Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – day 1 – Friday 5 July 2019

Order Paper 1 – Friday 5 July – details of the day’s business
Questions and Answers

Stephen Lynas bathwellschap I know there’s an answer
a summary of the day’s business

Christian Today Church of England schools must safeguard different views on gender and sexuality, says bishop

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Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
5 years ago

Stephen Lynas records on the 1st Day at General Synod: “There were plaintive requests that…We recognise that the outside world is under the impression that we [the Church of England] are ‘dragging our feet until IICSA goes away’ (a reported quote from a legal adviser at IICSA this week). * The overall tone was of dissatisfaction on behalf of victims and survivors of abuse, that when the Bishops speak out on safeguarding failures, they do not ‘speak from the heart’….Unusually, the Archbishop of Canterbury intervened in this debate to respond to this pressure from the floor. He revealed that both he and the… Read more »

Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
Reply to  Richard W. Symonds
5 years ago

In her opening remarks on the IICSA’s 1st Day [July 1], Senior Counsel Fiona Scolding spoke in Macbethian tones: “We have received very comprehensive evidence from the Church of England about its current and future work, and it has been identified that there has been a plethora of actions and activity undertaken. What the inquiry wishes to probe is whether that activity has borne fruit or changed underlying attitudes, or whether it is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” Perhaps the General Synod will have an inkling by Tuesday whether its own “activity has borne fruit or changed underlying… Read more »

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