Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Guildford to retire

The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams has announced that she will retire as Dean of Guildford at the end of her ten years of service in September 2023. She will have her last evensong on Sunday 17th September to mark her final day in the Diocese.

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Simon Gell
Simon Gell
1 year ago

One thing I always notice about the Church of England senior positions:
the truly good people who you want to carry on appear, to the outsider, to retire early, whereas, let us just say, that the reverse applies.

Dianna and Martin, may you both be blessed in all that lies ahead.

Your gain is our loss.

James Allport
James Allport
1 year ago

It would increasingly be quicker to list the Cathedrals that won’t need a new Dean soon than those that will.

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
1 year ago

I wonder if there will be an interim dean. Like there was in Edminsbury newcastle and Canterbury. So
An external person not the sub Dean acting up

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Mark Cooper
1 year ago

This is what section 13 of the Cathedrals Measure 2021 (partly) states:

13 Interim dean(1) If the office of dean of a cathedral is vacant or the dean is unable to discharge functions because of illness, absence or any other reason, the bishop must appoint a residentiary canon, or another clerk in Holy Orders, who is qualified to hold the office of dean to carry out the functions concerned during the period concerned.

That is wide enough to include an outside appointment, but it is not a requirement. Note that the bishop must make an appointment.

Simon W
Simon W
Reply to  Mark Cooper
1 year ago

Do we know how things are going in Truro with their interim Dean?

david rowett
Reply to  Mark Cooper
1 year ago

Lincoln, too, until Christmas

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