The Guardian Palm Sunday celebrated wordwide – in pictures
Penitents during Holy Week around the world – in pictures
Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool Huffington Post All Welcome to the Table This Easter
Chrism Mass sermons
Bishop of Southwark
Bishop of Liverpool
Andrew Brown The Guardian Michael Gove is right – Christianity has become a laughing stock
Editorial in The Guardian The Guardian view on Easter: David Cameron’s wonky cross
Giles Fraser The Guardian Christianity, when properly understood, is a religion of losers
Christian Piatt sojourners Fifty Shades of God: Does Easter Week Affirm Our Violent Desires?
0 CommentsLaurence Cawley BBC News The Jedi and the Bishop: two men from Essex, two religious outlooks
John Pavlovitz 6 Reasons Stone-Throwing Christians May Need To Retire “Go And Sin No More”
Andrew Lightbown Secular utilitarianism 1 – Agape 0; the problems with Baber’s scheme
Christopher Howse The Telegraph Mozarabic chant in deepest Suffolk
2 CommentsHelen De Cruz has interviewed H E [Harriet] Baber as part of a series on Philosophers and their religious practices: The SCP is my Church.
The Guardian Homes in old churches – in pictures
Madeleine Davies Why journalists can’t afford to ignore religion
Helen Pidd of The Guardian has been talking to the Bishop of Stockport: Libby Lane: ‘Whatever the Church’s failings, I really think this is where God has put me’.
20 CommentsIan Paul Is ‘discipleship’ Anglican?
John Armstrong Episcopal News Service Canon David Porter shares lessons learned about reconciliation
Christopher Howse The Telegraph The trouble with swearing an oath on a holy book
9 CommentsAndrew Stephens-Rennie An open letter to parishes hiring youth workers
Ana Marie Cox The Daily Beast Why I’m Coming Out as a Christian
Anna Tims has been talking to Tim Pike for The Guardian’s Work & Careers page: How do I become … a priest.
Theo Hobson New Statesman The problem with church schools? They run counter to Christian values
Nigel Genders (Church of England Chief Education Officer) Church schools: No problem
Cole Moreton Five ways for the Church of England to stop making a complete and utter fool of itself over money
Kelvin Holdsworth The Archbishop, the gays and their sins
Charlotte Gale Ten things I have learned about General Synod
20 CommentsRose Hudson-Wilkin Christian Today What Christians get wrong about Politics
Angus Ritchie Huffington Post What Do the Bishops Know About Politics? More Than You’d Think…
Eliza Filby Church Times The Church, the ballot-box, and Mrs Thatcher
Economist Gender, violence and religion: When north and south agree
Linda Woodhead Theos What is the future for religion in Britain?
Giles Fraser The Guardian Give me hypocrites over cynics any time. At least they aspire to something
Antonia Blumberg Huffington Post Christians Celebrate Ash Wednesday Around The World [Photos From Around The World]
17 CommentsToday is Valentine’s Day. Kelvin Holdsworth has 10 Tips on How to Date a Priest.
Brian Orme 10 Dangerous Myths About Church Growth
Giles Fraser The Guardian I regret that the devil is being made redundant. He’ll be much missed
Christopher Howse The Telegraph A throne like a church spire
A conversation about Time with Br Geoffrey Tristram and the Rt Rev Nick Knisely: Eternity is Real
6 CommentsMadeleine Davies A response to Stephen Fry
Giles Fraser The Guardian I don’t believe in the God that Stephen Fry doesn’t believe in either
Maurice Glasman Church Times After the bad and the ugly — good economics
49 CommentsIan Paul responds to the article by Linda Woodhead that I linked to last week: Who is ducking what in the C of E?
Justin Welby has blogged On tweeting and touching and preached this homily at Trinity Wall Street, New York.
Andrew Brown of The Guardian responds with this: Justin Welby’s Twitter sermon sounds like a plea for ecclesiastical discipline.
Angela Tilby Church Times Dissing the D-word
Giles Fraser The Guardian Even atheists such as Stephen Fry have Downton-esque nostalgia for the C of E
Graham Kings Fulcrum English Monk Who Encouraged the Ministry of Women. Also published in The Times (£).
25 CommentsLinda Woodhead Church Times The challenges that the new C of E reports duck
Meri-Anna Hintsala Westminster Faith Faiths blog Putting a Church Online – Lessons from Finland
Church Times leader Right sort of growth
Michael Paulson New York Times Inequality as a Religious Issue: A Conversation With the Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech at ‘Creating the Common Good’ conference in New York
19 CommentsBen Irwin blogs How Newsweek Got the Bible Right — and Still Got it Wrong in response to the Newsweek article that I linked to three weeks ago.
The Economist Go forth and multiply
Mark Clavier blogs Fragmented formation: training clergy.
Father Richard Peers SCP ‘Liberals in vestments’: What is the Society of Catholic Priests for?
5 CommentsThe Guardian Epiphany around the world – in pictures
Huffington Post Epiphany 2015: Dates, Customs, Scripture And History Of ‘Three Kings Day’ Explained (PHOTOS)
Paul Handley Church Times leader Fundamentalism
Christopher Howse writes about St Hilary in his Sacred Mysteries column in The Telegraph Troglodytes, topazes and the spring term.
13 CommentsArchbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message
Church Times leader Disorganised religion
For Epiphany Archdruid Eileen writes about Three Ways to Know.
Christopher Howse The Telegraph Exodus: the evidence for the Bible story
Canon Andy Thompson writes to The Guardian in response to the leader we linked to last week: The reality of being a Christian in the Gulf.
9 CommentsCole Moreton Telegraph Why female bishops could be the Church of England’s saviour
The Guardian editorial The Guardian view on religious intolerance: the burden of the cross
Kurt Eichenwald Newsweek The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin
Ian Paul Jesus really wasn’t born in a stable
There are several articles this week about Justin Welby.
Financial Times leader A Christian leader who is living in the real world
Caroline Wyatt BBC News ‘Super-astute’ Welby faces big challenges ahead
Independent editorial Spiritual – and political: For those who question the Church’s relevance to society, a resounding answer is provided this Christmas
Ian Paul Justin Welby: a leader ‘for such a time as this…’
Giles Fraser The Guardian The Christmas story is all about God divesting Himself of power
Aaron James Premier Better toilets will save the church, says TV newsreader
Hannah Martin The Guardian One female bishop is not enough – the church must behave more like Jesus
Bible Society Survey reveals people confuse Bible Nativity with traditional misconceptions. You can take the quiz there yourself.
2 CommentsIan Ellis of the Church of Ireland Gazette has interviewed Rowan Williams. You can listen to the interview here. Topics include Christian Aid and the European Union; there’s a list of contents with timings below the fold.
Kelvin Holdsworth blogs about The Peace and Unity and Order of the Church.
Rachel Mann blogs on Headship and Holiness: ‘It’s a Trap!’ or ‘Why the Bishop of Maidstone might be particularly bad news for Conservative Evangelicals’
2 CommentsVic Van Den Bergh More than ‘Just a service’ – Funerals
Michael Sadgrove Cathedrals: a success story?
Giles Fraser The Guardian The whole point of Christianity is to create a deeper form of humanism
Madeleine Davies Church Times The Maasai – a tradition in transition
25 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth Six reasons why [some] cathedrals are doing well
and Church blogging – all may, none must, some should
Church Times leader Cathedral conundrum
Andrew Brown The Guardian Talking about fish copulation is no way to discuss the family
Kate Bottley The Guardian I’m all for a mid-week church service – at least it’ll give me a Sunday lie-in
James Croft Patheos This Atheist is Thankful for the Clergy
Paul Handley The Guardian Let us give thanks, Black Friday has nothing to do with religion
51 CommentsMiranda Threlfall-Holmes 5 Things I miss about being Laity
Cathy Newman interviews Rose Hudson-Wilkin for The Telegraph Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin: The truth? We’re all fearful for the first female bishops
Rupert Christiansen The Telegraph Why do Christmas carols make the church feel nervous?
Erasmus The Economist Hello ladies, goodbye Communion?
Lucy Ward The Guardian Una Kroll: ‘Public protest is still very important’
Sam Wells The Christian Century Dressed for the moment
Bosco Peters A Bishop is not a Priest
Isabel Berwick Financial Times From atheist teenager to lady of the parish