Paul Bayes Bishop of Liverpool A rule of life
Theo Hobson The Spectator Will the Church’s division over women clergy re-ignite?
Ruth Wilde Inclusive Church Race, class and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon
James Woodward ViaMedia.News Royal Wedding – Finding a Voice
[There is a transcipt of Bishop Curry’s sermon here and a video here.]
Emma Ash Church Times The cost of discerning a call is too high for some
“Working-class candidates need more financial help during the discernment process”
Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News From Windrush to Windsor: Who Do We Think We Are?
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau New directions for the Church 2: kingdom of God or cult of Christ?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding, IICSA and the Care of Survivors
7 CommentsHayley Matthews ViaMedia.News Royal Weddings & Lady Bishops – Time for Change?
Harry Farley Christian Today Michael Curry: Who is the Royal wedding preacher who backs gay marriage and opposes Trump?
Lucy Winkett Church Times What is the significance of Pentecost? A test of spirit, and the challenge of bearing witness
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Institutions defend themselves – Barrow Hospital and C/E compared
Harriet Sherwood interviews the Archbishop of Canterbury for The Guardian Justin Welby: ‘I’m nervous about dropping the rings at the royal wedding’
40 CommentsCraig D’Alton humane catholic An alternate statement on marriage equality, which could have been made by the Anglican bishops of Australia, but wasn’t …
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau New directions for the church 1: whose kingdom come?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Bishops as Managers – Empathy begins to die
David Walker ViaMedia.News Lost in Translation – Speaking in Differing Tongues
18 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of ‘thy kingdom come.’
Meg Warner ViaMedia.News Trauma, Churches & People’s Rites
Richard Kellow Church Times Questions for Fresh Expressions
“The closure of a pioneer ministry prompts searching observations from Richard Kellow”
Malcolm Brown Church Times Society needs us to be Anglican, not sectarian
“The C of E’s ability to hold together different points of view has much to teach politicians, says Malcolm Brown”
Peter Hitchens First Things Latimer and Ridley are forgotten
“A Protestant understanding of England’s Martyrs”
Ian Gomersall St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views Visiting the Archbishop of Canterbury
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Nye Letter & The Silencing of Debate
Mark Harris Preludium GAFCON alternative universe expands
Martyn Percy Modern Church The Church of England: Mission and Ministry after the Decade of Evangelism
There is a summary here. The full text of the article can only be found by following the link at the end of the summary.
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Why is the General Synod of the Church of England so poor at holding Bishops to account?
Andy Salmon Are the Evangelicals taking over the Church of England? Only if the rest of the Church give up!
James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes Why are some churches locked?
Robert Beaken Church Times It is time to rethink the purpose of godparents
“Canon law is out of step with parish reality”
Sam Wells Church Times What does it mean to be a godparent? Singing God’s song when your godchild forgets how it goes
“In his introduction to a collection of letters written to his son by Stanley Hauerwas, his son’s godfather, Sam Wells, reflects on what it means to be a godparent”
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Real Takeover of the Church of England
Jenny Humphreys Women And The Church Changing the Culture of the Church of England
Anna Norman-Walker ViaMedia.News Windrush & Rudd: When “They” Are “Us”!
Victoria Stock My Family
30 CommentsAngela Tilby Church Times Deliver us from the Evangelical takeover
David Goodhew The Living Church Lambeth 2020 and the Growth of Asian Anglicanism
An earlier article looked at Lambeth 2020 and African Anglicanism
Edward Dowler Church Times State-owned churches are not the answer, Sir Simon
“The cold hand of secular authority cannot replace the stewardship of a living, breathing community”
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News “Do as we say” or “Do as we do”?
Jon White The Episcopal Café Do priests and pastors need an office?
Pierre Whalon Anglican Communion News Service Living with Laïcité
2 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of being senior
The theopolitics of disassociation
Gilo Surviving Church Society for the Protection of Bishops – Gilo’s response
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Honesty and integrity in the Church – a response to Gilo
Mark Clavier The Living Church Morning Diary of a Cathedral Canon
Lorraine Cavanagh IICSA – Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Marcus Green The Possibility of Difference Ethical Leadership
2 CommentsSimon Butler ViaMedia.News After IICSA: Facing Up to Clericalism
Richard Peers Quodcumque “Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” : my life in two rituals
Gerald McDermott Patheos Why do Anglicans say they walk a Via Media?
Jonathan Arnold The Spectator The joy of evensong
21 CommentsIn Christian Today Paul Richardson writes Senior clergy don’t need MBAs to deal with abuse
and Linda Woodhead responds Yes, theologies of forgiveness and confession have played a role in Church abuse and cover up
David Walker ViaMedia.News Challenging APCMs?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Too much sin and guilt, not enough forgiveness?
John Thomson Church Times Rural churches are open and here to stay
“Mission matters in the countryside — and the Church’s efforts can have a greater impact there than in the city”
The Hobson The Spectator Holy snowflakes: why young believers need to accept faith is controversial
“Are millennial churchgoers trying to make the church a safe space?”
Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Doing theology in La La Land
39 CommentsRosie Harper ViaMedia.News Are We in Love with Sin?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Self-examination and self-knowledge – missing essentials from the IICSA hearings
Andrew Brown The Guardian The NHS’s new humanist chaplain is a welcome sign of our shifting spirituality
“Formal religious belief may be falling off, but the need for ritual to mark major life events is still strong”
Jeremy Morris Viamedia.News IICSA – Is Clericalism to Blame?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church A response to Martin Warner on Safeguarding
[We linked to Martin Warner’s article yesterday.]
Wealands Bell Preaching in red ink
12 CommentsArchdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Simon Jenkins Writes Drivel
Jules Middleton apples of gold In Defence of the Church – a response to Simon Jenkins…
David Ison ViaMedia.News The Challenge of Harmonious Difference
Two more primatial Easter messages
Primus Mark Strange
Moderator Thomas K Oommen
[These have all been taken from the list compiled by the Anglican Communion News Service]
Markus Dünzkofer The Eucharist is a dangerous thing
Ben Pugh Church Times Ransom, substitute, scapegoat, God: is there one doctrine of the atonement?
“No, there are only theories”
Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Apologies, Forgiveness and IICSA
Editorial The Guardian view on Easter: it would take a miracle
The Guardian Good Friday around the world – in pictures
Simon Jenkins The Guardian Happy Easter to you. Now let’s nationalise our churches
“Church buildings should revert to places of congregation, comfort and enterprise – through liberation from the church”
More primatial Easter messages
Archbishop John Davies
Archbishop Stanley Ntagali
Archbishop Fred Hiltz
Archbishop James Wong
Archbishop Paul Kwong
Archbishop Moon Hing
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Janet Fife’s Letter – some reflections
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer In Holy Week we should hold our Archbishops’ feet to the fire
Some Primatial Easter messages
Archbishops Richard Clarke and Eamon Martin
Archbishop Philip Freier
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Ally Barrett Reverend Ally First time in church?
James Eglinton The Herald Kirk should not be debasing the act of giving
0 CommentsFred Hiltz Primate of Canada ‘Standing under in order to understand’
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Sex abuse and godly power
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church IICSA – Final reflections
Anna Norman-Walker Viamedia.News Is There Life for the Church After IICSA?
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of ++Justin: legality, honesty and rising above contempt.
Church Times Interview with Loretta Minghella, the new First Church Estates Commissioner
Loretta Minghella tells Paul Handley how the Church Commissioners are flexing their muscle
David Walker ViaMedia.News St Francis – Suffering, Abuse of Power and the Love of God.
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of leadership and governance
Jason Farago New York Times ‘Jacob and His Twelve Sons’: Zurbarán’s Biblical All-Stars
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living to survive church – a reflection on the IICSA hearings
Nick Baines The facts of the matter?
Jem Bloomfield quiteirregular Sunday Morning in the Midlands