Thinking Anglicans

General Synod papers

Papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England General Synod are now available online. There is a list (with links and a note of the day sheduled for their debate) in numerical order below the fold.

All GS Papers .zip folder
All GS Misc Papers .zip folder


Press release

GS 2194 – Draft Legislative Reform (Church Commissioners) Order [Saturday]
GS 2194X – Draft Legislative Reform (Church Commissioners) Order Explanatory Note
GS 2194Y – Draft Legislative Reform (Church Commissioners) Scrutiny Committee Report

GS 2198 (updated) – 57th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Saturday]

GS 2207 – Agenda

GS 2208 – Business Committee Report [Friday]

GS 2209 – Implementation of ‘Responsible Representation’ [Friday]

GS 2210 – Appointment of Body to oversee the next stage of the Anglican-Methodist Covenant [Friday]

GS 2211 – Archbishops’ Council Annual Report [Saturday]

GS 2212 – Church Commissioners Annual Report [Saturday]

GS 2213 – Archbishops’ Council Budget [Saturday]

GS 2214 – Seat Allocation [Saturday]

GS 2215 – Safeguarding [Saturday]

GS 2216 – Housing Commission: Background Paper [Saturday]

GS 2217 – Draft Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2021 [Sunday]
GS 2217X – Draft Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2021 Explanatory Notes

GS 2218 – Draft Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 [Sunday]
GS 2218X – Draft Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Explanatory Notes

GS 2219 – Report of the Lambeth Working Group on the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 [Sunday]

GS 2220 – Appointment to the Archbishops’ Council [Sunday]

GS 2221 – Appointment of Archbishops’ Council Auditors [Sunday]

GS 2222 – Mission in Revision [Monday]

GS 2223 – Vision and Strategy [Monday]

GS 2224 – Transforming Effectiveness Update [Monday]

GS 2225 – Update arising from the work of the Implementation and Dialogue Group [Monday]

GS 2226A – Five Guiding Principles PMM [Monday]
GS 2226B – Five Guiding Principles PMM – Background Paper

GS 2227 – 58th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Monday]

GS 2228 – The Vacancy in See Committees (Amendment) Regulation 2021 [Monday]
GS 2228P – Amendments to the Vacancy in See Committees Regulation
GS 2228X – The Vacancy in See Committees (Amendment) Regulation 2021 Explanatory Notes

GS 2229 – The Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 2021 [deemed]
GS 2230 – The Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 2021 [deemed]
GS 2229-2230X – Explanatory Notes [deemed]

GS 2231 – Trust Deed and Rules of the Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme [deemed]
GS 2231 – Cover Sheet to the Trust Deed and Rules [deemed]
GS 2231X – Trust Deed and Rules of the Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme Explanatory Notes [deemed]

GS Misc papers

GS Misc 1282 – Racial Justice Commission [Friday]
GS Misc 1283 – National Investing Bodies and Climate Change [Friday]
GS Misc 1284 – Living in Love and Faith: Passing the Baton [Saturday]
GS Misc 1285 – The Nature of Ordained Public Ministry [Sunday]
GS Misc 1286 – Clergy Discipline Measure Annual Report 2020
GS Misc 1287 – List of Speakers, April 2021
GS Misc 1288 – Feedback from April 2021 Synod
GS Misc 1289 – Report on the Archbishops’ Council’s Activities
GS Misc 1290 – Recent Appointments
GS Misc 1291 – Summary of Decisions by the House of Bishops and by its Delegated Committees
GS Misc 1292 – Strategic Investment Board Annual Report 2020
GS Misc 1293 – Archbishops’ Council Audit Committee Annual Report 2020
GS Misc 1294 – ‘Coming Home’: Tackling the Housing Crisis Together Executive Summary
GS Misc 1295 – Turning Theology into Life
GS Misc 1296 – Generosity and Diocesan Finances
GS Misc 1297 – Bereavement, Life Events and the Pandemic
GS Misc 1298 – Report of the Clergy Remuneration Review

Notice Papers

NP 1
NP 2 
NP 3 – Deadlines

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Perry Butler
Perry Butler
3 years ago

I found some of these papers very interesting. Usefil to read in conjunction with the report of the H of B’s meeting.

3 years ago

For the avoidance of doubt, press release from Sheldon: “Sheldon wishes to utterly dissociate itself from the Working Group’s proposals. Sheldon has had no part in shaping these proposals, strongly and publicly critiqued earlier iterations, and does not endorse them in any way. We call on Synod to reject them. Sheldon endorses the ELS framework in its entirety as the much safer way forward for clergy and complainants alike.”Re. “GS2219 – Report of the Lambeth working group on the CDM 2003 published June 2021 para 6. states “The Working Group are hugely indebted to two bodies who have assisted in… Read more »

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