Ian Paul looks at the articles by John Hayward that I linked to a fortnight ago: When will the C of E be extinct? and The Extinction of the C of E: Two Issues.
Vic Van Den Bergh No Communion for you! – the woes of trying to go to church on holiday and failing!
Giles Fraser The Guardian At a Christian funeral all are equal before God – even Cilla Black
Sarah Puryear has been talking to the Revd Anders Litzell (prior of the Community of St Anselm at Lambeth Palace) for The Living Church Lambeth’s Benedict Option
26 CommentsMargaret Duggan looks back on her time reporting on life in the parishes for Church Times The salt and the sweetness
Maggi Dawn “There are no women on my theology bookshelf…”
Christopher Howse The Telegraph Clothes designed for the kingdom of heaven
Patrick Strudwick has been talking to Vicky Beeching for Buzzfeed This Is What It’s Like Being A Gay Christian Rock Star
5 CommentsJohn Hayward Anglican Church Decline in the West – The Data
Anglican Church Decline in the West – Possible Reasons
Christopher Whitby Church Times Smug and weird — no wonder it’s a turn-off
Carey Lodge interviews Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon for Christian Today Meet the man who’s in charge of leading 85 million Christians
Andrew Brown The Guardian Signs of hope in a ‘secular’ land
Giles Fraser The Guardian The migrants’ church in Calais is a place of raw prayer and defiant hope
9 CommentsThe Bishop of Stepney’s sermon at the consecration of Rachel Treweek and Sarah Mullally
Robert Chalmers Newsweek Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Interview: ‘I Have No Right to Be Here’
Eleanor Course Christ, comic books and popular culture
Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticum: Of Martyrs and Mice
Giles Fraser The Guardian I believe in an authority greater than David Cameron’s. Am I an extremist?
21 CommentsKrish Kandiah Christian Today 5 good reasons not to go to church on holiday and 5 good reasons to go to church on holiday
At Liverpool John Moores University on Monday, Archbishop Justin Welby delivered a Roscoe Lecture entitled ‘The Abolition of the Global – Learning to Live in the World in One City’. The text of the lecture and a video are here, and there is an audio recording here.
Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool, preached this sermon when the Open Table LGBTIQ Christian community celebrated its seventh anniversary at St Bride’s Church.
5 CommentsJemima Thackray The Telegraph Women bishops first anniversary: Why the Church needs ‘gobby’ women more than ever
Ruth Gledhill and Carey Lodge Christian Today Women Bishops one year on: The women who have broken the stained glass ceiling
St Hilda’s Church, Marden with Preston Grange Eight impossible things the C of E will never do
Mark Greaves The Spectator God’s management consultants: the Church of England turns to bankers for salvation
The Archbishop of Canterbury has written this article for The Times Archbishop of Canterbury on religious freedom.
[The article on The Times website is titled “Faith must be strong enough to take offence”.]
Barnabas Piper Christianity Today 10 Social Media Posts Only the Best Pastors Send
Andrew Brown The Guardian Does the Bible really say that global warming will make the Earth ‘vomit us out’?
12 CommentsDavid Runcorn Church of England Newspaper And how would I know when I am wrong? Evangelical faith and the Bible –
Cole Moreton The Independent Why the Church of England faces a dilemma as it comes under pressure to back gay marriage
Graham Tomlin Church Times Neither wild prophets nor boring managers
Giles Fraser The Guardian Money is the only god the Tories want us to worship on a Sunday
To which Archdruid Eileen responds Clothed in the Last Shreds of Christendom
Jonathan Elliott The Guardian I’m gay, liberal, open-minded – and a convert to Christianity
Archdruid Eileen Growing for Growth Strategy
Andy Griffiths Being Titus: a new model for incumbent ministry
Linda Woodhead gave a lecture on What’s wrong with the Church of England – and can anything be done? at St Bride’s church in Liverpool on Monday evening. There is a recording here.
Emma Jacobs Financial Times The reverend on a showbiz mission
2 CommentsIan Paul asks What did Jesus look like?
The Patriarch of Constantinople and the Archbishop of Canterbury New York Times Climate Change and Moral Responsibility
32 CommentsGiles Fraser The Guardian Pope Francis is a bit like Naomi Klein in a cassock
Margaret Pritchard Houston The body of Christ, given for you
Ian Meredith Church Times How to regain funerals from civil celebrants
39 CommentsPete Wilcox A Response to Richard Moy’s ‘Dear Deans’ challenge
Michael Sadgrove ‘Dear Deans’: a response from the north
Michael Nazir-Ali The Telegraph We need to embrace our history and reach out to the “spiritual” if we want to halt declining Anglican numbers
Canon J John Huffington Post An Open Letter to Britain
Joel J Miller Why Bonhoeffer made the sign of the cross
8 CommentsAndrew Brown The Guardian We shouldn’t focus on assisted dying, but rather help others find value in life
Caroline Spelman, the Second Church Estates Commissioner (“2CEC”), writes about A voice for the Church in Parliament.
Rowan Williams New Statesman Blasphemy can provoke violence – and be a progressive force within religion
Giles Fraser The Guardian Thieves may have stolen my optimism, but not my defiance
Richard Moy Dear Deans
Kelvin Holdsworth Dear Deans – a Scottish Response
Adrian Chiles BBC What I learnt from 46 consecutive days in church
Mark Woods Christian Today 10 bad preaching habits which must be stopped
Ruth Gledhill Christian Today The wonderful world of the Christian Resources Exhibition
Stephen Heard Archbishop Cranmer The way the Church does politics is largely ineffective
David Pocklington Law & Religion UK Politics and the CofE
Church Times Leader: A reality check
Rachel Dixon The Guardian Holy nights: camping in a church
Archdruid Eileen Holy, Holy, Holy
10 CommentsKate Bottley The Guardian I’m the vicar on Gogglebox, but that’s not the only funny thing about me
In Church Times Michael Palin writes about churches that have meant the most to him in my seven of the best, and there is this leading article: A church definition.
Robert Ellsberg The Tablet Raised to the altars: one who fell for the poor
John Dear Huffington Post Honoring Oscar Romero of El Salvador
Bishop Steven Croft Advising Mr Cameron: lessons from an ancient kingdom
A study day on The Rime of the Ancient Mariner taught Malcolm Doney the link between poetry and theology; he writes in Church Times: Grey beard — but no loon.
Claire Jones Come to this table – if you’re one of us
The Bishops of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich and of Hertford were consecrated at Westminster Abbey on Ascension Day. Rowan Williams preached the sermon.
17 CommentsRachel Giles Church Times Health: Blessed, but not with a child
Patrick Comerford The Irish Times Same-sex marriage: Why are faith groups so concerned about civil legislation?
Christopher Howse The Telegraph Women building a library in exile
2 CommentsSimon Jenkins Reform Magazine Jumble sales of the apocalypse: When prayer goes wrong
Lisa Kelly Ignatian Spirituality Dude, You Can’t Fail!
Steven Croft The Top Ten Proverbs for Twitter and Facebook
0 CommentsLisette Thooft interviews Linda Woodhead for Volg Nieuw W!J: “Liberal Religion is Hardline Religion”.
Chrissy Sykes Thoughts from a baby Christian
6 CommentsAndrew Brown The Guardian Faith no more: how the British are losing their religion
Michael Sadgrove On Reaching a Certain Age
David Benady PR Week Spreading the word
Ian Duffield Signs of the Times The 2015 proposals to re-brand the Church of England
5 CommentsJulian Coman The Observer Should the church be a radical voice in politics?
Diarmaid MacCulloch talks to Ralph Jones for New Humanist The Church rejected me because I’m gay.
Giles Fraser The Guardian Arguments over Greek debt echo ancient disputes about Easter
Some Easter Day sermons
Archbishop of Canterbury
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Bishop of Chelmsford
Bishop of Chichester
Bishop of Ely
Bishop of Exeter
Bishop of Guildford
Assistant Bishop of Newcastle
Bishop of Norwich
Bishop of Stockport
Bishop of Taunton
Bishop of Argyll & The Isles
Bishop of Brechin
Bishop of Edinburgh
Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness