The latest Mystery Worshipper report from Ship of Fools: The Nativity, Bethlehem
Giles Fraser The Guardian What do an Etonian, a Trumpite and a Corbyn fan have in common? My church
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of hope
Approaching a landmark in his ministry, Mark Oakley remembers that in the beginning was the Word Church Times So great a cloud of witnesses
3 CommentsPaul Bayes God With Us
The Anglican Communion News Service has compiled a list of Christmas messages from Anglican Primates.
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Ecumenical Christmas Letter 2017
Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Praise Be!
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News 2018 – A Year for Vigorous & Positive Action…
Sam Wells Evening Standard Be more material this Christmas; your spiritual side can wait
Eve Poole Church Times Saintly St Francis versus secular St Nicholas?
“Christmas offers a chance to reclaim the theology of desire which has been captured by consumerism”
Giles Fraser The Guardian Tidings of comfort and joy can’t take the pain out of life
“When my son can’t sleep and I offer reassurance I am reminded that, as a priest, that’s my job”
[Photo of the crib referenced in Giles’s column]
Catherine Fox Church Times Eternity wrapped in a span
“Catherine Fox finds it a struggle to grasp the magnitude of what happened in the Bethlehem stable”
Kelvin Holdsworth Advent and How Religion Works
Josiah Idowu-Fearon Anglican Communion News Service The ties that bind our Anglican Communion family
Phil Ashey American Anglican Who decides membership in the Anglican Communion? Not the Secretary General of the ACC!
Alan Bartlett The Telegraph As a vicar, I know better than anyone why so many clergy are close to the edge
Nancy Rockwell Patheos No More Lying About Mary
Linda Ryan Episcopal Café The Quiet Man
Revd Drayton Parslow The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Only Purely Biblical Carols
David Baker Christian Today Why it’s time to put ‘We Three Kings’ (and some other carols) in the bin
Nick Cohen The Guardian In losing religion we lose touch with each other
Stephen Cherry The New Bishop of London – and the merits of being ordained later in life
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The new Bishop of London – some Concerns
45 CommentsJonathan Draper Afterthoughts A sermon for Midnight Mass
Tricia Gates Brown Episcopal Café The subversive, confrontational, emboldening stories of Christmas
Ysenda Maxtone Graham The Spectator Mission impossible? The C of E’s attempt to woo new members
“The church-will-see-me-out brigade’s attitude is not going to work for much longer”
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Spiritual Blindness & the Root of Fear
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer The Church of England is a compromised and compromising church – thank God!
4 CommentsMartin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Mandatory reporting of CofE child abuse is complicated, so let’s proceed incrementally
Ekklesia Rowan Williams’ 2017 Christmas Message
Michael Curry Episcopal Café A Christmas message from the Presiding Bishop
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Communion as social dynamite or depth charge
Andrew Lightbown There0 Speaking of despair; talking of ‘healing.’
4 CommentsArchdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Seven Deadly Sins of Church Committees
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Iwerne Trust abuse: leading public school gives victims immediate help, while the Church of England leaves them hanging
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Liturgy Coming to Life
Madeleine Davies Church Times Shenfield, place of trophy houses and Alpha families
Last week, Madeleine Davies visited Blackpool, the most deprived parish in the country. This week she goes to Shenfield, in Essex, one of the least deprived
Neil Patterson Church Times ‘Our’ God? No, God is everybody’s
Neil Patterson has misgivings about the theology in some popular modern praise songs
David Walker ViaMedia.News Power, Abuse and the Sense of Entitlement
5 CommentsLinda Woodhead Patheos Divination – A Most Neglected Most Important Element of Religion
Hayley Matthews ViaMedia.News Does “Othering” Exist in Our Church, and Does this Lead to Exclusion?
Mark Oakley gave the 5th Donald Barnes Memorial Lecture recently: The Devil is in the Drivel! Reclaiming the mystery of faith
[Scroll to the bottom for a link to the full text of the lecture]
Richard Peers Psephizo Can Anglo-Catholic churches grow?
Liam Beadle The Guardian Not even vicars have the patience of saints
“A member of the clergy is in trouble for venting on his congregation. There, but for the grace of God, go many of us”
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Authority and loss
21 CommentsJamie Fletcher Christian Today WWJD about ‘Transgender’? A trans Christian responds
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of size
George Pitcher New Statesman Don’t let the cosy stable fool you – the Virgin Mary’s story is brutal
Madeleine Davies Church Times Can the tide turn in Blackpool?
Anne-Marie Naylor Church Times Rich parish, poor parish — time to choose
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Advent is a feminist issue (and so are posh Advent calendars)
13 CommentsIan Paul Psephizo What is going wrong with theological education?
Kelvin Holdsworth Inclusive Language and Politeness
21 CommentsThe Archbishop of Canterbury gave this lecture in Moscow this week: Christian hope
Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law The Crockford Preface 1987: Thirty Years On
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News Twitter Moments – The General and The Particular
Rachel Mann In Praise of ‘Church’: the Parish as a Place of Glory & Grace
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of despots and of kings
Simon Cook Church Times Like it or not, the digital world is the real world
“People should not seek to escape technology … Instead, they need to be taught to use it wisely”
Jonathan Bartley Church Times What should upset Christians
“There are far more important issues than sausage rolls in cribs”
Andrew Hammond, chaplain of King’s College, Cambridge, is interviewed by Anna Menin for Varsity: King’s Chaplain: ‘It’s the quality of the love that matters, not the gender of the lovers’
22 CommentsRachel Mann Why Transgender Day of Remembrance Matters
Warren Hartley A brave faith The theology and spirituality of Open Table – A person-centred approach
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Safeguarding: why is the Church of England’s institutional compassion so constipated?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The decadence of the Church of England
18 CommentsSimon Butler ViaMedia.News My Confusion Regarding Claims of Sexual Harassment
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of teaching
Bosco Peters Liturgy Submission on Blessing Same-Sex Couples
Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Purity Cults: death by a thousand cuts
Jeremy Morris via Media.News How Do Churches Die?
Ian Paul Psephizo Jesus was not born in a stable (honest!)
Martyn Percy Archbishop Cranmer How Bishop George Bell became a victim of Church of England ‘spin’ and a narrative of ‘decisive leadership’
Rachel Mann Celebrating Rainbow Lives: Can the C of E be more like the NHS?
Madeleine Davies “hears how choirs are drawing children, and their families, into the life of the Church of England” Church Times From the choir stalls to the altar
36 CommentsJonathan Draper Afterthoughts What is Remembrance For?
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Church U-turn on sex abuse: from the victim ‘must be believed’ to being ‘taken seriously’
Bosco Peters Liturgy Agreeing on The Holy Spirit
Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law The Coronation Oath: Right and Rite
Philip Lockley Church Times Laboratories for disagreeing well
Ordination training offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn the meaning of ‘mutual flourishing’
Lizzie Lowrie Saltwater and Honey A Letter to the Churches
Tim Crane The Times Literary Supplement Join the club – what religion is and isn’t.
Richard Mammana Mockingbird Praying Twice
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love By what authority?
5 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth The Episcopal Way of Death
Mark Clavier Covenant ‘Time makes ancient truths uncouth’
“Reflections of a Former Theological Educator”
Lois Lee Church Times Take the beliefs of the non-religious seriously
16 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 ‘What is the shape of the community of women and men that you long for?’
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Hereford, conservative Christians and the abolition of history
Sam Hailes Premier Christianity How evangelicals took over the Church of England
Archdruid Eileen has this alternative take on the Church of England’s three major groups; The Church of England’s Tribes Redefined
David Walker ViaMedia.News Painting by Numbers…
Robert McCrum has been writing weekly for The Observer about his selection of The 100 best nonfiction books, “key texts in English that have shaped our literary culture and made us who we are”. This week he reaches No 91 – The Book of Common Prayer (1662). For those concerned that McCrum might think that there are 90 better books, the list is in chronological order.
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley 95 Theses for the Church Today
7 CommentsBosco Peters Liturgy Sex Obsessed
Ian Paul Psephizo What did large churches ever do for us?
Tony Clavier The Living Church Protestant or Catholic?
ViaMedia.News It Can Happen to Guys Too!
39 CommentsMartin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer “I need a friendly bishop,” said the child abuse survivor, as the prelate passed by on the other side
Josh Parry Liverpool Echo Why I won’t be donating a Christmas charity shoebox this year – and you shouldn’t either
ViaMedia.News A Zero Tolerance Approach to the Weinsteins in the Church?
Adrian Alker PCN Britain She’s a woman – get over it!
Mark Harris Preludium AAC, ACNA and GAFCON, wandering astray in the fields of the Lord
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England Crumbling Cathedrals?
Mike Higton kaì euthùs Making our minds up
16 CommentsIan Paul Psephizo The shame of Britain’s prison system
Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Obsessed about sex?
David Keen Opinionated Vicar Church of England Attendance Change by Diocese, 2011-16
43 CommentsSir Mark Hedley Ecclesiastical Law Society Practical Aspects of the Clergy Discipline Measure
Sir Mark is Deputy Chair and Deputy President of Tribunals.
The Babylon Bee The Bee Explains: Main Differences Between Popular Bible Translations