Anon ViaMedia.News Recognising Grooming: Revisiting the David Tudor Case
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Gavin Drake Church Abuse Safeguarding: Second Church Estates Commissioner holds Church of England feet to the fire
[This refers to oral questions in the House of Commons to the Second Church Estates Commissioner; the Hansard record is here, and there is a video of the session on YouTube.]
Hmm. It’s hardly “holding their feet to the fire”, more gently shining a torch from the other side of the room in the hope that they notice. “Holding their feet to the fire” would be a no-knock search warrant of Lambeth Palace to look for documentation of conspiracy to conceal crime, or an interview under caution for the archbishops of York and Canterbury to discuss conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
The CofE is being given licence to conceal crime without consequences. Nothing in the second commissioner’s answers alters that.