Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 1 April 2023

Stanley Monkhouse Rambling Rector Retired Bashing on

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Hot Cross Bunnies & Religious Freedom

Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law Electing the Parochial Church Council: Smith v Bishop of Barchester


Opinion – 25 March 2023

Helen King ViaMedia.News One Church? Secrecy, Unity and Temptation

Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Beginning Lent from scratch
“Abstinence reveals what really matters, says Fergus Butler-Gallie in his new memoir about life as a young priest”


Opinion – 22 March 2023

Justin Welby was installed as Archbishop of Canterbury ten years ago this week.
Giles Fraser UnHerd Justin Welby can’t read the room
Matthieu Lasserre La Croix International The man who’s trying to halt the Church of England’s decline
Tim Wyatt Religion Media Centre Gentle Justin, the archbishop who has steered the CofE through a troubled decade

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News The Unholy Alliance

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love “I have come that you may have life, life in all its fulness”

Rachel Mann The Christian Century Twisting words
“What does it mean to protect women and girls?”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church A New Dean – a New Beginning for Christ Church?


Opinion – 18 March 2023

Fr Ron Smith, who contributed more than 5000 comments to Thinking Anglicans, died on 10 March 2023, aged 93. He was a priest in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. Bosco Peters, a fellow New Zealander, has written this appreciation: Fr Ron Smith RIP.

‘Sioux Grey Wolf’ Psephizo Pandemic Pandemonium And The Purple Powers


Opinion – 15 March 2023

Charles Read ViaMedia.News What is The Church of England Evangelical Council Up To? Some Autobiographical Reflections

Ed Watson Earth and Altar Who is Rowan Williams?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church What is going on at the Top Level of the CofE over Safeguarding?

The Living Church Remembrances of Frank Griswold, 25th Presiding Bishop


Opinion – 11 March 2023

Ian Paul Psephizo Five good reasons for not giving

Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Blackburn: What We Still Don’t Know

Drew Nathaniel Keane The Living Church
Sunday Liturgy without a Priest: Part One (Communion by Extension)
Sunday Liturgy Without A Priest: Part Two (Morning Prayer and Antecommunion)

Phil Hooper Earth & Altar Who is Athanasius of Alexandria?


Opinion – 4 March 2023

Bosco Peters Liturgy Deconstruction Part 1

Philip Zoutendam Earth & Altar Who is Thomas Cranmer?

One of my fellow editors at Thinking Anglicans has written this.
Simon Kershaw Thinking Allowed The Coronation Liturgy

Jasvinder Sanghera, Survivor Advocate Independent Safeguarding Board Response to SCIE report on safeguarding practices into Lambeth Palace
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Trying to be heard. How Lambeth Palace has let down the Abused in their search for Justice
See also links in the comments to our article Lambeth Palace safeguarding audit published.


Opinion – 1 March 2023

April Alexander ViaMedia.News Learning from history: LLF and the ordination of women

Helen King ViaMedia.News Born-Again Virginity?

Pierre Whalon God does not exist

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Review Time

Martyn Percy Prospect Magazine Why Charles’s coronation could be a spiritual flop

Pete Broadbent Ecclesiastical Law Journal Reflections on the Workings of General Synod
[no longer behind a paywall]


Opinion – 25 February 2023

Alice Goodman Prospect Clerical life: Will the Church of England survive?
“According to the census less than half the population is now Christian. But in my parish, I still see parents passing their faith down to their children”

A new Resources Guide is now available from the Lambeth Conference team.

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Agents of contamination and decomposition – transcript of the vlog: Unadulterated Love episode 3


Opinion – 22 February 2023

Christopher Cocksworth (Bishop of Coventry) The Living Church Living in Love and Faith: Where do things stand? Where do we go from here?

Andrew Rumsey Down in The Effra Cold Snap

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love GSFA and CEEC persecute LGBTQIA+ people who contaminate the Church


Opinion – 18 February 2023

A Monument of Fame (Lambeth Palace Library blog) Back to the future: the Church Commissioners’ first computer

Martin Sewell Surviving Church Independent Safeguarding in the CofE. ‘When you give, let go’.

Simon Richiardi Surviving Church I kissed dating goodbye. Surviving a Church that practised ‘Biblical Marriage.’

K-Anonymous Surviving Church Innocent until proved guilty, except in the Church of England

Maggi Dawn Church Times God has many names: a solution to the inclusive-language dilemma

Andrew Nunn Looking back [at eighteen years on the General Synod]

Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News Being Invisible While Anglicans Debate Marrying Same-Sex Couples


Opinion – 11 February 2023

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes No, the doctrine of marriage is not fixed

Andrew Goddard Psephizo What are the bishops claiming about marriage?

Helen King sharedconversations Would you Adam and Eve it?

Russell Dewhurst Law & Religion UK Canon B5 and the Prayers of Love and Faith

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Annual Report 2022 National Safeguarding Panel

Giles Fraser UnHerd God has no gender

Frank Cranmer Religion Media Centre Factsheet: Establishment and the Church of England


Pre-Synod News and Opinion

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News No More Delay: A Call to General Synod

Charlie Bell For whom the Bell tolls A response to ‘The Church of England’s Doctrine of Marriage’, +Fulham et al

Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law Canon B5 and the Prayers of Love and Faith

Lorraine Cavanagh Modern Church What Price Unity?

Colin Coward‘s vlog – episode 2

Catherine Pepinster Religion News Service Church of England submits blessings for same-sex couples to fierce debate in Synod

Francis Martin Church Times MPs plan to put pressure on the C of E after Welby’s disestablishment remarks

Sarah Meyrick Church Times Fourteen bishops publish a defence of traditional marriage

Jayne Ozanne The Guardian One side of the C of E preaches LGBT+ acceptance, the other says I’m going to hell. This can’t go on

Andrew Davison Church Times We will bless couples, not just people

Church of England press: House of Bishops – Monday 20 January 2023
20 is clearly a misprint for 30.


Opinion – 4 February 2021

A Monument of Fame (Lambeth Palace Library blog) Partners at the Palace: the story of the wives of the Archbishops of Canterbury

Peter Reiss Surviving Church Unheard and Un-noticed but not uncommon – Why are we so bad at listening?


Opinion – 28 January 2023

David Voas British Religion in Numbers Christian decline: How it’s measured and what it means

Ted Harrison Church Times Most kind and gentle death
“Ted Harrison offers a reflection for Candlemas”

Colin Coward has started a new vlog – here is the first episode.


Opinion – 21 January 2023

Bosco Peters Liturgy Ordination Requirements

Rebecca Chapman Church Times General Synod should be more than a talking shop
“Its members need clarity about who is making decisions and what they are voting on”

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel National Redress Scheme


Opinion – 14 January 2023

Stacey Rand ViaMedia.News Leadership for Change: A Response to ‘The Sexism Women Continue to Face in the Church of England’

Rebecca Glover ViaMedia.News Emerging Adults: A Priority for the Churches

Martine Oborne The Guardian Why are female clergy cheering for a bishop who doesn’t believe in female priests?

Rambling Rector Retired Atonement or fakery?


Opinion – 7 January 2023

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Time to Step Up and Take the Heat: Allyship or Cowardice?


Opinion – 31 December 2022

The Telegraph Most Rev Stephen Cottrell: ‘My time at a girls’ school may have saved my life’
“The Archbishop of York recalls his days of truancy and the revelations of school life in Essex before he found faith as a teenager.”

Helen King ViaMedia.News Another Year Gone: What’s Wrong with the Church of England?

House of Survivors Round up of 2022

Adrian Hilton The Spectator In praise of the Church of England

Ian Paul Psephizo How can we overcome class divisions in the church?


Opinion – 24 December 2022

Francis Young The Spectator Is Christmas really a pagan festival?

Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times So here it is, Merry Christmas. . . but not everybody’s having fun
“Fergus Butler-Gallie speaks up for those who struggle with Christmas cheer”

John Barton Church Times And the Word was made words
“John Barton considers new translations of the familiar Christmas texts”

Church of England War, hunger, cold … and hope – bishops share their Christmas messages