Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Saturday

Order papers listing the day’s business
OP6 – Order Paper VI (morning)
OP7 – Order Paper VII (afternoon)

Stephen Lynas bathwellschap Love of the common people
a summary of the final day’s business

Hattie Williams and Adam Becket Church Times Synod seeks land and fair treatment for gypsies, travellers and Roma

Izzy Lyons The Telegraph Church of England should make land available for gypsies and travellers, General Synod votes

Izzy Lyons The Telegraph Thirty six per cent of Anglican congregations have no parishioners under 16-years-old

Church of England press releases
General Synod speaks out against racism directed against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Church of England commits to next generation evangelism
Church of England calls for Government action on problem gambling
State of the Nation Debate

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Michael Mulhern
Michael Mulhern
6 years ago

‘Five days of prayer for poor as Brexit looms.’ I despair. I absolutely despair. As Britain heads towards the greatest political and cultural crisis of modern times, led by a morally dubious Prime Minister who is putting internal party concerns before the common good and the cohesion of the nation, the Church of England is sitting on its hands. Welby is tweeting about foodbanks and other local initiatives. But where is the strong, theologically-informed, prophetic voice of the Church of England? Like the Tory party, we’re concerned only with our own institutional survival. We dare not risk upsetting all the… Read more »

David Emmott
David Emmott
6 years ago

A small and pedantic point maybe, but the headline of the Telegraph article ‘Thirty six per cent of Anglican congregations have no parishioners under 16-years-old’ is disturbing, and not for the obvious reason. Clearly it is worrying that few children and young people are seen in church, but even more worrying is the implication that people who are not present in the pews are not parishioners. I have always believed that every person who lives within the parish boundaries is a parishioner, whatever their faith or lack of it. I don’t want to belong to a church that turns its… Read more »

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