Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Wednesday

Updated late Thursday

News and comment from the opening day of the Church of England’s General Synod

OP1 – Order Paper I – lists the day’s business

Questions (and answers)

Stephen Lynas bathwellschap But when the weekend comes, she knows where we will be…
a summary of the day’s business

Archbishop of Canterbury‘s presidential address

Christian Today Archbishop of Canterbury pleads with Church factions to give up ‘cynicism’ as Synod gets underway

Archdruid Eileen Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Turn to Your Neighbour and Scream

You can watch Watch General Synod live here.


Zachary Guiliano The Living Church Synod Discusses Transgender Guidance

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Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
6 years ago

May I add 7 non-cynical synodic thoughts… 1. I thought there were 120 questions to be covered last night – especially Q93 – not 81? 2. Don’t forget to read “Elephant at General Synod” by Stephen Parsons: (Stephen Parsons – ‘Surviving Church’) 3. Andrew Graystone’s words rang a few bells: “You cannot preach repentance until you have repented” [Booklet “We Asked For Bread But You Gave Us Stones – One Tear (sorry, Year)”] 4. General Synod’s Martin Sewell has safeguarded my illusion of sanity with his ‘Archbishop Cranmer’ article…maybe: “‘General Synod has no confidence in the Church of England’s… Read more »

Father David
Father David
6 years ago

When Justin Welby lifts the significant cloud which he claims still hangs over the head of Bishop George Bell then I shall give up cynicism.

Fr John Emlyn Harris-White
Fr John Emlyn Harris-White
6 years ago

Having read the CEO’s speech to the Synod, I am even more saddened of the state of the leadership of our beloved Church of England.
Dull, boring, and lacking in any sense spiritual content.

Fr John Emlyn

Susannah Clark
6 years ago

The difficulty with telling us to avoid cynicism, is that any critique of the Archbishop’s words and actions may be said to fall into exactly that trap. I suppose Gandhi was ‘cynical’. I suppose Martin Luther King was ‘cynical’. I suppose Nelson Mandela was ‘cynical’. So I’d like to say this: in some ways I warm to Justin for his love of God, and his sincerity of faith. And I sympathise with the complex and very challenging role he has. And I pray for Justin’s flourishing and daily walk. Face to face that is easier expressed. I also do agree… Read more »

Susannah Clark
6 years ago

Justin: “Next year, at the Lambeth Conference, the theme will be God’s Church for God’s World. The Conference seeks to unite all who come.” By excluding those you don’t want to come? That’s not a path to unity, it’s appeasement to a vociferous section of a wide and diverse group of Churches. It’s not the much-vaunted ‘radical inclusion’ to exclude some people for being in gay relationships. Unity doesn’t come through imposed uniformity. It comes from all our diverse paths that lead, by grace, to eternal unity in Jesus Christ. Justin: “Sometimes our passion and enthusiasm can be in danger… Read more »

6 years ago

I’ll give up cynicism, when the Archbishop of Canterbury gives up institutionalised homophobia.

Fr John Emlyn Harris-White
Fr John Emlyn Harris-White
6 years ago

Such unchristian behaviour by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The cheek to write to the Bishops in question, and try to explain why their spouses are not welcome. How would he react if someone told him, his wife could not be invited?

I would hope the spouses will come with their husbands, and support them.

They will find a generous welcome from the Dean of Canterbury, and the Friends of Canterbury cathedral, and the holy dusters.

Fr John Emlyn

Reply to  Fr John Emlyn Harris-White
6 years ago

In one case, both persons in the couple are female. So perhaps term “husbands” isn’t quite apt.

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