Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 13 July 2019

Laurie Gudim The Episcopal Café Our Duty to Strangers

Nick Baines Bishop of Leeds What is the Will of the People asks Bishop Nick at Harold Wilson Lecture

David Gillett ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that Baptism Should be Withheld from Some People?

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Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
5 years ago

I wish I could share Laurie Gudim’s essay with every allegedly “Christian” supporter of President Trump’s immigration policies.

Chris Harwood
Chris Harwood
Reply to  Pat O'Neill
5 years ago

Considering how many rules the Benedictines lived under in order to be “good Christians”, it seems odd to use him as proof that “alleged “Christians” shouldn’t have rules or shouldn’t care whether people obey immigration law. Cherry picking Bible verses, or in this case Benedictine Rules, to prove one’s own biases is obviously not just for conservatives. Ms. Gudim apparently didn’t finish reading Benedict’s Chapter 53. For after the welcome, prayer and Bible reading, Benedict demanded guests were kept in a separate guest house with a separate kitchen to keep from bothering any monk not assigned to them and, “On… Read more »

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
Reply to  Chris Harwood
5 years ago

There’s a huge difference between welcoming a stranger to stay in your home…albeit in comfortable separate quarters and some other rules…and cramming them into cages too small for the number of people in them–or not letting them in at all.

As for “alleged,” again, baptism makes us all brothers in Christ. Would you treat your brother that way?

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
5 years ago

Lovely article by David Gillett.

When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, and through the Red Sea, did God say: “Sorry, but only some of you can come”?

The young, the old, the good, the bad, the clever, the foolish, those with dementia, those who were generous, those who were thieves…

God led them ALL through the waters of baptism, onwards on a journey.

Baptism belongs to everyone who wants to come on that journey, a journey made with God, on which – perhaps – we may find ourselves as well.

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