Thinking Anglicans

Scottish General Synod Day 2

The 2008 meeting of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church had its second day of business today.

Reports on today’s business on the Church’s website.

Written report
General Synod 2008 – Friday 13 June

Verbal reports (about five minutes each) on the morning and afternoon sessions
Synod 2008 Audio Update – 12pm 13 June 2008
Synod 2008 Audio Update – 5pm 13 June 2008
[updated Saturday morning to reflect correction of report title on SEC website]

Kelvin Holdsworth, Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, and a member of synod, is blogging from the floor of synod.


Scottish General Synod Day 1

The 2008 meeting of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church opened today. The afternoon session included a debate on the Anglican Covenant. The main motion (number 3) before synod was

That this Synod affirm an ‘in principle’ commitment to the Covenant process at this time (without committing itself to the details of any text).

This was amended to

That this Synod affirm an ‘in principle’ commitment to continue to participate actively in discussions regarding the future shape of the Anglican Communion at this time (without necessarily committing itself to the concept of a convenant).

The amended motion was carried (65 votes for; 56 against).

There are a number of reports on the day’s business on the Church’s website.

Written reports
General Synod 2008 – Thursday 12 June – contains the text of the Primus’s charge to the synod
General Synod 2008 – Thursday 12 June – day’s proceedings

Verbal reports (about five minutes each) on the morning and afternoon sessions
Synod Update 2008 Noon 12 June 2008
Synod Update 2008 5pm 12 June 2008


Scottish Episcopal Church General Synod

The Scottish Episcopal Church is holding the annual meeting of its General Synod from Thursday to Saturday this week (12 to 14 June) in Edinburgh.

There are several items on the Church’s website about the meeting.

Agenda and Papers
General Information

For an overview of the synod’s activities see here.

On Thursday afternoon the synod will debate these three motions on the proposed Anglican Covenant.

Motion 3: That this Synod affirm an ‘in principle’ commitment to the Covenant process at this time (without committing itself to the details of any text).

Motion 4: That this Synod ask the Faith and Order Board to respond to the ‘three questions’ in the letter from the Joint Standing Committee, incorporating this Synod’s response to Question 1.

Motion 5: That this Synod:
a) note the St Andrew’s draft Covenant, and ask dioceses to discuss it and submit comments to the Faith and Order Board by 31 December 2008;
b) ask the Faith and Order Board to prepare a response to the Anglican Communion on the draft Covenant, taking due cognisance of the views of this Synod and of dioceses.

The three questions referred to in motion 4 are:

1. Is the Province able to give an “in principle” commitment to the Covenant process at this time (without committing itself to the details of any text)?
2. Is it possible to give some indication of any synodical process which would have to be undertaken in order to adopt the Covenant in the fullness of time?
3. In considering the St Andrew’s Draft for an Anglican Covenant, are there any elements which would need extensive change in order to make the process of synodical adoption viable?

For links to the St Andrew’s draft and related documents see here.