Updated to add day 2 to Colin Coward’s blogs
David Ison ViaMedia.News Confronting our Culture, Presenting our Past
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of leadership; speaking of reconfiguration.
Benjamin L Corey Patheos To Those Christians Who Say, “God Doesn’t Give Us More Than We Can Handle”
Ben Clements British Religion in Numbers Religion and the British Social Attitudes 2016 Survey
An update of the long-term religious data available from the British Social Attitudes (BSA) surveys
Colin Coward is attending the Intimate Conviction Conference in Jamaica.
Intimate Conviction Conference opens in Jamaica
Intimate Conviction Conference – Day 1
Intimate Convictions Conference – Day 2 and Reflections
Rachel Treweek Gloucestershire Live Letter to my younger self by the Bishop of Gloucester
11 CommentsConnor Hammond Country Living A celeb in the countryside: Reverend Richard Coles
The vicar of Finedon, broadcaster and musician discusses the importance of community.
Kate Botley Church of England “It might boost my ego, but no one becomes a vicar because they saw it on TV”
Abdul-Azim Ahmed interviews Frank Cranmer, who with David Pocklington, runs the popular Religion and Law blog online.
On Religion Religion and Law: Interview with Frank Cranmer
Rachel Neaum WATCH A response to the use of ‘minority’ in Sir Philip Mawer’s review
Jeremy Morris ViaMedia.News A “Safe Space” for Liberalism?
Chris Burn Yorkshire Post How Yorkshire’s women of spirit paved the way for female priests
54 CommentsAndrew Brown The Guardian Melvyn Bragg says kids should read the King James Bible. But is it too graphic?
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of Anglicanism; speaking of subsidiarity.
Bosco Peters Liturgy Praying Using Technology?
Hayley Matthews ViaMedia.News Primates Meetings – Who’d Be a Prophet?
Lucy Winkett and Sam Wells spoke on “Reforming Church” at St Martin in the Fields in London on 2 October. There are links to the full texts of the talks and to a podcast here. There is a shortened and edited version of Sam’s lecture in yesterday’s Church Times: It’s about abundant life, not hell-avoidance.
This was the second in an autumn series of public lectures on “Reformation” at St Martin in the Fields; the first was by Alister McGrath. Details of the series are here. Podcasts are added here after the event.
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Gravitational Waves
5 CommentsPhilip Christopher Baldwin Gay Times “The Church of England remains a battleground and all LGBT+ people need to advocate for change.”
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love False ideas in the church
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Why progressives need God
Jonathan Draper Modern Church The Archbishop of Canterbury, irreconcilable difference and ‘copping out’
8 CommentsThe Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal has been published quarterly since March 2017. Issues can be freely downloaded from here. There is some background information here.
The latest issue includes “Some Insights from Church Planting in the Tower Hamlets Deanery of the Diocese of London” by Carol Latimer.
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News The True God and the Real World
Church Times leader comment Taking a knee
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of speaking
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Speaking as a fool for God
Martyn Percy Christian Today Can the Church of England still afford nuance or ambiguity? Some final thoughts on Sir Philip Mawer’s Sheffield review
Richard Peers Quodcumque De-throning the ego: address to the Diocese of Leicester Catholic Societies, Michaelmas 2017
WATCH Ministry Statistics published September 2017
26 CommentsAndy Hill Metro I’m an atheist who goes to church – here’s why you should too
Scott Cowdell ABC Religion and Ethics Gender and Identity: Freeing the Bible from Modern Western Anxieties
Tony Payne ABC Religion and Ethics Is There Moral Truth Out There? A Response to Scott Cowdell on Gender and Identity
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love ‘Feeling’ and ‘knowing’ – David Jenkins’ Guide to the Debate about God
Alister McGrath ABC Religion and Ethics Is God a Figment of Our Imagination? On Certainty, Scepticism and the Limits of Proof
[Professor McGrath is giving a public lecture, C. S. Lewis for Today: Making Sense of Faith and Culture, in Liverpool on 25 October 2017. Details are here.]
Mark Clavier The Living Church The Sea Change: Reflections of a Former Theological Educator
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Loyalty and Obsession
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of ordination, speaking of good will
Jesse Zink Church Times Born in discord, striving for harmony
Janet Traill explains the Colenso affair, which was the trigger for the first Lambeth Conference: Church Times A question of authority
29 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of faith in the public square
Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Is “Sorry” Too Easy a Word?
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Troubles with Trebles
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The unconditional and the insistence of God
A little world made cunningly: in defence of the parish
St Mellitus will host a debate asking whether the parish has had its day. Priests from across the country told Church Times their answers.
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Life in all its fullness and meditation in the body
Eric Reitan Religion Dispatches A 14-point Rebuttal to the Nashville Statement from a straight cis Christian man
Bibles, arm-waving, and incense – Philip North recounts visiting three very different Christian festivals this summer for Church Times
Ian Paul Psephizo Is there hope for unbelieving Britain?
Simon Butler ViaMedia.News This Love Ain’t Big Enough!
4 CommentsGiles Fraser The Guardian The disestablishment of the church is now necessary and inevitable
Church Times Leader Comment Life with the ‘nones’
The above two articles comment on figures contained in the latest British Social Attitudes survey. Madeleine Davies has written about the figures for Church Times: Bishops unfazed by surge among the non-religious in latest British Social Attitudes survey.
Simon Butler ViaMedia.News In Praise of Activists…
Charles Clapham Unadulterated Love The House of Bishops’ proposed Teaching Document on Human Sexuality
[This is a consolidation of Dr Clapham’s comments on our article here.]
Jeremy Paxman Financial Times Jeremy Paxman on the Church of England’s fight to survive
As congregations dwindle, is the Church on the brink of extinction?
[You may find this article is behind a paywall; this has been happening to me intermittently.]
Jack Jenkins ThinkProgress Are evangelicals inventing a new kind of Christianity that’s all about sex?
Eliel Cruz The New York Times The Nashville Statement Is an Attack on L.G.B.T. Christians
Jonathan Merritt Religion News Service Take a deep breath. The Nashville Statement won’t change anything
The Victorian Society has expressed its opinion on keeping churches open. There’s nothing on their website, but Olivia Rudgard reports their views in The Telegraph: Victorian Society criticises evangelical group for keeping churches ‘shuttered and barred’
21 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Fifty years on – the new Co-ordinating Group meets for the first time
Noel Chavasse was the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice during the First World War. Crispin Pailing celebrates his life and faith. Church Times He who would true valour see …
20 CommentsDan Ennis The Episcopal Café An Open Letter to UK Anglicans — in response to the news of ACNA’s consecration of a bishop for missionary work in the United Kingdom and Europe
Eve Poole Koomi of Smale
Tim Stratford One way of looking at things… Churches – what are they for?
St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views Bishop’s head dress – a contribution to a debate
3 CommentsFred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Journal Good disagreement
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of the wonderful old writers; in search of the significant
Richard Blackledge of The Star interviews Pete Wilcox: The new Bishop of Sheffield on women priests, the church’s big challenges – and why his wife’s books aren’t ‘raunchy’
Stephen Croft, Bishop of Oxford, Artificial Intelligence: a guide to the key issues
15 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth Thurible To be an Episcopalian is not to be respectable
Zac Koons The Living Church Priests are not paid to do anything
Ben Witherington patheos St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Jonathan Swift
Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
Mark Woods Christian Today Does your church need a mission statement? Why you’re better off without one
Julian Francis Church Times Facing uncomfortable truths about race
Ruth Harley … because God is love “Jesus isn’t white” – 5 ways to make your children’s and youth ministry less racist
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of faith, speaking of inclusion
37 CommentsPaul Bayes Huffington Post UK The Life And Death Divide Which Shames Our Nation
This refers to this research report North-South disparities in English mortality1965–2015: longitudinal population study by Iain E Buchan, Evangelos Kontopantelis, Matthew Sperrin, Tarani Chandola, Tim Doran.
Nicola Davis writes about the report for The Guardian ‘Alarming’ rise in early deaths of young adults in the north of England – study
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The growing conflict between Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience
27 CommentsFrancis Young Negotiating the ‘A’ word in historical writing about the Church of England
Tiffer Robinson Psephizo Is Philip North right about the Church and the poor?
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of wealth and poverty; in praise of Philip North
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley If Clergy Ads Told the Full Story
5 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth thurible Should straight people be allowed to get married – a sermon preached on 30 July 2017
Stanley Hauerwas ABC Religion and Ethics Why Bonhoeffer Matters: The Challenge for Christian Ministry at the End of Christendom
Paul Bayes The Bishop of Liverpool’s speech to marchers at Liverpool Pride last Saturday [four minute video]
Philip North Hope for the Poor – the Bishop of Burnley’s talk to the New Wine ‘United’ Conference 2017
Reports of the talk include:
Madeleine Davies Church Times There’s a future for the Church if Evangelicals put the poor first, Bishop North tells New Wine
Anglican Communion News Service Bishop says that the Church has forgotten the poor.
Olivia Rudgard The Telegraph Bishop: Church ‘abandons’ the poor because clergy won’t leave middle-class areas with trendy coffee shops.
Rachel Marszalek Church Times Don’t jump off the mother ship — there’s work to do
52 CommentsCharles Clapham pneuma Summer reading
“twelve of my favourite novels on or about religion, from the sublime to the ridiculous”
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau The Parable of the Mustard Shrub
Some responses to the Archbishops’ statement
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of sin
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England After the Act – 50 Years On
George Reeves Faithful Sceptic 50 years legal: what the Archbishops should have said
Ian Paul Christian Today A lot of people are upset by the Archbishops’ latest on gays: Here’s why
Robin Ward Reaction The Church and gay marriage: a complicated relationship
Henry Ratter Church Times Wanted: clergy who can lead collaboratively
This isn’t new, but I’ve only just seen it.
James Alexander Cameron Stained Glass Attitudes Top 10 wrongs about parish churches