church Times No action songs, please: there are adults present
“Services that infantilise are counter-productive, says Ines Hands”