Thinking Anglicans

opinions at Candlemas

Evangelicals, beginning to voice concern for God’s earth, are critical to the US elections, says James Jones in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times that Love can teach us to listen to our enduring melodies.

Christopher Howse in the Daily Telegraph has An addiction to behaving badly.

Giles Fraser, in the Church Times says that Too much religion is bad for your faith.

Rowan Williams gave an interview to Martha Linden of the Press Association which you can read in full at his site. It’s more wide-ranging than the headline, Archbishop criticises 24 hour drinking.

Simon Barrow wrote about Challenging the neo-liberal paradigm for Ekklesia.


opinions this weekend

Geoffrey Rowell writes that Paul shows how faith could turn all our lives around in The Times.

Alan Wilson also writes about Saint Paul, in The Power of Love.

Stephen Smith writes about the Holocaust in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about a Coincidence in a Bath bookshop.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about Technology: does it dispel the wonder?

And the Church Times carried a leader about Christian unity: Two ways to hold the body together.


opinions in Christian Unity Week

Ekklesia brings us a piece by Martin Marty titled Catholic but not necessarily Roman.

And also, Kersten Storch writes about Praying for unity across a century of division.

Peter Steinfels writes in the New York Times about Praying for Christian Unity, When Diversity Has Been the Answer.

Roderick Strange writes in the Tablet about Newman, in Saintly, but very human.

The Guardian has Theo Hobson writing Face to Faith, and he argues that The Church of England’s gay crisis makes clear that that liberal Anglicanism is finished.

In the Church Times Giles Fraser writes that I cannot eat at your table, Plato.


opinions after Epiphany

In the Guardian’s column Face to Faith John Coutts argues that “Mainstream Islam stands where the churches stood in 1650 in terms of religious freedom”.

The Times has Baptism allows us to share fully in the life of Jesus by Roderick Strange.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times that Theologians promoted atheism.

Ekklesia has a piece by Simon Barrow titled Rethinking religion in an open society.

Two weeks ago, the Observer had this article by Richard Harries It is possible to be moral without God.


opinions before Epiphany

The Church Times leader this week is Wisdom from the East?

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about why Christianity needs to ditch Plato.

Christopher Howse tells us in the Daily Telegraph What Hrabanus Maurus says about doves.

As Christians celebrate the Epiphany, it’s the people not the presents that matter, argues Chris Chivers in the Guardian’s Face to Faith.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times that you should Count your blessings and begin to change your life.

And from before Christmas, there is this interesting article in The Times by Alan Franks in which Terry Eagleton explains why a Marxist critic has written about Jesus Christ and the Gospels.


opinions after Christmas

Giles Fraser wrote in the Guardian about A very lefty festival.

The tradition of carols as an anarchic and populist form of devotion is alive and well, says Ian Bradley in Face to Faith.

Jonathan Romain wrote in The Times that All the true miracles happen in the human heart.

Vicki Woods wrote in the Daily Telegraph about Going to church when you have no faith.

At Ekklesia Simon Barrow wrote that Christ is an unwanted gift for the religious.

Jonathan Bartley wrote about The real offensiveness of Christmas.


opinions and more

Geoffrey Rowell writes in The Times that The Christmas story allows us to behold God’s glory.

Ruth Gledhill reports: Make every Sunday a Christmas Day, churches told.

Earlier, The Times also had Top ten Carols and things you didn’t know about them.

Despite the seasonal humbug, Christmas has not become ‘content-free’ just yet, writes Judith Maltby in the Guardian.

And also in the Guardian Mark Lawson writes about Victorian intolerance.

The Associated Press reports on what an astrophysicist thinks about “the star in the East”.

In the Telegraph Christopher Howse writes about The shepherds’ dog and the angel.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times about Learning to spot a fading pleasure.

And the Church Times had this leader: Prepare to meet thy maker.


Rowan Williams on Christian unity

This week’s Tablet has an article by the Archbishop of Canterbury which looks forward to next month’s centenary Week of Christian Unity.

His article is titled No common language yet. It starts this way:

A hundred years on from the establishing of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, how much further forward are we? And what exactly are we praying for during this week of prayer? On the whole, it’s become a fixture for most “mainstream” denominations, a few days when the more enthusiastic or more biddable members of the congregation turn up to someone else’s church for a well-mannered but often rather lukewarm joint service or two, or perhaps for a talk by a prominent local leader.

The aspiration that we end up relating better with each other, or even that we end up more willing to engage in witness and work together is entirely worthy, and is probably widely fulfilled. But are we praying for anything more than this?

For some people, the answer is clearly “no”. To look beyond this fostering of local goodwill, they would say, is always in danger of slipping towards the yearning for some universal institution with clear central control – at worst, a Pullmanesque Magisterium, some people’s nightmare of Roman Catholicism…


learners not warriors

Anglicans need deep learning not cheap victory is the title of an article published by Ekklesia and written by Savi Hensman.

Some church leaders caught up in the sexuality row not only refuse to consider scholarship which does not conform to their own perspective but also demand the right to prohibit others from acting on the fruits of study. Anglicans need to be learners not warriors.

Read the article here.


Weekend opinion

The Archbishop of York writes in the Observer I ripped up my dog collar to help topple this brutal tyrant.

Mark Vernon at Comment is free asks “Is philosophy just tinkering around the edges of science, or can a meeting of the disciplines give us deeper insghts into the universe?” in God and the multiverse.

Shelina Zahra Janmohamed argues in the Guardian’s Face to faith column that Spiritual journeys like the hajj must challenge body and soul.

Christopher Howse in the Telegraph writes on Judging when you must fight a war

Also in the Telegraph Sarah Todd hears how one Christmas congregation found room at the inn in Fathers, sons and holy spirits.

Joanna Moorhead in the Times writes that in deepest Surrey, families are flocking to watch a cast of real people in a most extraordinary nativity play O little town of Wintershall.

Also in the Times Ruth Gledhill writes about a study that argues Plagues of Egypt ‘caused by nature, not God’.

In the Church Times Giles Fraser writes about US suburbs: the home of segregation.


weekend collection

In the Guardian Zaki Cooper says Some of the staunchest supporters of Christmas come from other religions.

Also, Pankaj Mishra argues that a public conversation about Islam should not be avoided, in A paranoid, abhorrent obsession.

The Times has Jonathan Sacks writing that The battle to teach moral values is won at school.

In the Daily Telegraph Christopher Howse writes about Trevor Beeson’s new book, Round the Church in Fifty Years, in an article titled Bringing life back into the parishes.

Giles Fraser asks Which party really wants a divorce? in the Church Times.

Andrew Brown argues at Comment is free that Civilisation is safe.


Saturday opinions

Roderick Strange writes in The Times about Advent: Nativity narratives are a gift from the gospel’s heart.

Martyn Percy writes in the Guardian that: Advent is a time of serious preparation, but it’s about far more than Christmas.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about a new papal encyclical: Spe Salvi, says Pope Benedict.

The same paper also has a piece by Sam Leith titled Loving William Blake for being bonkers.

Giles Fraser who has returned from his US trip, writes in the Church Times about How the US conscience has become diseased.

In the Los Angeles Times there is an essay by Laura Miller on the Religious furor over ‘The Golden Compass’.

And here’s a bonus column: Andrew Brown writes about Kitschmas: Funnier than thou.


Time for closure in Anglican crisis?

Riazat Butt who is the Religious Affairs correspondent at the Guardian wrote a column for the Church of England Newspaper which has now appeared on Religious Intelligence.

See Time for closure in Anglican crisis?

…Talking is something that Anglicans are good at. But I kind of wish they’d do something else. For at least four years the threat of a schism has been hanging over the communion and people write about walking apart and falling off fences but the key word here is threat. Unless I’m deaf I’ve not heard the crack of a rupture so it leaves me thinking that this much-hyped schism, which by all accounts should have happened months ago, is the longest and slowest break-up in history…


weekend columns

Giles Fraser writes from Pittsburgh for the Church Times that I believe the new puritans will fail.

Paul Woolley writes for The Times about how Religion holds its own in the forum of public debate.

Christopher Howse explains in the Daily Telegraph Why Gladstone had God up his sleeve.

Christopher Rowland writes in the Guardian about Blake’s creative engagement with the Bible.


Saturday morning opinions

Andrew Linzey had an article in The Times yesterday about electing bishops. In England. See Listen to the voice of the people.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times yesterday about life in California. See California: where the giving is cheerful.

Julia Neuberger writes in the Guardian today about multifaith charity work. Read Face to Faith.

Christopher Howse writes in today’s Daily Telegraph about The strange rites of Coronation.

Ekklesia has an article by Colin Morris titled Violence, the media and redemption.


Demob happy

Stephen Bates has written an article with this title for New Humanist.

After seven years on the faith front lines, Guardian religious affairs correspondent Stephen Bates is glad to be back on civvy street.

Here’s a sample:

…The presenting issue, of course, for what has become a struggle for power and control not only of the Church of England but throughout the worldwide Anglican communion, is homosexuality and the church’s attitude towards gays. Outsiders may have accepted civil partnerships, but the established church is tearing itself apart on the issue with quite extraordinary bitterness and rancour. Only a week or so ago, a US blogger was remarking charitably that it wasn’t worth expending a bullet on the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, who is the first woman to lead a major Christian denomination. The blogger, incidentally, was herself a woman…

Read the whole article.


Saturday opinion columns

Giles Fraser writes in today’s Guardian that Anglicanism, a house divided against itself, can’t survive its civil war in one piece. Read Face to Faith.

And in the Church Times he writes about Why equality belongs with freedom.

Christopher Howse in his Daily Telegraph column has Sacred Mysteries: Evidence for the human soul.

David Cooper wrote in The Times yesterday that We need to remember the value of lives of service.

Rebecca Fowler had a report in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph : Women priests and their continuing battle.


Guardian leader column

The Guardian has a leader about the Anglican Communion: Beyond compromise:

…Always a loose and unwieldy alliance, the communion has survived since the age of empire only because of the effective acceptance that each church was sovereign in its own land. With the initial encouragement of the religious right in America, however, conservative elements of the communion are trying to impose an infeasible doctrinal unity. Dr Williams has responded to this pressure by seeking compromises. His difficulty is that, as the head of such a loose confederation, he does not have the power to make deals stick, as the freewheeling action of the conservatives is showing.

Dr Williams is a liberal who is instinctively supportive of gay people. His desire to hold the communion together, however, has already led him to support a moratorium on the consecration of gay bishops and to suggest that Anglican churches should not recognise same-sex unions through public rites. These concessions have not, however, checked the communion’s unravelling. The fence on which Dr Williams has been sitting has collapsed. It is time for him to preach what he believes.

There is also a news report by Riazat Butt Archbishop urged to delay conference in gay clergy row.


weekend reading material

Simon Barrow writes about a special feature this week on Religion and Public Life in the Economist . See The Predictable New Wars of Religion?

The Economist feature is here: In God’s name.

Jay Lakhani writes in the Guardian that All faiths must accept pluralism.

Jonathan Sacks appears twice today. In The Times he writes that The search for meaning must begin outside the self.
Over in the Daily Telegraph he is interviewed by Rachel Sylvester and Alice Thomson in Jonathan Sacks’s solution to family breakdown.

Also at the Daily Telegraph Christopher Howse asks Why should abortion be thought wrong?

In the Church Times Giles Fraser asks Is football in a moral bubble?

The Tablet has a review by Michael Northcott Americans Who Sing For Zion of two books, God’s Own Country and Allies for Armageddon.


weekend opinion columns

Mark Vernon writes in the Guardian that seeing scientific knowledge as limitless erodes our capacity for contemplative wonder. Read Face to Faith.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Women alone in Paris and Mecca.

Roderick Strange asks in The Times How many of us have given until we felt the pinch?.

And there is another article: Church’s historic home in the City.

In the Church Times Giles Fraser asks Is secularism neutral on faith or anti-religious?.

And there is a leader column: Unity agreeable to God’s will.