Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 19 October 2022

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Publication of Past Cases Review 2

William Lamb ViaMedia.News A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life: A Reprise

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Susannah Clark
2 years ago

William: “the House of Bishops need to accept that their 1991 report, Issues in Human Sexuality, no longer expresses the mind of the church.” This is a fundamental fact. The Church is made up of its members. In English society today, ‘Issues’ must be contrary to what people actually believe. The same inside the membership of the Church of England itself. ‘Issues’ simply does not reflect what most people in today’s Church actually believe. It may be a close half/half division of opinion, or it may be a majority of members who affirm gay and lesbian relationships. But what is clearly… Read more »

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