Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 17 March 2021

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Families – Love ‘Em, Hate ‘Em

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church When a Church fails to care. Facing institutional dishonesty

Robert Gilbert ViaMedia.News Pandemics, Parishes & the ‘National Church’

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Finding confidence in a radical vision of faith, sexuality and gender

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Tim Chesterton
4 years ago

I loved that piece by Robert Gilbert. Kudos to the team at ViaMedia.News who are bringing us so many excellent articles these days.

Jayne Ozanne
Jayne Ozanne
Reply to  Tim Chesterton
4 years ago

Thanks Tim, wish it were a team but sadly after Colin’s tragic death last year it’s just me…

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
4 years ago

Online worship was only a small part of Mr. Gilbert’s overall opinion piece, and I appreciate his acknowledgement that not every person can “worship” that way, but last fall, as my wife and I “worshippped” online with others of our Jewish congregation for the High Holy Days, I had two conflicting feelings. 1) When I was able to get into the service, it truly was spiritual, and the clergy involved were genius in how they presented the service, blended recordings of the customary chants with rabbi-or-canter-led live prayers, or gave the live sermon. Overall it was a wonderful experience. But,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by peterpi - Peter Gross
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