Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 9 January 2016

John Bingham has interviewed William Nye for The Telegraph: The ‘silencing of Christians’ in the public sector.

Bob Morris The Constitution Unit ‘Living with Difference’: The Butler-Sloss Commission’s report reflects the interests of its members rather than the public interest
[also online at Law & Religion UK]

Giles Fraser The Guardian Doesn’t Bishop George Bell deserve the presumption of innocence?

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Pope Gregory and #Primates2016 – diversity, sex, and church order

Jayne Ozanne Church of England Newspaper Resolutely passionate

Hannah Cleugh Church Times No need to patronise men with toughness


Opinion – 2 January 2016

Peter Wehner New York Times The Christmas Revolution

Howard Jacobson BBC News Magazine A Point of View: Why the world needs more sermons

Archdruid Eileen Feast of Holy Innocents – Power Under Pressure

Sarah Coakley ABC Religion and Ethics Angels and Dreams: Second Naivete and the Christian Imagination

Andrew Brown The Guardian If Nicky Morgan wants Christianity to flourish, humanism should be taught in schools

Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message

Giles Fraser The Guardian Karl Barth taught us not to use religion to mask the stench of war


Opinion – 26 December 2015

Natasha Moore The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) In defence of the nativity play

Rowan Williams ABC Religion and Ethics Where Faith is Born: Seeing Ourselves Honestly, Seeing the World Differently

Giles Fraser The Guardian The story of the virgin birth runs against the grain of Christianity
Archdruid Eileen A Canon Backfires

Some (arch)bishops’ Christmas Messages

Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of York

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of Canada – Archbishop Hiltz has also recorded this video jointly with the Lutheran National Bishop of Canada
Bishop David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church (video)

Bishop of Chelmsford
Bishop of Gloucester, Bishop of Western Tanganyika and Bishop of El Camino Real
Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe
Bishop of Leeds
Bishop of Lincoln
Bishop of Liverpool – The bishop also has a separate video message.
Bishop of Sheffield

Bishop of St Asaph
Bishop of Bangor
Bishop of Swansea and Brecon

Anglican and Roman Catholic Primates of Ireland

Archbishop Philip Freier, Primate of Australia

Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, Primate of Uganda

And some sermons

Archbishop of Canterbury

Bishop of Bath and Wells
Bishop of Chichester
Bishop of Durham
Bishop of Guildford
Bishop of Leeds
Bishop of Southwark
Bishop of Taunton

Archbishop of Wales

Kelvin Holdsworth, Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral Glasgow Midnight Mass Christmas morning


Opinion – 19 December 2015

Mark Hart Church Times Evangelism: maybe talk less, but do more?

Richard Moy Men Only? A charismatic crisis in New Wine/HTB leadership

Tim Wyatt Church Times Fill the hungry with good things

Paul Bayes, the Bishop of Liverpool, Huffington Post UK Peace From the Middle East

Jody Stowell Independent As a vicar, here’s what I think when you all pile in at Christmas after a year of church avoidance

Kelvin Holdsworth 12 tips to get people to come to Christmas Services

David Walker, the Bishop of Manchester, Church Times O come, all ye (occasionally) faithful



Rose Grigg Dear Church of England: from a gay ordinand

Nancy Rockwell Patheos No More Lying About Mary

‘The tide is turning’: Justin Welby interviewed by Michael Gove in The Spectator
Kelvin Holdsworth The next five questions the Archbishop needs to be asked



Andrew McGowan Bible History Daily How December 25 Became Christmas

Lee Coley Law & Religion UK A call to cull collective worship in schools?

The National Gallery is producing a series of short videos on angels featuring paintings in its collection. Here are the first two.
What are angels?
Messenger angels

From darkness to light: A four minute time-lapse video of Liverpool Cathedral’s Advent Darkness to Light service

Tallie Proud 10 of the best Christmas videos 2015



Richard Beck Owning Your Protestantism: We Follow Our Conscience, Not the Bible

Peter Ormerod The Guardian We need the Church of England more than ever. That’s why we need it to die

Frank Cranmer Law & Religion UK The end of banns in England?

Lizzie Lowrie Saltwater and Honey The Mug



Alan Billings Church Times Social cohesion can defeat terror

Jayne Ozanne Church of England Newspaper Confession Time

The Bishop of Liverpool give this year’s Archbishop Blanch Memorial Lecture: The heartbeats of ecumenism: blood, sweat and tears. text (pdf) video



Peter Hitchens The Spectator The Church of England’s shameful betrayal of bishop George Bell
Church of England Newspaper editorial The rule of the lynch mob
His Honour Alan Pardoe QC Church Times The Church of England media statement about Bishop George Bell

Jeff K Clarke 2 Reasons NOT to Keep Christ in Christmas

Andrew Lightbown A focus of unity? Really?



Andrew Brown The Guardian ‘We need to talk about Jesus’: cue cringing embarrassment

David Keen Talking About Jesus – Would It Be Better If We Didn’t?

Sarah Pulliam Bailey The Washington Post The Episcopal Church’s first black leader — and its ‘tortuous’ path toward integration

1 Comment


Michael Ainsworth Law & Religion UK Hymns (and other things) to avoid?

Giles Fraser Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4 On being called “Father”, Bishops in the Lords, & other clerical absurdities

Simon Rundell “Call No Man Father…”

Ian Paul Are we being honest about ordination training?



David Emmott went to Ken Leech’s funeral: Celebrating a prophet.

Carol Kuruvilla Huffington Post These 15 Tiny Churches Have Plenty Of Personality

Onora O’Neill, Baroness O’Neill of Bengarve, gave the Theos Annual Lecture on Monday 19 October 2015: Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion.
Paul Handley writes about the lecture in this week’s Church Times leader: Rights and duties.

Andrew Davison Church Times Do other planets have their own Christ?



The Archbishop of Canterbury ‘To the Glory of God’ – Archbishop’s sermon at Virginia Theological Seminary

Andrew Atherstone and Andrew Goddard Church Times If we can’t make up, can we still kiss?

Robin Gill Church Times Yes, faith is good for your health

Philip DeVaul The Orange County Register Stop saying ‘There but for the grace of God’



Andrew Brown The Guardian Opposing gay bishops for the sake of church unity is stupid

Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury, ‘Indifference is not an option’ – sustainable development and the Christian response to climate change

Christopher Howse The Telegraph English timber roofs where a host of angels roost



Ian Paul Do we need male leaders?

Symon Hill Freeing sexuality from an either/or model

Kelvin Holdsworth Some Bisexuals are Christian (and there’s lots of them)

Rowan Williams Embracing Our Limits – The Lessons of Laudato Si’

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba Corruption entrenches inequality in South Africa, says Archbishop



Jonathan Langley Christian Today Five reasons why Paula Gooder is going to influence your theology

Nigel Genders Church Times Education: A vision to transform the world
This is one of several feature articles on education in this week’s Church Times; the others are behind the paywall.



Kelvin Holdsworth Dear Straight People – Greenbelt Talk 2015

Tim Schenck 7 Habits of Highly Annoying Clergy on Social Media

The Bishop of Swindon Disruptive Learning

Archdruid Eileen Automating the Vicar



Church Times leader Alan’s legacy

Sally Hitchiner Church Times Why the Synod is important

Philip Johanson Church of England Newspaper Does the C of E require radical emergency surgery or should it be allowed to continue its slow death?

Andrew Lightbown Beware the tinker men; thoughts on episcopal leadership

Tim Wyatt Why I was wrong about writing off Giles Fraser

Christopher Howse The Telegraph A hymn written for the bright dawn of socialism



Madeleine Davies Why are clergy wasting their time on social media?

Tom Lamont The Observer Mission impossible? Meet the new chaplains
[The Theos report mentioned in this article is available for purchase or free download here.]

Tinyiko Maluleke Mail & Guardian Desmond Tutu, archbishop of the world



Michael Spencer Internet Monk Thoughts on “Gear” [scroll down to find it]

Simon Jenkins Reform Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Typing in tongues

Paul Bayes The Barlow Stick [part of the Intimate:Inanimate project]

Jayne Ozanne Church of England Newspaper A Tale of Two Archbishops [image on Twitter]
There’s a better copy here.