Thinking Anglicans


Andrew Brown argues in The Guardian that You can’t dance to atheism.
He has also written Don’t just blame ‘religion’ when parents refuse to let desperately ill children die.

Rod Thomas asks in The Church of England Newspaper Where are the Reform Bishops?

David Lose asks in The Huffington Post Was Jesus a Jerk?

In a reminder of how things used to be, The Guardian has this From the archive, 8 September 1979: Robert Runcie is to be the 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury.


opinion at the end of August

Francis Spufford writes for The Guardian about The trouble with atheists: a defence of faith.

Marcus Borg writes for The Huffington Post about A Chronological New Testament.

Rachel Mann writes in The Guardian that The church is our best hope against the zombies.

The Church Times has this leader: Baptism for all.

Mark Sandlin writes for The God Article that there is Far Too Little Sabbath in the Sabbath.

Christopher Howse writes in The Telegraph about a Big question from Stephen Hawking.

In the What I’m really thinking series in The Guardian this week is the woman priest.


August Bank Holiday opinions

Mark Vernon writes for The Guardian about Rowan Williams and Francis Spufford on being a Christian.

Elizabeth Kaeton writes at Daily Episcopalian Is the Anglican Communion a Gift from God?

Nelson Jones writes in the Spectator Atheism+: the new New Atheists.

Paul Vallely writes in the Church Times about Pussy Riot: A protest founded on the Gospels.

Andrew Brown writes at Cif belief that If we are to cope with climate change we need a new moral order.

Giles Fraser writes in the Guardian I believe in God. I don’t believe in God.

Andrew McGowan writes at Eureka Street that Vatican prefers tanks to talks to achieve unity.



Giles Fraser writes for the Church Times about The danger of being respectable.

Christopher Howse writes in The Telegraph about Puddleglum and the quest for the Grail, inspired by this interview by Sameer Rahim: Rowan Williams: ‘Aslan is on the knife-edge of the erotic’.

In something I missed earlier, Norman Ivison gives us 8 ways to keep young adults out of your church.



Molly Wolf writes for the Episcopal Café about Centipedes and souls (first published here).

Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian that Pussy Riot’s crime was violating the sacred. That’s what got Jesus in court.

Karyn L Wiseman writes for The Huffington Post about John 6:35, 41-51: Not Another Bread Passage.. Please!

Tariq Modood writes for the ABC about Secularism in crisis? Muslims and the challenge of multiculturalism.



The Archbishop of York has been interviewed by The Independent. There are two different online versions of the interview, one on the Archbishop’s own website: Archbishop’s Big Questions Interview in The Independent, and one on the newspaper’s: The big questions: Is milk too cheap? Are the Games worth it? Should young people work for experience?

Esther J Hamori writes for The Huffington Post about Biblical Standards for Marriage.

Peter Selby writes for The Tablet about debt and money: Wake-up call.

1 Comment


Theos has published a two part series on the establishment of the Church of England. Jonathan Chaplin writes that it is Time for the Church to cut the knot, whereas Nigel Biggar writes Why the Anglican establishment is good for a liberal society.

Giles Fraser writes for The Guardian about The art of religious sunbathing: giving up trying to be in control.



Mark Chapman writes for Thinking faith about Rowan Williams in Retrospect.

Giles Fraser writes for The Guardian that No, I am not a liberal – I believe that community comes before the individual.
And in the Church Times he writes that It might be legal, but it is not right.

Paul Handley writes this leader comment on the Church Times Peace is part of the Christian DNA.



David Keen writes about The Leading of the 5000: Redesigning the CofE.
And Sam Charles Norton says that The dying of a church is not a management problem.

Simon Barrow writes for Ekklesia about Why the church should back community schooling.

Alan Wilson blogs Overview and Inner View.

Peter Heslam writes for LICC (The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity) about Barclay’s Apology.

Giles Fraser writes on The guardian that An inclusive church is a fundamental gospel imperative.



Doug Chaplin gives us Five conversations for a declining church.

Dave Bookless writes on the A Rocha blog about The poor or the planet: which comes first?

Jamie Arpin-Ricci writes for The Huffington Post: Preach the Gospel at All Times?



Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, Senior Anglican Chaplain in Athens, writes for The Church of Ireland Gazette: Greece in crisis – the Churches respond.

Theo Hobson writes in The Guardian that Rowan Williams was always an enemy of the liberal state.

Lewis Galloway writes for Day1 about this Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 5:21-43): Taking Jesus Seriously.



Richard Godwin of the London Evening Standard interviews the Archbishop of Canterbury in Goodbye to all that…

Mark Vernon asks in The Guardian ‘Silence is a lovely idea’ – so why have churches become so noisy?

Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian that Dying can be a terribly lonely business. But it doesn’t have to be that way.



Joe Lycett writes for The Huffington Post that The Church of England is a Drunk Bloke in a Wetherspoon.

Nelson Jones writes for New Statesman about God’s Peculiar People.

In The Guardian Sarah Ditum asks What do you do when you find cash in the street?

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about The bodily God of Thomas Hobbes.



Simon Barrow writes for The Guardian Let’s reclaim the jubilee.

Kristin M Swenson writes for The Huffington Post about The Inspiration of Chagall’s Mystical Stained Glass.

Savi Hensman writes for Ekklesia about Ordaining women bishops: safeguards and tangles.

Mark Goodacre asks How would Jesus have proved his own existence?



Savitri Hensman writes in The Guardian that Inter-church alliances are not always blessed.

Dave Bookless writes on the A Rocha blog about Mission: Saving souls or saving seals?

Esther J Hamori writes in The Huffington Post about Biblical Standards for Marriage.

Bishop Peter Selby writes in the New Statesman that Money has changed – that’s the issue.

Andy Robertson writes for the Church Times about computer games in worship in Not to be consoled as to console.


opinion for Pentecost

The Dirty Sexy Ministry blog tells us What Priests Want You to Know.
And Ben Reed tells us 10 Things You Forget About Pastors.

Sam Charles Norton asks What is to be done?
[The Guardian article referred to is here.]

Tim Suttle at The Huffington Post asked several theologians What Is the Chief Political Concern of the Bible? and gives us their answers.

Paul Vallely writes in the Church Times about How to find Paradise on the ground.

Episcopal Café has two articles about the Ascension.
Ascension’s real message by George Clifford
Ascension to the Right Hand of God? Where? by Donald Schell



Update: The audio of Peter Selby’s lecture is now working.

John Sentamu writes for The Telegraph Let’s not be afraid to talk about death.
And on the same topic, but from a different perspective, Matthew Engelke writes in The Guardian What is a good death? Ritual, whether religious or not, still counts.

Bethany Blankley writes for The Huffington Post about How Protestantism Redefined Marriage.

George Monbiot writes for The Guardian about Moral decay? Family life’s the best it’s been for 1,000 years.

Peter Selby has given the 27th Eric Symes Abbott memorial lecture: Mis-establishment: Locating, and Re-locating, the Church of England.

Reluctant Xtian gives us 5 Phrases I Think Christians Shouldn’t Say.

The Guardian has published a version of the article by Miranda Threlfall-Holmes that we linked here: Female bishops legislation must not be compromised out of existence.



Richard Beck asks us to Let Them Both Grow Together.

Christopher Howse for The Telegraph has been on A journey with Nikolaus Pevsner to the very edge of Englishness to see a 12th-century font and a 1902 church.

Giles Fraser in The Guardian asks Why should spirituality prioritise the needs of the busy?

Also in The Guardian Andrew Brown writes about A vicar’s war against English Heritage Christianity.

Symon Hill of Ekklesia writes about Trusting in what is not real.



Huffington Post has two articles about a new translation of the Bible: ‘The Voice’: New Bible Translation Focuses On Dialogue by Bob Smietana and Taking ‘Jesus Christ’ Out of the Bible by Christian Piatt.

Theo Hobson writes in The Guardian Can liberal Christians please stop banging on about gayness?

Also in The Guardian Andrew Brown writes about The persistence of superstition in an irreligious Britain.



Andrew Brown asks in The Guardian Are evangelical Christians on another planet?

Daniel Schultz writes in the Revealer So Long, Rowan Williams.

Diana Butler Bass writes for USA Today about When spirituality and religion collide.

Paul Oestreicher asks in The Guardian Was Jesus gay? Probably.

Giles Fraser starts his new series Loose canon in the Guardian with On a new demand-free service.

Mark Vernon writes in The Tablet Why religion is good for you.