Thinking Anglicans

opinion columns on Saturday

The Times has Peter Mullen writing that Wealth creation can atone for the sins of Mammon.

The Guardian has Paul Oestreicher writing about Franz Jägerstätter.

The Daily Telegraph has Christopher Howse reviewing books: In and out of Hitler’s Reich.

Giles Fraser in the Church Times wrote about a film: This move hands the atheists a PR coup.


Saturday roundup of columns

The Times Credo column last week had Jonathan Sacks on Religion and science are twin beacons of humanity.

This week it has Peter Selby on It’s time to stop giving credit to our culture of debt.

Guardian Face to Faith column: Fasting is not just about giving up food, but trying to be a better person for it, writes Hamza Yusuf.

Daily Telegraph Christopher Howse has The flowering of Exeter’s carvings.

Church Times Giles Fraser wrote about When the real question is: ‘Are you saved?’


weekend roundup

Jane Shaw writes in the Guardian about why the bond of baptism means we have no need for a new ‘essential’ Anglican covenant, in Face to Faith.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Worshipping God through icons.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about Ambition: the spiritual battle in the dark.

Harriet Baber writes in the Church Times that Most Episcopalians just don’t care.

Pat Ashworth writes in the Church Times about how Bishops wade in as Hurricane Katrina aid dries to a trickle.


weekend opinion roundup

Peter Selby writes in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column and reflects on how wars have challenged the modern church.

Jonathan Romain writes in The Times that Jews don’t have to believe – if they do what He says.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about A (Muslim) duty to prevent wrongdoing.

Bill Countryman writes in the Church Times about A weakness in the US Constitution.

Giles Fraser spoke on the radio yesterday about the Levellers and Burma.


weekend: comment from the papers

Geoffrey Rowell writes in The Times that The Divine Compassion has steel as well as serenity.

David Boulton writes about National Quaker Week in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Christopher Howse writes about The bells that make Cockneys in the Daily Telegraph.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about These new bishops are only virtual — not real.

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Stephen Bates bows out

Stephen Bates wrote his final column for the Church of England Newspaper recently. This column can now be found on Religious Intelligence and is titled Sketch: preparing for the Anglican summit.

Ah! New Orleans – the Big Easy, birthplace of the Blues and Louis Armstrong, city of Mardi Gras and Voodoo, the least Protestant town in the US: what better place to witness the latest stage in the break-up of the worldwide Anglican Communion? No prizes to be awarded – can you hear me, Bishop of Carlisle? – for the first one to pronounce God’s judgement if a hurricane hovers into view.

This week’s meeting between Rowan Williams and the American bishops will be my swan-song as a religious affairs correspondent, after eight years covering the subject for The Guardian. I’d have been less keen to attend had the venue been Detroit, but where better to end it? It is time to move on for me professionally, and probably for Anglicans too and this marks a suitable place to stop. There is also no doubting, personally, that writing this story has been too corrosive of what faith I had left: indeed watching the way the gay row has played out in the Anglican Communion has cost me my belief in the essential benignity of too many Christians.For the good of my soul, I need to do something else…


for the weekend…

Thinking about the meaning of Ramadan has made me a better Christian, says Chris Chivers in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Reconciliation offers greater rewards than revenge writes Roderick Strange in the Credo column of The Times.

Christopher Howse says Jews fast, Muslims fast, so should Christians in the Daily Telegraph.

Giles Fraser writes about New York, where all our compulsions meet in the Church Times.

In the Washington Post Mary Jordan writes that In Europe and U.S., Nonbelievers Are Increasingly Vocal. (The article is in fact mostly about Europe and in particular the UK.)

In today’s Guardian there is a book review, under the headline Holy Order, by Jonathan Bartley of Stephen Bates’ latest work, God’s Own Country: Tales from the Bible Belt.


opinion columns at the weekend

Jonathan Sacks writes on the occasion of the Jewish New Year that Freedom can only walk on the path of forgiveness.

Simon Rocker writes about the image of God, in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

And in the Daily Telegraph Christopher Howse writes about What Richard Dawkins makes of Jewish morals.

From the Church Times Giles Fraser asks Should the BBC allow extremist voices?

And from last week, William Whyte writes about the Deceased Wife’s Sister Act in Why did this seem like a great moral safeguard?


columns on Saturday

The church’s preference for commitment over numbers has made it increasingly irrelevant, says David Self in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Thursday’s Guardian carried this article by John Cornwell The importance of doubt which discusses Richard Dawkins.

The simple life is the way to tackle climate change says Mary Grey in the Credo column of The Times.

Christopher Howse writes about Mother Teresa’s crisis of faith in the Daily Telegraph.

Giles Fraser’s Church Times column is headed A real faith leads deep into the desert.


columns for the holiday weekend

In The Times Stephen Plant asks How can there can be forgiveness without remorse?

Glynn Cardy writes in the Guardian about the model of the church as a ship in Face to Faith.

The surprise of thatched churches is discussed in the Daily Telegraph by Christopher Howse.

A double dose of Giles Fraser:
The bishops really need to talk from last week’s Church Times and this week When the US Right was not so religious.

And another article from last week’s Church Times: Robin Gill writes about the state of the Anglican Communion: Keeping it in the family.

This week’s Tablet has an interview by Theo Hobson of Metropolitan John D. Zizioulas. Read An eye for the other.


weekend columns

In the Church Times Andrew Linzey writes about animal cruelty in First hit the pets, then the people.

And last week, in the Church Times Harriet Baber wrote about gun control in How to survive in a violent world.

Andrew Clitherow writes the Guardian’s Face to Faith column about the cul-de-sac of formal religion.

Luis Rodriguez writes in The Times that We must work to discover the meaning of suffering.


opinions of the week

Christopher Howse visited Thornham Parva and reports, in Masterpiece in a country church.

Peter Thompson, writing the Face to Faith column in the Guardian says that Religion is not a delusion but a quest for ‘home’.

Joel Edwards writes about being an Evangelical with a capital E in the Credo column of The Times, Ever heard the one about Jesus and the good news?

In the Church Times Giles Fraser thinks that Harry Potter is a true evangelist.


columns of opinion

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about being on holiday: How can happiness be so elusive?

Also in the Church Times Paul Vallely asks Is it right to limit the mega-mosque?

The Guardian has Tom Horwood writing that “Faith leaders could learn a lot from managers in the secular working world” in Face to faith.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about a new film production in Michael Gambon in Brideshead Revisited.

Jonathan Sacks writes that Harry Potter could teach adults how to grow up, too in The Times.


Saturday columns for thought

Toby Green writes about the Inquisition in Face to Faith in the Guardian.

Roderick Strange writes in The Times that True prayer begins when we find the kingdom within.

Christopher Howse in his regular Daily Telegraph column writes about A meeting with three unknown persons.

In the Tablet Alain Woodrow writes about the Church in France in No sign of a rapprochement.

The Church Times had a second leader, noting the Church of England connection of John Wolfenden, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 (scroll down to 1967 and all that).


opinion columns for Saturday

Geoffrey Rowell writes in The Times about things he found in Geneva and Romania, see Science and politics can mean nothing without faith.

Christopher Howse writes about Orkney for the Daily Telegraph in A round tower in the sea.

In the Guardian the Face to Faith column is written by Gordon Lynch and criticises several modern writers on religion.

Also in the Guardian Karen Armstrong writes that An inability to tolerate Islam contradicts western values.

The Church Times had a leader this week about The Crown’s right to choose priests.

And Giles Fraser wrote about how 1950s Britain was stirred by Bond, not shaken.


Saturday papers

Christopher Howse in the Daily Telegraph had this to say about the papal announcement on the Tridentine Mass: The facts about a misreported Mass.

David Bryant in the Guardian wrote about Jean-Paul Sartre in Face to faith.

In The Times Stephen Plant writes about Simone Weil in A passionate companion on the path to religious truth.

And for a bonus article, here is an extract that the Guardian reprinted from Stephen Bates’ new book, God’s Own Country: Tales from the Bible Belt. The piece is entitled Thou shalt not judge.


weekend columns

Colin Slee writes in the Guardian about the Anglican covenant proposal.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times about Elijah and the prophetic truth of the ‘still, small voice’.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Iraqi Christians, in On the plains of Nineveh.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about how Faith is on the front line in the war on terror.


from this weekend's papers

Christopher Howse at the Daily Telegraph reviews the film, Into Great Silence in Masterpiece of silence.

In The Times Kathy Galloway writes that An inclusive church reaps ever greater rewards for all.

Ian Bradley writes in the Guardian about politicians from Scottish Presbyterian manses in Face to Faith.

Giles Fraser in the Church Times writes that Christians are called to welcome strangers.


weekend roundup

The Times has Geoffrey Rowell writing about Midsummer is a time to reflect on the joy of song.

In the Guardian Bob Holman writes about Frederick Brotherton Meyer in Face to Faith.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Seeking the face of God.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about why The Primates have forced my move to the right.

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columns of opinion

Chris Duggan writes about the meaning of words in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Christopher Howse writes about The case of the missing Gospel in the Daily Telegraph.

Roderick Strange writes in The Times about True forgiveness.

Giles Fraser has a rant in the Church Times.

Commonweal has two articles, one by Timothy Luke Johnson, the other (scroll down) by Eve Tushnet on Homosexuality & the Church.