Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Wells

The Very Reverend Doctor John Davies has retired as Dean of Wells. The announcement is here and here.

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Stanley Monkhouse
2 years ago

John’s ministry as Vicar of Melbourne (with possibly the best vicarage in the land) and DDO in the diocese of Derby was much appreciated by many, me included. He was decisive, imaginative and by no means risk averse. I thank him for that and wish him well in retirement.

David Exham
David Exham
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
2 years ago

He was also, of course, Dean of Derby. I share your good wishes for his retirement.

Stephen Griffiths
Stephen Griffiths
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
2 years ago

He was very patient with the rag tag ordinands from Derby Diocese.

Nicholas Henshall
Nicholas Henshall
2 years ago

Could I add my best wishes to those of Stanley. John did a remarkable piece of work as Dean of Derby after the appalling mess left by the “year of the two Deans. He sorted out the Cathedrals finances, raised funds for a major – and long overdue – refurbishment of the Cathedral, and played a significant role in the launching of Derby Cathedral School.

2 years ago

Noteworthy in that retirement was announced after it had happened, rather than well in advance (as is overwhelmingly usual currently).

Reply to  DBD
2 years ago

Not quite:
“John’s final service will be the Festal Eucharist for the Feast of Candlemas at 5.15 p.m. on 2 February 2023 where John will preach and preside.” (cathedral website)

However, the diocesan website is very badly worded – referring to the announcement of retirement (on 6th January) as if it were the date of retirement.

Simon Kershaw
Reply to  NJW
2 years ago

It is confusingly worded, I agree. But the cathedral website (quoting the bishop) explicitly says that the resignation “took effect from 6 January 2023.”

So it really isn’t clear what is meant, not to me anyway. Maybe what they mean is that the irrevocable deed took effect on 6 January, irrevocably setting a later retirement date. But that’s not what it says.

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