Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 17 March 2018

Church Times ‘This is God’s best for me’
Kate Wharton tells Madeleine Davies about a ceremony that she did not grow up planning

Church Times How Stephen Hawking did theologians a favour
He had no place for God, and thereby reminded believers of the true purpose of cosmology, says Andrew Davison

Hayley Matthews ViaMedia.News The Stonewalling of Sexual Abuse…


Opinion – 14 March 2018

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News The Slow Death of Patriarchy

Mark Woods Christian Today Are conservative evangelicals more likely to protect child abusers?

Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News Church on the Ropes…

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church IICSA Monday and Tuesday – Reflections on ‘Harm Awareness’


Opinion – 10 February 2018

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of being progressive and liberal

Sarah Mullally Contemplation in the shadow of a carpark God is Faithful


Opinion – 7 March 2018

Richard Peers Quodcumque New Wine: a gift for the whole church

David Ison ViaMedia.News Divine Headship Meets Woman Bishop
[The ceremony referred to at the start of this article is the confirmation of Sarah Mullally’s election as Bishop of London which will take place on 8th March at 4.00 pm at St Mary-le-Bow.]

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Opinion – 3 March 2018

Anna Norman-Walker ViaMedia.News Disgrace by Association

Mark Clavier The Living Church Schools for the Imagination

Church Times God’s gift, not priest-lite cherry-pickers
Self-supporting ministers do not receive the recognition or status that they deserve, says Jenny Gage

Church Times Women in ministry: the next steps
In response to Women’s History Month, Johanna Derry looks at issues faced by women clergy

Sarah Mullally Contemplation in the shadow of a carpark Accelerating Change – Safe and Open Churches


Opinion – 28 February 2018

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News “There are No “Problems” – There are Simply People!”

James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes Church demolition and preservation revisited

Neal Michell The Living Church 11 Tips for New Ordinands


Opinion – 24 February 2018

From The Guardian The Guardian view on religious education: teach humanism too
Letters in response Is religion really a toxic brand?

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of giving and withholding blessing

Church Times Retention, not just recruitment
Churches and charities ignore at their peril the views of volunteers, warns Stephanie Denning

James Woodward ViaMedia.News Is the Church of England Guilty of Ageism?

Alison Kings Fulcrum Anger: Not Such a Bad Thing


Opinion – 17 February 2018

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Is Organised Religion Inherently Abusive?

Lisa Oakley Church Times Understanding spiritual abuse

Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News Know Your Enemies

Michael Volland Ridley Hall Cambridge Why residential training is here to stay


Justin Welby – Five years at Canterbury


Justin Welby became Archbishop of Canterbury five years ago this month. To mark the occasion Paul Handley, the editor of Church Times, has interviewed the archbishop: To bless and not to bless: Archbishop Welby in conversation.

Andrew Brown of The Guardian gives us his view: With piety and steel, Justin Welby has the church in his firmest grip. “The Archbishop of Canterbury has shaped the CofE to his will with a skill of a politician – and made it all the better.”


There is an edited audio recording of the Church Times interview with the archbishop here.


Opinion – Ash Wednesday – 14 February 2018

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Ash Wednesday and going bonkers

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Abusive spiritual beliefs produce abusive acts

Duncan Dormor USPG Deepening our awareness of the Global Church: Companion Links and Prophetic mission

Church and youth: ‘If someone said come to church I would have laughed’
Madeleine Davies of Church Times visits St Laurence’s, Reading, where teenagers have found a family


Opinion – 10 February 2018

David Walker ViaMedia.News Valuing People with Downs Syndrome – A Place to Start

Paul Child Rediscovering For The First Time The Special Child – A Candlemas Reflection

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes St Bride’s Liverpool Welcoming trans people – reaffirmation of baptism liturgy

Emma Percy Women and the Church #100 Women – #our time now

Andrew Graystone Church Times How to give bread, not stones

1 Comment

Opinion – 7 February 2018

Jude Smith Christian Today A radical proposal for the CofE’s Westminster headquarters: move out and do some good
Archdruid Eileen Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley A House (of Bishops) in the Country

David Ison ViaMedia.News Rolling With the Punch(line)

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of language; spiritual abuse and prayerful consideration


Opinion – 3 February 2018

Anna Norman-Walker ViaMedia.News “Spiritual Abuse” – A Pandora’s Box?

Mary Cole Psephizo Valuing people with Down’s Syndrome: a parent’s response

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Active citizenship in the Church of England

Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England The Report on Cathedrals: Further Thoughts

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Disentangling Christianity and Patriarchy

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Neighbours – Can’t We Just “Walk By” Sometimes (please)?

Two opposing views on the same topic in Church Times:
Steven Croft C of E must make first move across the divide
Andrew Davison An intolerable departure from order


Opinion – 27 January 2018

Bosco Peters Liturgy Lex Photographi, Lex Orandi

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of governance, speaking of leadership

Simon Reader Church Times Welcoming, not screening out
The Synod debate on the Down’s test could send a powerful message

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Fr Bill Kirkpatrick RIP


Opinion – 24 January 2018

Richard Rohr Center for Action and Contemplation At-One-Ment, Not Atonement

Bosco Peters Liturgy Divorcees & Committed Same-Sex Couples part 1

John Gillibrand Ekklesia Anglicanism – the road ahead of us

James Woodward ViaMedia.News Refining and Owning our Anger…

1 Comment

Opinion – 20 January 2018

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Can the C of E learn a lesson or two from Tim Farron
Speaking of inclusivity and disagreement

David Walker Via Media.News A Changing View From Across the Pond…

Three related Church Times articles
Why I left church in my teens – A poll of parents has suggested that 14 is the average age when their children stopped going to church. Five people reflect on why they left as teenagers
Becca Dean It’s time to start listening – The insights of the young and frustration that they voice are gifts to be received
Hannah Barr What I wish the Church knew about young people – It’s hard to be a young person. What each needs to be shown is grace

Clifford Longley The Tablet Is it time for the bishops to make a ‘bonfire of their vanities’?

1 Comment

Opinion – 13 January 2018

Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News A Theology of Reception that Pays Attention to People…

Ali Campbell Church Times Home is where the faith is; so focus on the family
The reason why there are so few young people in the pews is clear — but is the Church listening?

David Voas Church Times A lost generation
Many congregations have fewer than five under-16s. The Church has failed to retain the children and grandchildren of its members, says


Opinion – 10 January 2018

Richard Peers Quodcumque God made it grow: panickers, deniers and the future of the Church

James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes Bad art in cathedrals

Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Official: Steve Chalke is the Anti-Christ!

Archdruid Eileen Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Bible is a Library

Julianne Simpson John Rylands Library Special Collections Blog What price would you pay?

Ian Paul Psephizo How much are clergy worth?

Jeremy Pemberton OneBodyOneFaith Why we are in business, and why we need you


Opinion – 6 January 2018 – Epiphany

From this week’s Church Times
Margaret Barker explores the legends and traditions of the Magi: Unpacking the gifts to the Christ-child
In a society that now functions around the clock, John Cheek looks at churches that are open to people ‘out of hours’: 24-hour parish people
The Corporation’s renewed commitment to religion is welcome — but we will keep asking hard questions, says Jan McFarlane: The BBC has listened; now for action

Charles Clapham pneuma Murder at the Vicarage

David Goodhew The Living Church A theology for Anglican church growth

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of mission: something old, something new.


Opinion – 3 January 2018

James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes How to defuse the parish church crisis

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Letting go into . . .

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer How has the Church of England failed to grasp the core finding of the Carlile Report, that a superficially ‘truthful’ complainant might be an unreliable historian of fact?