Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 12 January 2022

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Tutufication of the Church: A Path for the Future?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Sorting out the disagreements about homosexuality
Harry Williams – Life Abundant or Life Resisting?

Peter Collier Ecclesiastical Law Society 50 Years of Safeguarding – 950 Years of Clergy Discipline: Where do we go from here?
There are links to a YouTube video of a lecture given in December 2021 and to an extended version of the text of the lecture.
There is a summary of the lecture in the Church Times.

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Stanley Monkhouse
3 years ago

Colin Coward: so good to see Harry Williams affirmed, a wonderfully percipient and profound pastoral theologian, out of fashion at present. I strongly recommend his autobiography “Some day I’ll find you”, and my hope is that I shall too.

Allan Sheath
Allan Sheath
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
3 years ago

“…good to see Harry Williams affirmed.” Amen to that, Stanley Monkhouse. In my 20s and experiencing a hunger for something beyond myself, but repulsed by a theology in which the Christian hope was projected entirely into the future, I had an epiphany on reading True Resurrection. This passage seems as fresh today as when it was written 50 years ago. “If we have been aware of resurrection in this life, then, and only then, shall we be able or ready to receive the hopes of final resurrection after physical death. Resurrection as our final and ultimate future can be known… Read more »

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
3 years ago

A passage from p18 of the extended version of Peter Collier’s excellent article bears repeating as it touches on an aspect of clericalism which is deeply rooted in Church culture and will be hard to change ‘Rowan Williams went on to say: “The price of ‘clerical immunity’ is an idea of clerical accountability which ignores the ‘lateral’ dimension: the cleric is answerable to God and to canonical superiors, but it is not clear what their answerability is to an injured neighbour or community.” He also said: “As we know with painful clarity after the revelations of the last decade and… Read more »

Tim Chesterton
3 years ago

Not specifically relevant to this section, but there appears to have been a change in format with regard to comments. I have tried it in several browsers, and it appears I no longer have the ability to choose whether comments are displayed ‘oldest’ first or ‘most recent’ first. I found that a very useful feature, especially on long threads. Can it be brought back?

Simon Kershaw
Reply to  Tim Chesterton
3 years ago

We had a problem with the comment system we were using and have had to disable it until we can find a way of fixing it. (It became clear that, for no obvious reason, unapproved comments were visible to at least some people, some of the time.)

Tim Chesterton
Reply to  Simon Kershaw
3 years ago

Sorry to hear that, Simon. Another change is that I used to get an email when my comment was approved, but now I don’t seem to get one.

Clifford Jones
Clifford Jones
Reply to  Tim Chesterton
3 years ago

Yes, I have noted that.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Clifford Jones
3 years ago

Surely this has been rectified several days ago?

Fr Andrew Welsby
Fr Andrew Welsby
3 years ago

I like the new sysytem – I can see the whole comment on my iPad (which I couldn’t previously) and clciking ‘read more’ didn’t work with the old system – I had to open up the PC – so thank-you.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Fr Andrew Welsby
3 years ago

And sometimes ‘read more’ revealed only a single word! Yes, let’s hope that any revision will show the comment complete.

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