Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 20 May 2020

Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England God, the Virus and Tragic Optimism

Peter Leonard OneBodyOneFaith Be Hot With Anger, But Do Not Boil Away…

Tim Goode ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Our Old Familiar Cages!

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Jonathan Fletcher Inquiry. Progress?

Thomas Plant Greater Silence Your parish church is not an idol: it’s an icon

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Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
4 years ago

Re: Stephen Parsons article on Jonathan Fletcher. A comment by Steve Lewis in that article sums up this shameful situation in the Church extremely well – and not just in relation to Jonathan Fletcher:

“It looks like we’re still seeing serious issues being dealt with seriously badly”

Fr John Harris-White
Fr John Harris-White
4 years ago

Peter I read with sorrow your article. You are much more a human being than those who snipe at you with Weasley words, and hiding under the cloak of self righteousness. You have every reason to be angry that still in 2020 this virus is still strong. I was ordained to the Priesthood in 1963, and several years later outed by someone I had helped. He went to the press, money for his drug habit. My Bishop treated me like scum. I held on, went through the hoops, called counselling, and regained my licence, and have had many fulfilling years… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank-you Michael – rarely do I agree with someone 100% but you have expressed magnificently exactly what I feel and believe.

4 years ago

”Angry that today is a day that still needs to happen.” It seems to me that the archbishops’ plan for Living in Love and Faith is that Peter Leonard, I and countless others will trade our anger for minor additional recognition – but not full acceptance in the teachings of the Church. It Does Not Work ”Today I just feel angry. Angry by the homophobia I and others experience.” It does not work because no right-minded Christian can ever stop being angry that the people around them experience homophobia or transphonia. Yes, we might learn not to be angry about… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
4 years ago

Our self-styled ‘Northern Woolgatherer’ has managed to gather together the thoughts and hopes of many of us who believe that God is in charge of our ultimate human disposition. This paragraph in Michael Sadgrove’s extensive overview expresses the situation plainly: ” This kind of faith wants to explore how God is present, not above or outside the cosmos but within it, embedded even in its changes and chances. And this ‘withinness’ is mirrored by a personal spirituality that emphasises the journey inwards, towards the centre that we symbolise as the human heart where, as the mystics of all religious traditions… Read more »

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