Anon ViaMedia.News Clergy Summer Quiz: the Answers!
The Church Mouse How should we pick our bishops
Theo Hobson The Spectator What the Church of England should say to its conservative rebels
77 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Being a “Nice” Priest or a “Nice” Church
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Thinking about those Involved in the Commissioning Event at Bishopsgate July 2024
Philip Jones Ecclesiastical law The Church Commissioners: England’s Ministry of Religion
David Goodhew The Living Church The Collapse of the Anglican Church of Canada
Lucy Winkett Faith in her future: Empowering women and girls to lead
121 CommentsDaniel Sandham Church Times Why churches should keep their doors open
“It is less risky than many people assume — and the benefits for mission are significant”
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love
Vivienne Tuffnell Surviving Church On the devastating life-long effects of Spiritual Abuse
Anon ViaMedia.News Clergy Summer Quiz
203 CommentsHelen King ViaMedia.News The Luxury of Marriage
House of Survivors Church of England Redress Scheme
Gavin Drake Church Abuse Archbishops’ Council lies about GMC in battle for secret clergy discipline tribunals
13 CommentsMorwenna Ludlow ViaMedia.News Celibacy and Conscience
Stephen Andrews The Living Church Wycliffe College and the Character of Anglicanism
Gavin Drake Church Abuse A look at Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell’s public “correction of the record”
187 CommentsPeter Carrell Anglican Down Under On Bible translations
Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News Where is the Colour? The CEEC Commissioning of Overseers: A Theological and Ecclesiological Critique
Joanne Woolway Grenfell Civil Society Safeguarding: How the Church of England is learning from past events
[This article is behind a paywall, but has been reproduced in full in a Church of England press release.]
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The desolation of the Church of England
30 CommentsTheo Hobson The Spectator The C of E needs to talk about sex
Helen King sharedconversations Milestone Day or Groundhog Day?
Nic Tall ViaMedia.News Cooking with Love and Faith
Hatty Calbus Surviving Church The Revitalise Trust and Safeguarding
Anon ViaMedia.News Persona non grata: an Unwelcoming Encounter at All Souls, Langham Place
114 CommentsSean Doherty ViaMedia.News Trust and Training
Phil Groves ViaMedia.News The Alliance and the Bishop of Oxford
Lorraine Cavanagh On Forgiving The Church
10 CommentsGilo ViaMedia.News Beyond Jay: Here’s What the Response Group and Synod Need to Do for a Safer Church
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Which God?
27 CommentsMartin Sewell Surviving Church The continuing Shambles of CofE Safeguarding
God Loves Women Guest Post: A Response to William Nye
[This refers to the two background papers GS 2361A and GS 2361B for a General Synod debate on reviewing abuse at Soul Survivor.]
Simon Friend ViaMedia.News Power Games: Redemptive Violence or Redemptive Love?
3 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations LLF: Moving Forward as One Church
Matthew Duckett Writing on the Walls of Nineveh Sermon for a Mass of Thanksgiving for a Civil Partnership
David W Congdon ViaMedia.News Essential Doctrines, Essential Hierarchies
David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals Is Genesis chapter 2 a definition of marriage?
Anon (on behalf of the Oxford Safe Churches team) ViaMedia.News Lovingly Hated
26 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Removing the fiction: wrangling bishops
Susannah Clark ViaMedia.News The Whole of Who We Are
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Between Meaning and Despair: A Generous Faith
27 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Transparency, trust and bishops
Neil Elliot NumbersMatter From Creation to Revelation: why seven is the most special number
Philip North Church Times It is time for a new deal for underpaid clergy
“A culture of low remuneration and overwork can be addressed only by more funding at a national level”
Catherine Bennett The Observer Your sermons on integrity are a bit rich, archbishop, given your faith in Paula Vennells
Richard Peers Oikodomeo The Five Guiding Principles and LLF – why the Church of England is immoral
Giles Fraser Save the Parish Only chaos can redeem the Church
Christopher Cocksworth The Living Church Sent to Coventry, Called to Windsor
85 CommentsDavid Monteith ViaMedia.News PRIDE: More than Sparkling Spandex
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church To Jay or not to Jay, that is the Question for C/E Safeguarding
Paul Middleton ViaMedia.News Church of Scotland Welcomes Trans Members and Ministers
Martyn Snow Church of England Newspaper LLF: unity matters – it really matters
117 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The God I Never Believed In
Gavin Drake Church Abuse Who are Ecclesiastical? And why does it matter?
Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Preacher who triggered a riot
“On the tercentenary of the death of Henry Sacheverell, Fergus Butler-Gallie revisits the clergyman’s life and pulpit polemics”
Ian Paul Psephizo Once more: whither the Church of England?
Gavin Drake Church Abuse
Penelope Doe ViaMedia.News Queering the Church: The Theological and Ecclesial Potential of Failure
137 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Hidden in plain sight: Soul Survivor again
Philip North ViaMedia.News On Conscience
Paul Bickley and George Lapshynov Church Times Does religion influence votes?
“Yes, but not in a straightforward way”
Helen King sharedconversations Opening the jar, carrying the load
Hatty Calbus Surviving Church
42 CommentsHatty Calbus Surviving Church HTB: Extraordinary Influence
Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Time to be Civil about Marriage
Stephen Andrews The Living Church Thoughts on Church Scandal
Yin-An Chen ViaMedia.News The Majority or the Minority? A Rhetorical Question