Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – 24 September 2020

The outline timetable for the meeting of General Synod on 24 September has been issued, and is copied below. Papers for the meeting are here. There may be a revised draft of the measure; if so it will be issued on or before 9 September.

Synod members have been told that “The meeting will start at 10.30am and we would ask those attending to be available until 7pm. It is expected that the business will finish before 7pm but we need members to be available so that we are quorate for the final vote. We appreciate that this may mean that some members will need to book overnight accommodation.”

GENERAL SYNOD: September 2020 Timetable

Thursday 24 September
10.30 am – 2.45 pm

10.30 am – 10.45 am Opening worship
10.45 am – 11.45 am Draft General Synod (Remote Meetings) Measure First Consideration
11.45 am – 12.00 pm Adjournment
12.00 pm – 1.45 pm Draft General Synod (Remote Meetings) Measure Revision in Full Synod

3.15 pm – 7.00 pm
3.15 pm – 4.30 pm Draft General Synod (Remote Meetings) Measure Final Drafting and Final Approval
*6.55 pm Prorogation
Closing worship

Please note that all timings are indicative. It was decided to offer a longer envelope than it is anticipated the business will take in order to enable maximum flexibility
Morning session expected to finish by 1.45pm.
Afternoon session expected to finish by 4.30pm
Deadline for receipt of amendments to the Measure: 5.30pm Friday 18 September 2020

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4 years ago

Should it say ‘and Final Approval’ or ‘and Final Vote’? Doesn’t this rather prejudge the matter?

Reply to  Adrian
4 years ago

Final Approval is the name of the stage of the proceedings in the relevant rules. It does not predetermine the outcome of the vote. In 2012 the female Bishops legislation failed at ‘Final Approval’.

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