Karen Pollock The Queerness The General Synod and a curate’s egg of protection for LGBTQ+ people
“Whilst welcoming the agreement cis LGB people should be protected from the harms of conversion therapy, Karen Pollock questions why the Church of England does not extend the same protections to trans people.”
Richard Peers Quodcumque Amazing Grace: Sarah Coakley on women priests and same sex marriage
David Ison Inclusive Church 2017 Lecture “Including the Exclusive: How liberal Can you be?”
52 minute video
pdf of the text
David Walker ViaMedia.News Speak Clearly After the Tone…
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Radical Christian inclusion and transformation
Church Times Leader Comment No magic wand
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of culture, speaking of tradition
Jamie McLoughlin Liverpool Echo OPINION: The Bishop of Liverpool’s patronage of Pride is HUGE for this city
Peter Selby Church Times Hearing the cries of the abused
22 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 Why I will continue to wear vestments
James Hadley Pray Tell #MitreGate: And the End of Vestments
Tina Beardsley The Guardian The church’s trans epiphany will ease the way for others like me
Paul Bayes Conversion therapy [speech to General Synod]
Christopher Lowson Bishop of Lincoln welcomes General Synod vote against conversion therapy
Susan Russell An Inch At A Time: Reflections on the Journey Celebrating with the CofE & Reprising “An Ontological Argument”
Kelvin Holdsworth thurible The Scottish Episcopal Church Option
This week, the Archbishops of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia released the interim report of the working group seeking structural arrangements to allow people who hold differing convictions about the blessing of same-sex relationships to remain within the church. These two articles look at the recommendations:
Bosco Peters Liturgy Blessing Same-Gender Couples
Peter Carrell Anglican Down Under Beautiful Anglican Accommodation – Down Under’s Way Forward
Bosco Peters Liturgy The Bishop’s Mitre
Jem Bloomfield quiteirregular Morality and Message: The Church of England, Young People, and LGBT Issues
18 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The Church of England – not fit for purpose
Ian Paul Psephizo Why bishops should throw away their mitres
35 CommentsPeter Edge Law & Religion UK Tynwald and the Bishop of Sodor & Man
David Pocklington Law & Religion UK “Misconduct in Public Office” revisited
The texts of two talks given at the recent Ken Leech conference in Liverpool are now available for download here.
Alison Milbank Subversive Orthodoxy
George Guiver CR True Prayer and the 21st-century Church
George Clifford Episcopal Café Further thoughts on an all-digital BCP
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Teaching and teaching documents; some thoughts
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishops announce Next Steps on Human Sexuality
Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls Restoring Dignity in the Church of England
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News The Elephant Orphanage
Michał Lubowicki Aleteia A cassock: Work clothes, not a dress uniform
The Guardian Editorial The Guardian view on abuse in the Church of England: a reputation deservedly damaged
Dame Moira Gibb’s remarkable report exposes a long and shameful pattern of sympathy for the wrong people
Stephen Kuhrt Resistance & Renewal Abuse, collusion and cover-up in the C of E
Justice, Peace, Joy On Ordination, Photos, and Communication
7 CommentsHayley Matthews ViaMedia.News For Grenfell – Where Were You?
Giles Fraser The Guardian After the Grenfell fire, the church got it right where the council failed
Andrew Brown The Guardian Collusion, cover-up and child abuse in the Church of England
Bosco Peters Liturgy Preaching – The Parable of the Internet
Church Projector Screens
Greg Goebel Anglican Pastor I Don’t Want a Celebration of Life, I Want a Burial Service
Luke T Harrington Christ and Pop Culture The History of Pews Is Just as Terrible and Embarrassing as You’d Imagine
Hannah A Blaze of Light Here’s To All The #NewRevs
6 CommentsAnne Richards writes about the Mystery Worshipper feature in Ship of Fools: Getting a visitors’ eye-view of church
“How can churches welcome people so they don’t end up feeling invisible and lonely?”
Ted Harrison reports for Church Times from a 100-year-old Anglican community in the tea plantations of Sri Lanka: The cost of a cup of tea
The Episcopal Café is up and running again so this article is now available: George Clifford For such a time as this… an electronic prayer book?
22 CommentsArchdruid Eileen of the Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley continues her series on attending church: Sermons
Paul Bayes Huffington Post UK Shaken And Unshaken
Jennifer Ross The Tablet A revival in pilgrimage is bringing the prospect of environmental and ecumenical opportunities to Canterbury and beyond
to which Marcus Holden adds this
Daniel H Martins The Living Church What the Camino Taught Me
0 CommentsArchdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Hymns
David Ison ViaMedia.News Bishops and Transforming Love
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Uncertainty and un-knowing are at the heart of faith
1 CommentGeorge Clifford The Episcopal Café For such a time as this… an electronic prayer book?
[not currently available as site is being rebuilt]
Jake Owensby Looking for God in Messy Places People Like Us
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley
First Find Your Church
Knowing When to Turn Up
Actually Turning up at Church
The Welcomers
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love It was 50 years ago today … buildings and spirituality for introverts
[Colin refers to this article by Joe Moran in The Guardian: From Sgt Pepper to the sublime: in praise of Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral at 50.]
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Scottish lessons for the English church (or at least the C of E)
Rowan Williams New Statesman The Benedict Option: a new monasticism for the 21st century
A new book by the conservative blogger Rob Dreher asks whether Christians should turn their back on society – is he right?
Revd Nathan Writes of the Church Letters to the Church Magazine – June 2017
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Making systemic homophobia in the Church of England more visible
Andrew Brown The Guardian Theresa May is like Jesus? Let’s examine this …
Eve Poole Church Times From Alpha to VUCA: the art of unknowing
18 CommentsRichard Beck Experimental Theology How to See an Old Church
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The insidious nature of systemic homophobic prejudice at the heart of the respectable church
Justin Gau a sermon preached at St John’s College Cambridge Kingdom Values…Mercy
There is an audio recording and a transcript.
Michael Curry Thy Kingdom Come (video)
[released to mark the start of the Thy Kingdom Come global wave of prayer]
Archdruid Eileen Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Failed Church Advertising Slogans
Charles Clapham pneuma When leadership fails: Holman Hunt and ‘The Hireling Shepherd’
John Turner Patheos John Donne, Redone
Rhonda Waters Anglican Journal Let’s ask the hard questions
Charlotte Bannister-Parker ViaMedia.News Walking Beside Our Neighbour
2 CommentsMarie Griffith Religion & Politics Healing a House Divided: An Interview with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
The Episcopal Café has published some highlights from the interview.
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Shifting questions, changing virtues
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Fear of Hell Fire
The catholicity and covenant blog responds to the Credible Bishops paper [see here].
Credible bishops or catholic episcopate?
Credible Bishops – a liberal Protestant understanding of episcopacy
To mark Christian Aid Week, the leaders of the three main political parties write exclusively for the Church Times on the importance of international development: A joint commitment to our neighbours overseas
David Pocklington and Frank Cranmer Law & Religion UK Bishops sans frontières
Frank Cranmer Law & Religion UK More on the objection to an episcopal election in the Anglican Church of Canada
Robert Atwell Church of England God in fragments: how worship can unlock memory
Stephen Bullivant of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London has published this report: The “No Religion” Population of Britain.
Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian and Olivia Rudgard of The Telegraph have both written about the report.
[direct link to the full report (20 page pdf)]
Andrew Brown The Guardian This latest Church of England schism has an unexpected source
“The latest challenge to Anglicanism’s stance on homosexuality comes not from a black African ‘missionary bishops’, but from a very different conservative group”
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Small is beautiful; in praise of the ‘ordinary’ parish
Kirstin Freeman Still Striving For That Elusive Halo A Sorrowful Tale and a Lesson for Today’s Church
Giles Fraser The Guardian The rise of so-called happy funerals is no laughing matter
“There is something deeply emotionally brittle and infantile about the refusal to allow ourselves to be overcome with grief”
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News ReNew and Reject….
Linda Woodhead Modern Church How to split up the Church of England
11 CommentsDavid Emmott Campaign for Fair Rants Writing in the Sand
[For details of the Ken Leech Conference see here.]
David Hoyle Address from Bishop Michael [Perham]’s funeral
Kelvin Holdsworth Thurible The Tim Farron Question and the Archbishop of Canterbury