Update Tuesday 2 May As commenters have noted these documents have been taken down from the website. New versions and a press release were issued today and are linked in my post above. Please take subsequent comments there.
The following two documents have appeared on the Church of England website in the last few days. They are internally dated 27 and 29 April 2023 respectively. I cannot find any reference to them on the Living in Love and Faith section of the website.
LLF Implementation Working Groups Terms of Reference
Members of the LLF Implementation Working Groups
The LLF Implementation Working Groups all seem to be top heavy with bishops. Still I suppose they are partly responsible for the current situation by voting overwhelmingly in favour of the LLF recommendations, so it is only fair that they should try and resolve the perceived difficulties arising from the February General Synod in time for the July Synodical sessions at York
68 days until the start of the July Synod on 7th. I wish all participants in these working groups well. This is quite a short period of time to develop the detail promised, with so much at stake, and the diverse views held. Guidelines are pending not only on the ‘prayers of love and faith’, but the status of ordinands and clergy in civil marriages, or those who engage in gay and lesbian sexuality, and whether man-man sex is alright or a sin when framed within what society recognises as a marriage (or indeed other devoted relationships), and the actual… Read more »
Remind me, when did the Pastoral Principles become sacrosanct? Or were even discussed and approved? Has anyone had a go at recasting them into positive statements, or are we stuck with these 5 deadly sins for all the remaining days of the Church of England?
Are all the consultants clergy?
I can answer my own question thanks to asking elsewhere – looks like just two lay people.
Which, bearing in mind that “Much of the Pastoral Guidance will relate directly to clergy and lay leaders, and those involved in vocational discernment processes. However, it will also offer a pastoral framework for the ministry of clergy and lay leaders in the wider church” seems rather odd
What a palaver. Nice though to see the word “pastoral” appearing more than usual. Grateful that there aren’t working groups on mission, flourishing, resilience or legacy.☺️
I’m not so sure. Use of the word pastoral in Church of England texts is rather like the use of the word Democratic in the name of states. If the word appears, it isn’t.
It’s good to see +Jonathan Frost, Charlie Bell, and Giles Goddard in the lists.
LLF process: 6 years, Implementation working groups: 68 days! Just a bit rushed, don’t you think. Perhaps take more time and get it right.
Assuming it’s all going to be done and dusted by the July Synod. Although (as Jeremy Pemberton says below) Pastoral reassurance should be as simple as “if you don’t want to use the prayers, don’t” with a rider that bishops will back up clergy whatever they decide. The Prayers are largely written so that’s not a problem. Pastoral guidance already has a lot of the principles laid out. And it’s not as if we haven’t been talking about sexuality through seven major reports and endless debate over the last 50 years. Anyone saying “we need more time” needs to catch… Read more »
The house of Bishops could also include phrases such as “mutual flourishing” and “all offices in the church will be open to all, regardless of their use of such prayers”.
The Pastoral reassurance group has an easy task. The reassurance they need to give to clergy to assure their consciences are respected is simple: if you don’t want to, don’t use the prayers!
Really, let’s not over-complicate this.
The link to the list of members of the groups seems to be broken and i cant find the document on the CofE website. Does anybody know why or where it is? Thanks
It appears to have been taken down. Unfortunately for them, Google caches webpages: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z28askWMz6kJ:https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2023-04/LLF%2520Implementation%2520Working%2520Groups%2520Members_0.pdf&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
Well done.
Indeed. Perhaps they realised they needed more lay people, GMH people, younger people on the groups? Or perhaps they just put the page on the wrong bit of the C of E site?
It was there. So someone has removed/changed it!
What would be the reason for that? Had some interesting names considering the group that they were in.
As a member of the group I received copy of the list a few days ago marked ’embargoed to Tues 2nd May’. I therefore assume it was posted in error and then removed until formal announcement tomorrow.