Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 21 March 2020

Laudable Practice Pray the Litany Daily

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Synod Discusses Redress

Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News “Yoga-Gate” – Fundamentalism in a Twist

Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News Dolly Parton and ++Michael Curry on the Power of Love

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5 years ago

“Yet from agreeing to redress, to putting in place a scheme of redress could take quite some time, and with the current crisis there will be more delay. For those who have been waiting, they won’t consider February 2020 as the starting point. The danger is that the hope given by the debate at Synod could too soon turn once again to despair – a point made by one of the contributors to the debate.” I don’t know what Survivors think but my impression is that Meg Munn doesn’t get it when she talks of ‘quite some time’ and ‘more… Read more »

Stanley Monkhouse
5 years ago

I’ve always thought of Dolly as a practical theologian, and have said so many times from the pulpit. She comes to mind particularly when I hear Matthew 5:16 which I paraphrase “if you’ve got it, flaunt it”. She has, and she does. A truly great woman.

FrDavid H
FrDavid H
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
5 years ago

Dolly said it costs a fortune to make herself look that cheap. Similarly, I’m reminded at the sceptical sniggers from some snooty Royal Family members – and the look of horror on Elton John’ s face – when Bishop Curry preached a powerful word at Harry & Meghan’s wedding. I envy the US Church for having such a leader. If only he’d been made Archbishop of Canterbury……

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
5 years ago

As Miley Cyrus (Parton’s god-daughter) memorably said (slightly edited): “This is a good rule to follow – do whatever Dolly Parton has been doing all these years”.

Fr. Dean Henley
Fr. Dean Henley
Reply to  Stanley Monkhouse
5 years ago

One of my party piece sermons was about Dolly. Being interviewed by Louis Theroux after she’d shown him around her theme park ‘Dollywood’ he asked her how she coped with people saying hurtful things about her. Dolly replied “well I jus kill em wi ma kiness”! God bless Dolly.

God 'elp us all
God 'elp us all
5 years ago

Re redress, I find myself somewhere between the ‘realism’ of Meg Munn and Kate’s greater generosity. I know not the details so please forgive if I am wrong or insensitive … It seems to me that where ‘the church’ has accepted fault it should pay up and soon in the way Kate and the Chancellor of Exchequer are on the same page. Where ‘the jury is still out’ things should be resolved forthwith and with generosity- justice delayed is justice denied. Where ‘the jury’ is yet to sit- many are making more and better use of technology. ‘Papers’ should be… Read more »

Reply to  God 'elp us all
5 years ago

’Where ‘the jury is still out’ things should be resolved forthwith and with generosity- justice delayed is justice denied. ’Where ‘the jury’ is yet to sit- many are making more and better use of technology. ‘Papers’ should be submitted, questions asked and answered on paper and/or online and determinations made expeditiously, withing set time limits’ Why, oh why, should a church spend money on such things? People need help. The majority in that group need help because of failure by the church. If there are any false positives, does it matter? Rather than waste time and energy investigating, why not… Read more »

Jeremy Fagan
Jeremy Fagan
5 years ago

Sounds like Meg Munn needs to get on the phone to Kenneth Feinberg (9/11, BP Deepwater, VW emissions, etc). At least someone independent with experience.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
5 years ago

Great column by Mr. Henshall on “Yoga-Gate”. I feel the Gospel caricatures of the Pharisees by Jesus of Nazareth were stated in order to make a point, and then sharpened by the Gospel authors from a sense of anger about the Judaism/Christianity split. Jesus’ overall teachings are far more in line with the Pharisees than the other two major Jewish sects/denominations/parties of the time, the Essenes and the Sadducees. But, charismatic/fundamentalist/evangelical Christian Protestantism often reminds me of the Gospel Pharisee caricatures. Not to mention that branch of Christianity seems to have lost its sense of Christian history and tradition, but… Read more »

Janet Fife
Janet Fife
5 years ago

It has taken Meg Munn nearly 6 weeks to write this blog about February’s General Synod decisions. This shows a lack of urgency that has nothing to do with Covid-19. I realise that Ms. Munn is contracted to the NSP for only a few hours a month; we need someone who can devote much more time to the question of redress for survivors, and who feels the urgent need in their heart and mind. Ms. Munn does not seem even to realise the total inadequacy of her response. In the meantime, the Church should offer free counselling to everyone making… Read more »

Fr John Harris-White
Fr John Harris-White
5 years ago

It is interesting that no comment has been made upon the calling of us to use daily the Litany. Thank you for that call, one we should all respond to, and in humility and love stand before the cross of Christ with his mother Mary, John the beloved disciple. When I was in the Lake District speaking to a Christian lady she said it was God,s call to return to his side. I was reminded of King Georges call to the nation to days of prayer during the war. God thankfully is not confined to a church building, so the… Read more »

Stanley Monkhouse
Reply to  Fr John Harris-White
5 years ago

I’ve always found the CW Litany helpful and use/d it frequently, often instead of intercessions at mass or MP. It reminds me, inter alia, of my place as a creature of this earth, like viruses, archaea, bacteria and everything else. It reminds me that I am in control of nothing and that to imagine otherwise is hubristical arrogance. I like the repetitive prayer-wheel nature of the Litany, and have been told by many others that they prefer this to the rambling, inconsequential, self-absorbed me, me, me nonsense that often passes for intercessions. There are, of course, lots of Litanies. The… Read more »

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