Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 31 August 2022

Stephen Bates The New European The Church of England: Has it got a prayer?

David Ison ViaMedia.News Two Things Which Really Matter


Opinion – 27 August 2022

Andrew Godsall ViaMedia.News The Church and the Body: Becoming a Safe Space to Talk about Dating and Sex

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Binary Thinking in Anglican Churches. Is it likely to take over?

Church Times Leader comment: Uncovered: how clergy struggle to take holidays


Opinion – 24 August 2022

George Browning Pearls and Irritations The Anglican breakaway ‘cult’ – a swan that quacks like a duck must be a duck

Fergus Butler-Gallie The Spectator The depressing rise of the cathedral gimmick
“Even our most sacred spaces have begun the process of Westfield-isation”


Opinion – 20 August 2022

Andrew Brown wrote about the 1998 Lambeth Conference the month after it ended. He has comprehensively remixed his account twenty four years late and published it this week. It comesin two parts.
How Christians love one another
More Christian love

Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Emily Richardson Church Times Disability: more steps to take
“Full access is a theological issue”

Church Times Interview: Charlie Bell, psychiatrist
“Just because we know about psychology doesn’t mean we throw theology out”


Opinion – 17 August 2022

James Hadley Pray Tell Welby steadies the Compass Rose – while Koch warns of an ecumenical emergency

Phil Groves ViaMedia.News The Global South Fellowship of Anglicans – Power and Numbers?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Anticipatory Faith


Opinion – 13 August 2022

Several English bishops have published their reflections on the Lambeth Conference. I linked to the one from Chelmsford earlier, and here are a few more.
Bishops of Lichfield, Shrewsbury and Stafford
Bishops of Ely and Huntingdon
Bishop of Manchester
Bishops of Worcester and Dudley
Bishop of Ramsbury

Church Times Leader comment: Was the Lambeth Conference a success?

Mark D W Edington Bishop in Charge The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe Last Lambeth Stuff: Unpacking (not just the suitcase)

Susan Russell An Inch At A Time Reflections on the Journey

The Quiet Vicar Kicking the can: Lambeth 2022

Helen King sharedconversations Christian dating: just try it!


Opinion – 10 August 2022

Jeremy Morris Ad fontes Reflections on Lambeth 2022 – ‘Can it stretch, or will it break?’

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Has Lambeth 2022 blown fear of change out of the water?

Megan Castellan Red Shoes, Funny Shirt Lambeth Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Richard Peers Oikodomeo The Lambeth Roller Coaster: a personal view

Diocese of Chelmsford Bishops of Chelmsford Diocese write to clergy and lay ministers about the Lambeth Conference


Opinion – 3 August 2022

Jarel Robinson-Brown ViaMedia.News Embodying Lambeth: Homophobia, Hope and Honesty

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Can Christianity overcome dualism?

Allison Harmon Earth & Altar The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: Disability and the Experience of God

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Different ways to read the Bible: Lambeth 2022

Steven Shakespeare Which Marriage? Whose Tradition?

Andrew Brown The slow deep hover Alpha the transformation of establishment Christianity


Opinion – 30 July 2022

Savitri Hensman Ekklesia Cloaking prejudice in the guise of anti-racism

Simon Butler ViaMedia.News Purist, Principled, Pragmatic? A Good Friday Agreement for the Church of England

Fiona Gardner Surviving Church Institutional Betrayal – compounding the Trauma

Jarel Robinson-Brown OneBodyOneFaith Bishops, where on earth are you?

Martyn Percy Modern Church Lambeth Conferences and Calls – A Lessons Learned Review


Opinion – 27 July 2022

Prospect Magazine Brief Encounter: Justin Welby
“The Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on his regrets, what he’s changed his mind about and unexpected reactions to sermons”

LGBTQ Faith UK Asking the wrong question

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The hidden Cost of an NDA in the Church of England

Mark Hill Law & Religion UK Principles of Canon Law and the Mind of the Anglican Communion

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Lambeth: Colonialism, Power and Pawns


Opinion – 23 July 2022

Chantal Noppen ViaMedia.News The Actual Value of Women

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love General Synod chaplain resigns under homophobic pressure

Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Sacramental eavesdropping

‘Jonathan’ Surviving Church My Experience with an NDA in the Church of England


Opinion – 20 July 2022

Helen King sharedconversations A Synod Divided: York Minster on Sunday
and From a tree to a window to an installation: the visual messages of Living in Love and Faith

Martyn Percy Surviving Church Rampant Sacred Irrationality
and Respair, Not Despair

Emma Percy Women and the Church The CNC elections and fair appointments?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The cosmos, planet earth, consciousness, and energy – life’s spiritual adventure


Opinion – 16 July 2022

Martyn Percy Surviving Church Respair in a Time of Tumult
Re-mortgaging the Church

Andrew Goddard Psephizo Bullying in the Church of England: Theological and Ethical Perspectives

Ian Paul Psephizo What does ordination training need to include?


Opinion – 9 July 2022

Claire Lording ViaMedia.News Wanting to be One: The Rural Church Today

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Clergy Conduct Measure

Sorrel Shamel-Wood ViaMedia.News An End to an Injustice: And the Start of a Campaign

Angela Tilby Church Times Dr Francis-Dehqani’s calm voice of hope for the C of E


Opinion – 6 July 2022

Simon Jenkins Ship of Fools On holiday with the Lord

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love LLF – Next Step Group bishops to hold meetings with interested groups

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Wymondham Abbey Developments. Vicar resigns


Opinion – 2 July 2022

Helen King ViaMedia.News “Sickened by our own Magnanimity?”: Good Disagreement, Bad Ecclesiology

Jo Stobart ViaMedia.News Gatecrashing God’s Party: Parish Ministry Today

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Testimony of Witnesses. How do we find the Truth in Safeguarding Cases?


Opinion – 25 June 2022

Andrew Nunn Church Times Living in Love and Faith is important — but the Church has to move forward

Paul Middleton ViaMedia.News Living in Love and Faith? Insights from the Church of Scotland


Opinion – 22 June 2022

Jonathan Chaplin Fulcrum ‘Staying in the room where it happens’? A response to Lucy Winkett’s defence of establishment
This is in response to this article from a few weeks ago.
Lucy Winkett Church Times Platinum Jubilee: The privilege of establishment must be seized

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church How three Revolutionary Events changed the CofE for ever

Capel Lofft The Critic The closing of the Episcopal mind
“The Church of England’s leaders don’t reflect its political diversity”

Alex Frost ViaMedia.News Clearing the Slate: The Realities of a Declining Church

Helen King sharedconversations Clouds without rain: trying to explore fear


Opinion – 18 June 2022

Giles Fraser UnHerd Will bishops stop the Rwanda plan?

Sharon Jagger ViaMedia.News Time for the Church to Take Transparency Seriously

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Bishops Speaking Out: So Very Right and So Very Wrong


Opinion – 15 June 2022

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Allegations of Bullying and Financial Mismanagement in Scotland

Fergus Butler-Gallie The Spectator In defence of meddlesome priests

Ephraim Radner The Living Church Is there a Rationale for the Anclican Communion?