Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 30 September 2023

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Why is it so difficult to talk honestly about the humanity of Jesus?

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters F’book, YouTube, Zoom, and Bums on Pews
Neil Elliot is the Statistics and Research officer for the Anglican Church of Canada.

Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News A Plentiful Harvest: Growth in Inclusive Churches


Opinion – 27 September 2023

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A conversation about Christianity today in the Church of England

Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Why Only 1 Diocesan Bishop in the Last 10 Appointments in the Church of England has been a Woman


Opinion – 23 September 2023

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Trust is a Hard Thing to Come by Right Now…

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Neanderthal Christianity – what does it mean to be human?

Chrissie Chevasutt ViaMedia.News Keeping Students Safe: the Oxford LGBT Students Safe Churches Project


Opinion – 20 September 2023

Jane Chevous Premier Christianity The silence from Christian leaders on Mike Pilavachi is hurting victims

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Church Decline Rag

Richard Scorer Surviving Church Mandatory Reporting versus the Seal of the Confessional

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Mired in Love and Faith

Steve Schlossberg The Living Church


Opinion – 16 September 2023

Theo Hobson The Spectator In praise of Justin Welby’s ‘less bossy’ Church of England

Helen King sharedconversations Two meetings down, one to go: Living with Difference


Opinion – 13 September 2023

Mark Clavier The Living Church A House-Going Parson Makes a Church-Going People

Sorrel Christian ViaMedia.News Young Christianity Today

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Is Christianity losing its sense of morality or finding new vision?

a member of the Anglican Survivors Group ViaMedia.News Are Churches Safe?


Opinion – 9 September 2023

Diarmaid MacCulloch ViaMedia.News Love Came Down at Christmas – For Some

Theos Is the UK a Christian Country?
“We asked a range of experts and thinkers how they would answer the question: Is the UK a Christian country?”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A Brief Evolutionary Context for today’s Global and Christian Crises


Opinion – 6 September 2023

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love What is the Christian story today?

Helen King sharedconversations Being back in the room


Opinion – 3 September 2023

Theo Hobson The Spectator The time is ripe for a liberal revival of the Church of England

Giles Fraser UnHerd Has the Church stopped working?

Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head The Friends of St Eucalyptus


Opinion – 26 August 2023

Paul Roberts Inclusive Evangelicals Can you be Evangelical and not agree with the CEEC?

Mark Michael The Living Church When Rights Conflict: Sex Abuse Reporting & the Confessional


Opinion – 19 August 2023

Helen King sharedconversations The autumn of Living in Love and Faith

Karen O’Donnell ViaMedia.News Bodies at Prayer

David Newman Inclusive Evangelicals Evangelical unity and diversity

David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals How contraception has changed marriage


Opinion – 9 August 2023

Anon ViaMedia.News WWBD? What Would Barbie Do?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Debate and Non-Communication within the Church of England

Jason Loch A Venerable Puzzle When Is Advice Not Advice?

1 Comment

Opinion – 5 August 2023

Helen King ViaMedia.News Missing, Between Synods

Theo Hobson ViaMedia.News Holy Discomfort: Time to Restore the Unity of the Church?


Opinion – 29 July 2023

Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Equality, ‘headship’ and authority: drawing the line in schools and churches

Stephen Parsons Surviviing Church An Open Letter to Professor Alexis Jay as she begins work to produce a Future Safeguarding Programme for the Church of England


Opinion – 26 July 2023

Will Timmins Bible By Day Abuse NDAs and the Church: Making a Covenant with Death

Religion Media Centre Briefing: Is the Church of England ungovernable?

Kirk Smith The Living Church A Bishop Goes to Seminary
“How Working in Four Episcopal Seminaries Changed My Understanding of Theological Education”

David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals General Synod, LLF and the mind of the church


Opinion – 22 July 2023

Jonathan Clatworthy The point of it all Early Christian marriage

Caroline Newman Surviving Church Is anyone safe in the Church of England?

Mark Bennet ViaMedia.News Learning Lessons? Leading a Church Where Abuse Has Happened

Lorraine Cavanagh Christian Faith in the here and now


Opinion – 19 July 2023

Theo Hobson The Spectator The Church of England is on the brink of a crisis

Morwenna Ludlow ViaMedia.News Giving Up Sex? What Macrina Tells Us About Choosing Celibacy


Opinion – 15 July 2023

Helen Hall and Javier Garcia Oliva ViaMedia.News Marriage Law in England and Wales – Some Reflections

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Jayne Ozanne and Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin speak passion and truth

Rosie Dawson The Living Church A ‘Culture of Mistrust’ at General Synod


Opinion – 8 July 2023

HH Peter Collier KC Law & Religion UK Marriage and/or Holy Matrimony

Judith Maltby ViaMedia.News Equality, Parliament, and the Established Church: Some Recent Close Encounters

Iain McLean ViaMedia.News Can Parliament Permit Church of England Clergy to Marry Same-Sex Couples? Should it?


Opinion – 5 July 2023

David Bagnall ViaMedia.News Let’s Disagree to Agree: Rwanda and Homosexuality

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love How to be a Christian re-imaginer in an era of crisis