Surviving Church The Catastrophic Failure of Governance
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love What kind of God?
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Who’s coming for Christmas?
11 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love God is a revisionist
Martin Sewell Surviving Church Waiting for Wilkinson
50 CommentsNeil Elliot NumbersMatters Census taking – sacred and dangerous?
Bosco Peters Liturgy Are We Letting Worship Shape Us?
29 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Vile Bodies – Christian prejudice and abuse
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Looking in the mirror?
“What happens to the statistics we carefully collect and collate. How are they used – if at all? In this edition we will look at myths, realities, and aspirations of using church stats”
Thomas Sharp ViaMedia.News Agree or Disagree: I’m Still in Communion with my Bishop
12 CommentsNeil Elliot NumbersMatters A question of position: CofE stats 2022
Adrian Thatcher ViaMedia.News Vile Bodies?
Ray Gaston ViaMedia.News Reclaiming Orthodoxy
The Guardian view on the C of E and same-sex relationships: love finds a way
“A decision by the church’s governing body to trial standalone blessings for couples is a significant moment”
Simon Parke Five questions to ask the prospective bishop
45 CommentsPaul Roberts Inclusive Evangelicals On the use and abuse of the term ‘orthodox’
Mandy Ford ViaMedia.News Polluted Ground or Holy Ground? Going Forward to the November Synod
Church Times General Synod same-sex debate on knife edge
25 CommentsRuth Harley ViaMedia.News Collateral Damage: How Unjust Treatment of LGBTQIA+ People Harms the Church
Susan Hunt Surviving Church Searching for Truth. How ‘Kenneth’ has been failed by the Justice System of the Church of England
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters SMART or Organic?
27 CommentsAndrew Atherstone Law & Religion UK The House of Bishops of the Church of England and public transparency
Marcus Walker The Critic The road to Wigan’s tears
Evan McWilliams ViaMedia.News Same-sex Marriage and the Book of Common Prayer
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Are we heading for decisive Anglican indecision?
Jon Blanchard View from the Pew Why I am not a liberal
25 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Did Jesus root his proclamation of the kingdom in orthodoxy and tradition?
Alison Milbank Church Times Management and mission: the Church of England is not a machine
Helen King sharedconversations Leaky Church
28 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The Gospel according to Brian and Gaby or GS 2328 – you choose
Evan McWilliams ViaMedia.News Doing A New Thing? The Ordination of Women and Same-Sex Love
John Seymour ViaMedia.News ‘That Which He Has Not Assumed Is Not Redeemed’: Jesus, Sexuality and GS2328
72 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Are We Looking For Jesus?
Neil Patterson ViaMedia.News The Difficulties of Differentiation
Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Clergy cache in the attic
“An online market for unwanted ministry items leads Fergus Butler-Gallie to reflect on puppets and prayer books”
Helen King sharedconversations The ‘saviour moment’?
Oliver Harrison Psephizo A Letter From The Front Line
43 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Waiting for bishops
Chrissie Chevasutt ViaMedia.News Don’t Preach. Just Don’t.
Marcus Green Inclusive Evangelicals Friendly fire ….
Kate Mossman The New Statesman Justin Welby: “It’s better to be woke than asleep”
“He has denounced migration policy yet resists calls for gay marriage. Can the Archbishop of Canterbury unite a fraying Church?”
Andrew Goddard The Living Church Prayers of love and faith, (Arch-)Episcopal power and Anglican identity
and in response
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Disturbing the Foundations: LLF, the Sexual Revolution and General Synod
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Why is it so difficult to talk honestly about the humanity of Jesus?
Neil Elliot NumbersMatters F’book, YouTube, Zoom, and Bums on Pews
Neil Elliot is the Statistics and Research officer for the Anglican Church of Canada.
Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News A Plentiful Harvest: Growth in Inclusive Churches
61 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love A conversation about Christianity today in the Church of England
Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Why Only 1 Diocesan Bishop in the Last 10 Appointments in the Church of England has been a Woman
103 CommentsCharlie Bell ViaMedia.News Trust is a Hard Thing to Come by Right Now…
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Neanderthal Christianity – what does it mean to be human?
Chrissie Chevasutt ViaMedia.News Keeping Students Safe: the Oxford LGBT Students Safe Churches Project
47 CommentsJane Chevous Premier Christianity The silence from Christian leaders on Mike Pilavachi is hurting victims
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Church Decline Rag
Richard Scorer Surviving Church Mandatory Reporting versus the Seal of the Confessional
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Mired in Love and Faith
Steve Schlossberg The Living Church
Theo Hobson The Spectator In praise of Justin Welby’s ‘less bossy’ Church of England
Helen King sharedconversations Two meetings down, one to go: Living with Difference
47 CommentsMark Clavier The Living Church A House-Going Parson Makes a Church-Going People
Sorrel Christian ViaMedia.News Young Christianity Today
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Is Christianity losing its sense of morality or finding new vision?
a member of the Anglican Survivors Group ViaMedia.News Are Churches Safe?
67 CommentsDiarmaid MacCulloch ViaMedia.News Love Came Down at Christmas – For Some
Theos Is the UK a Christian Country?
“We asked a range of experts and thinkers how they would answer the question: Is the UK a Christian country?”
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A Brief Evolutionary Context for today’s Global and Christian Crises