Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 20 January 2021

Francis Young All Things Lawful And Honest In defence of the clerical antiquary

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes 10 top tips for running a church discussion group online

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News The Reckoning – Will the Church of England Survive?

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Patricia Harries
Patricia Harries
4 years ago

‘God does not have to use an institution that has lost its ability to speak truthfully, act righteously and has chosen to exempt itself from standing up for the marginalised.
These next few years will be years of reckoning, and it’s about time we started facing some hard truths…’
Bravo Jayne Ozanne. Worship has become private. Not everyone can keep up or join in.

Tim Chesterton
4 years ago

Thanks to Miranda Threlfall-Holmes for a good, practical article.

Simon Dawson
Simon Dawson
Reply to  Tim Chesterton
4 years ago

Agreed, although I disagree with her about silence. In my experience it can work well on zoom, and her 1:5 ratio is too pessimistic. Perhaps it’s more a case of judging your participant’s comfort zones, which can be harder online.

Reply to  Tim Chesterton
4 years ago

Breakout groups without a facilitator are always best avoided, however.

Tim Chesterton
Reply to  Kate
4 years ago

Depends on how well the people know each other.

4 years ago

“It is my sincere belief that we have only a few years left (if that) before we implode – under the weight of our central structures, under our inability to make decisions, under our crushed and demoralised parish systems and under the glare of a general public who have given up on an institution that they see as steeped in hypocrisy and puritanical legalism.” So well said. Why do we tolerate such an abuse of power? Why should our parishes have to suffer under such a weight of centralisation and hypocrisy? Quite simply what can be done by those who… Read more »

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