Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – February 2023

Updated 25 December

The original timetable, linked below, omitted a second Questions session on the Tuesday. An updated version has been issued, and I have corrected my version below.

The General Synod of the Church of England will be meet in London on 6-9 February 2023. The outline timetable is now available online and is copied below.

Full details of each item will be on the agenda

Monday 6 February
Meeting of Convocation of York 12pm
1.45 pm – 7.00 pm
Revival of the Standing Orders made under Section 1 of the General Synod (Remote Meetings) (Temporary Standing Orders) Measure 2020
Opening worship
Presidential Address
Business Committee Report
Legislative Business Amending Canon No 42 – revision stage
Legislative Business Diocesan Stipend Fund (Amendment) Measure – revision stage
Legislative Business Church of England Pensions (Application of Capital Funds) Measure – revision stage
#Living in Love and Faith
*5.25 pm Questions
6.45 pm Evening worship

Tuesday 7 February
10.15 am – 12.30 pm
9.00 am Eucharist
Legislative Business Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021 (consequential amendment to regulations under Canon B12) – for approval
Legislative Business Miscellaneous Provisions Measure and Amending Canon 43 – revision stage
Loyal Address
*11.50 am Questions

2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Resourcing Ministerial Formation
#Living in Love and Faith

Wednesday 8 February
9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Opening worship
Cost of living debate
Legislative Business Parochial Fees Order – for approval
Legislative Business Miscellaneous Provisions Measure and Amending Canon No 43 – revision stage – continued

2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
#Living in Love and Faith

Thursday 9 February
9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Opening worship
Legislative Business Diocesan Stipend Fund (Amendment) Measure – final drafting and final approval
Legislative Business Amending Canon No 42 – final drafting and final approval
Governance Review Group next steps
Legislative Business Church of England Pensions (Application of Capital Funds) Measure – final drafting and final approval

1.45 pm – 5.00 pm
Legislative Business Electronic Service Registers – for approval
Standing Orders Committee report
*4.05 pm Lincoln DSM – Insurance Premium Tax – deferred from July 22
*5.00 pm Prorogation

* not later than: Please note that all timings are indicative unless marked with an asterisk
# Living in Love and Faith: Please note that content related to Living in Love and Faith will be published on the Agenda.

Deadline for receipt of questions: 1200 hrs Tuesday 24 January

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Thomas G. Reilly
Thomas G. Reilly
1 year ago

I can’t see anything here about the poverty and hardship that so many families here and across the world are enduring, and how some of our funds could be diverted into feeding and clothing the needy, rather than on a Bishop for the Archbishops, or yet more tiers of so-called specialist ministries. Reading the Gospels, and seeing Jesus’ priorities, makes one despair of the church.

John T
John T
Reply to  Thomas G. Reilly
1 year ago

Wednesday 8 February
9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Opening worship
Cost of living debate
Legislative Business Parochial Fees Order – for approval

Easy when you look.

Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson
Reply to  Thomas G. Reilly
1 year ago

On the Wednesday, it notes there will be a debate about the Cost of Living.

I agree, this is a particularly ‘inside-baseball’ agenda outline, but that reflects the need to spend time on Living in Love and Faith after many years of prevaricating on issues of sexuality and gender identity. Unfortunately Synod time is finite, though I would hope some of the legislative items about funding listed above will help churches and dioceses better support those in need in the areas that they serve.

David Lamming
David Lamming
1 year ago

I note that the Safeguarding item (presumably to be a ‘presentation’ under SO 107 of a further ‘update’ report by the National Safeguarding Team (NST)), is scheduled for what might be considered by some to be the ‘graveyard’ slot on the last afternoon of this group of sessions. In July 2022 at York, Synod passed a motion (proposed by the Bishop of Rochester, the lead bishop for safeguarding), the last paragraph of which reads: ““That this Synod… (d) requests regular updates on progress at each group of sessions, especially concerning the strengthening of independent accountability and oversight of the Church’s… Read more »

Roger Chapman
Roger Chapman
Reply to  David Lamming
1 year ago

As an Anglican Clergyman currently undergoing my family’s Agony over the consequence of totally false allegations of Sexual Harassment at the hands of two female ministers with a grudge, and having to spend shed loads of my own money to rightfully clear my name, I urge any fair-minded right thinking Human Being to sign Martyn’s collective open-letter.
Many Thanks

Paul Blackburn
Paul Blackburn
Reply to  Roger Chapman
1 year ago

I have to agree strongly and support Roger and others subject Diocesan intransigence over safeguarding DSA’s exceeding their powers and being unmanaged. After 7 years of trying to get justice I can only wait for the external take over of safeguarding or spend my childrens inheritance on Civil action!

Revd Mike North
Revd Mike North
1 year ago

Did I hear in the news today that the CofE has decided not to permit the wedding of same-sex couples in the Church? Has the decision already been made? I for one want to be allowed to do so, now!

Revd Harry Chant
Revd Harry Chant
Reply to  Revd Mike North
1 year ago

While I believe that a legal relationship of 2 men or 2 women is a recognised commitment between 2 people, to call it marriage is to change the meaning of that word. The CofE Marriage service calls for 1. Commitment to one another in love, 2. Enjoy sex together and 3. Produce offspring. Same sex commitment in love cannot produce offspring without the help of a third person.

Anne Gaie
Anne Gaie
Reply to  Revd Harry Chant
1 year ago

So heterosexual couples who can’t have children aren’t able to marry? Is that really the hill you want to die on?

Reply to  Anne Gaie
1 year ago

Has it not been known to occur for couples who were thought to be infertile to have children together? I have not known this to occur with same sex couples.

stephen dean
stephen dean
1 year ago

Praying for wisdom and unity in all matters discussed

1 year ago

I’d love to see a paragraph giving brief details of the General Synod agenda issued a couple of weeks in advance of a gathering and which could be added to the monthly or weekly bulletin.
maybe an appropriate prayer could be added?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x