A Monument of Fame (Lambeth Palace Library blog) Partners at the Palace: the story of the wives of the Archbishops of Canterbury
Peter Reiss Surviving Church Unheard and Un-noticed but not uncommon – Why are we so bad at listening?
12 CommentsDavid Voas British Religion in Numbers Christian decline: How it’s measured and what it means
Ted Harrison Church Times Most kind and gentle death
“Ted Harrison offers a reflection for Candlemas”
Colin Coward has started a new vlog – here is the first episode.
34 CommentsBosco Peters Liturgy Ordination Requirements
Rebecca Chapman Church Times General Synod should be more than a talking shop
“Its members need clarity about who is making decisions and what they are voting on”
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel National Redress Scheme
7 CommentsStacey Rand ViaMedia.News Leadership for Change: A Response to ‘The Sexism Women Continue to Face in the Church of England’
Rebecca Glover ViaMedia.News Emerging Adults: A Priority for the Churches
Martine Oborne The Guardian Why are female clergy cheering for a bishop who doesn’t believe in female priests?
Rambling Rector Retired Atonement or fakery?
46 CommentsCharlie Bell ViaMedia.News Time to Step Up and Take the Heat: Allyship or Cowardice?
14 CommentsThe Telegraph Most Rev Stephen Cottrell: ‘My time at a girls’ school may have saved my life’
“The Archbishop of York recalls his days of truancy and the revelations of school life in Essex before he found faith as a teenager.”
Helen King ViaMedia.News Another Year Gone: What’s Wrong with the Church of England?
House of Survivors Round up of 2022
Adrian Hilton The Spectator In praise of the Church of England
Ian Paul Psephizo How can we overcome class divisions in the church?
201 CommentsFrancis Young The Spectator Is Christmas really a pagan festival?
Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times So here it is, Merry Christmas. . . but not everybody’s having fun
“Fergus Butler-Gallie speaks up for those who struggle with Christmas cheer”
John Barton Church Times And the Word was made words
“John Barton considers new translations of the familiar Christmas texts”
Church of England War, hunger, cold … and hope – bishops share their Christmas messages
39 CommentsEleanor Jackson British Library Medieval manuscripts blog Chi-rho pages for Christmas
Catriona Cannon and Irene-Marie Esser Law & Religion UK What has Religion got to do with “Corporate Purpose”?
LGBTQ Faith UK Rediscovering the purpose of church
Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News The Sexism Women Continue to Face in the Church of England
55 CommentsNaomi Nixon ViaMedia.News An Argument for an Honest Church
Steven Shakespeare Annunciation or Explanation? The Marian heart of liturgy
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love LLF, safeguarding, abuse and Radical New Christian Inclusion – where did that go?
41 CommentsBosco Peters Liturgy Christian Decline?
Penelope Doe ViaMedia.News The ‘Trans’ Body of Jesus and Transgressive Theologies
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Reparations, the Churches and LGBT communities
Paul W Thomas Church Times All parishes need focal ministers — urgently
“Stipendiary priests overseeing multiple parishes require a secondary support system, argues Paul W Thomas”
April Alexander ViaMedia.News Mutual Flourishing or Repeating Our Mistakes? A Response to Together in Love and Faith
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head The English Heresy
The first results for the religion question in the official census of population of England and Wales in 2021 were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 29 November 2022: Religion, England and Wales: Census 2021. Here are a few articles in response.
Archbishop of York ‘We are here for you’ – Archbishop responds to Census findings
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Faith in England – the 2021 census
Church Times Leader comment: Census reality
Andrew Brown Church Times Press: What the census tells us about faith
Jeremy Haselock Catholic Herald Own goal: the Church of England and the World Cup Final
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Will we ever find a Safe Church?
Simon Butler ViaMedia.News Dear Bishop Christopher… An Open Response to my Diocesan Bishop after his Address to Southwark Diocesan Synod
– written in response to this Presidential Address to Diocesan Synod, 19 November 2022
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Survivor/Victim -Looking at the meanings of words in the Safeguarding World
Jessica Martin ViaMedia.News Real Presence in Sex and Sacrament
Talique Taylor Earth & Altar What is Communion?
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Turning Up and Being Counted
43 CommentsBenjamin Wyatt Earth & Altar What is Fornication?
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head 12 Things I’ve Learned About Preaching
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Being realistic about God
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News ‘Hermetically Sealed Hermeneutics’ & an Inability to Own Up to Harm
Stephen Cottrell Archbishop of York Opening the Scriptures
The 25th, and final, Archbishop Blanch Memorial Lecture
Jody Stowell ViaMedia.News EvangelicAlly
Samuel Cripps The Living Church How to Internet
Rebecca Chapman Church Times There is an alternative to Vision and Strategy
“Chelmsford’s bishop is choosing not to impose plans on dioceses — will others follow this approach, asks Rebecca Chapman”
Rob Hudson Church Times Six ways to retain young people
“Teenagers often drift away, but that need not be the case, argues Rob Hudson”
Neil Patterson ViaMedia.News Ways and Means of Differentiation…
Helen King sharedconversations The wisdom of Solomon (or, that was the week, that was)
27 CommentsMartyn Percy Anglicanism.org Dear Heart-broken, Dear Confused – Agony Aunts and Problem Pages as Implicit Religion
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Thinking about God and the challenge of evolution
Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Thirty Years On
The Guardian Where is discrimination against women still allowed in the UK? The church
Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head It was 30 years ago today…
100 CommentsMeg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Consultation on Learning Lessons Case Reviews
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Freedom from power, control and abuse in congregational life
Johanna Stiebert ViaMedia.News Toxic Theology, the Bible and LLF (Living in Love and Faith)
Mark Bennet Surviving Church What is the purpose of it all? Some reflections on Safeguarding
Tim Wyatt Religion Media Centre Made in Hull: bishops appointed for breakaway Anglican church against same sex marriage
7 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church When a Church becomes Cultic
Keith Elliott Church Times A revolutionary present
“Keith Elliott pleads for the Church to be bolder in talking about death, and life beyond”
Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Guy Fawkes reimagined: it was all about tolerance
“Fergus Butler-Gallie goes underground to recreate the Gunpowder Plot”
John Barton Church Times There are two ways to translate the Bible, and both are right
“Accuracy and literalness in biblical translation are not the same, says John Barton”
Updated to add Graham article
Martin Sewell Surviving Church “The sky is black with chickens coming home to roost”
Martin Barnes The Observer Let there be light: England’s Anglican cathedrals at dawn
“The late Magnum photographer Peter Marlow was granted the rare opportunity to capture 42 places of worship in the early hours, the results of which are now collected in an exhibition and book”
Nathanael Hayler ViaMedia.News Faith and Generosity in the Church: The Via Media, or Transphobia?
Graham Surviving Church A ‘Reflective Exercise’ on Proposed Change to Reviews
1 CommentUpdated to include a third article by Andrew Goddard
Helen King ViaMedia.News Marry Me a Little?
Madeleine Davies Church Times The communion of saints
“For All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days, Madeleine Davies reflects on expectations of life after death”
Andrew Goddard Psephizo a series of three articles
1: Discernment and decision following Living in Love and Faith
2: What are the options after Living in Love and Faith?
3: What are the practical implications following Living in Love and Faith?
The three pieces are available together in this PDF document: LLF Discerning and Deciding Psephizo Articles.