Helen King sharedconversations Questions of fornication
Lisa Oakley University of Chester Response from Professor Lisa Oakley to the ‘Future of Church Safeguarding’ report recommendation 10 the removal of spiritual abuse
175 CommentsUpdated Friday to add a second Church Times article
Gavin Drake Church Abuse
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Future of Church Safeguarding – A look at the Jay Report
also online at Modern Church
Ruth Peacock Religion Media Centre Celebration but concern at proposed new CofE independent safeguarding
Francis Martin Church Times Jay calls for root-and-branch reform of church safeguarding
Simon Walsh Church Times Varied responses to Jay report on Church of England safeguarding
1 CommentUnadulterated Love ‘Valuing all God’s children – including trans people!
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Freeing the Church of England from Mental Slavery
Helen King ViaMedia.News Slouching Towards Synod
3 CommentsBen Phillips The Critic How can we pay for our cathedrals?
“Critics of silent discos in Canterbury Cathedral are silent on how to fund our churches”
Bosco Peters Liturgy God is Immoral
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The danger of endowing Jesus and his followers with divine powers at the expense of humanity – theirs and ours
9 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Can we find Integrity and Accountability in the Leadership of the Church of England?
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters God loves statistics
Anon ViaMedia.News Mini-MBA Course for the Talent Pipeline in the Church of England: Safeguarding Strategy
Andrew Brown The slow deep hover Evangelical Pantaloons
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishop Martyn Strangelove to the rescue, or How I learnt to Stop Worrying and Love LLF
118 CommentsDavid Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals Marriage in the Garden
Adrian Thatcher Modern Church A ‘Theological Vision’, or ‘Myopic Homophobia’?
Anne Richards Modern Church Spiritual Abuse
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living as if . . .
Alex Frost ViaMedia.News Response to the ‘Letter from Seven Bishops’: A Theology of Inclusion
111 CommentsJanet Fife Surviving Church Putting My Name to My Story
The Guardian view on crumbling churches: a social vocation can save them for the nation
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Time to challenge toxic theology and poisoned prejudice in the Church
38 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love This week’s events bring me close to despair
Phil Groves ViaMedia.News To be Evangelical is to Challenge ‘Orthodoxy’
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Can we ever rediscover the Trust we once had of the Institutions in our Society?
18 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The difference between the unconditionally loving God of Jesus and today’s abusive, unhealthy omni-God
Helen King sharedconversations Resets, settlement, commitments and explorations… A further update on LLF
39 CommentsMartin Sewell Surviving Church From Culture Change to Winning Ways
Steven Shakespeare Redefining marriage? Opposition to same sex marriage and the limits of the claim to ‘biblical’ orthodoxy
Anon ViaMedia.News Mini-MBA Course for the Talent Pipeline in the Church of England: Revised Strategy Module
66 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The tunic was seamless, woven in one piece throughout
Gavin Drake Church Abuse
Mark Bennet ViaMedia.News Marriage, but not LLF
Pete Ward ViaMedia.News The Magic Money Tree for Work with Children and Young People: Good News?
59 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Healthy contemporary evolutionary Christian vision, theology and practice
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Data: Less is more?
42 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Abusive unhealthy traditional Christianity, theology and practice
Alex Fry ViaMedia.News More than Theology? How Beliefs About Women’s Ordination are Socially Rooted
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church More Scrutiny of the CofE and its Safeguarding Record. The Glasgow Report
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters New year: new data?
130 CommentsGerry Lynch The Critic The failure of Anglican managerialism
Giles Fraser UnHerd Will the Church follow the Post Office?
Ian Paul Psephizo The crisis of episcopal leadership in the Church of England
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head What’s really happening to the churches in Scotland
121 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Keeping the church together?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love God according to Harry Williams
David Goodhew The Living Church After COVID: The Deepening Decline of the Church of England
125 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love CEEC plot to impose an abusive, prejudiced, discriminatory, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic culture on the Church of England
Andrew Goddard Psephizo Have evangelicals made secret plans to split the Church?
Claire Brader House of Lords Library Lords spiritual in the House of Lords explained
Polly Smythe New York Times It’s Christmas, and England’s Priests Have Had Enough
[This is behind a paywall, but if you create a free account you may be able read it.]
Andrew Brown comments on this article in the Church Times: Press: New York Times probes unionisation of Anglican clergy
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Changing attitudes towards life in all its fullness
Andrew Graystone ViaMedia.News When Good Reviews Go Bad
20 CommentsNic Tall ViaMedia.News Plotting the Division of the Church of England
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church After Wilkinson. Towards a Trauma-Informed Church
226 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Coupled Together
Jonathan Clatworthy The point of it all Fear, emptiness and hope
87 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Does the CofE meet the Standards of the Nolan Principles in its Life?
The Church of England has a Redress Blog. It is “a blog for survivors and victims to express in their own words what “redress” means to them and to share their hopes for the National Redress Scheme. It is also a blog for Church officers and staff to provide regular updates on the progress the Church is making towards developing the Scheme.” Although the blog has been in place since October, it was only this week that there was a press release drawing attention to it. So far there have been these four posts.