Robert Wright Seen&Unseen Marsha de Cordova: the personal experiences driving her passionate politics
Lorraine Cavanagh Church Times Women in the Church: What do ‘micro-aggressions’ mean?
Kristin Breuss Women and the Church Why I Support the Not Equal Yet Campaign
”Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. I can’t find that in my Bible. But I’ve read of the wonderful principle of the armies of the French Revolution: ”Sois mon frere ou je te tue” – Be my brother or I’ll kill you. But now in the CofE it’s to be ”Acknowledge my authority because I’m now in charge or we’ll chuck you out”. And when we’ve chucked out all the traditionalists, Evangelical and Catholic, people will flock to our churches again. As the Duke of Wellington is said to have replied to a woman who greeted him as ”Mr Jones”: ”If you believe… Read more »
It is not the traditionalists, Evangelicals or Catholic, that are the problem, but the bigots, racists, and antifemales and anti-gays, some very overtly, some much more subtle and “nice”. Like those bishops and priests who say, so nicely, “Of course I value your ministry and your love for your parishioners, but you are really just a lay-person dressed up as a priest, so I can never receive Communion from you, because it is not consecrated by a man, nor concelebrate with you. My ministry is valid, yours is invalid.” Think about how hurtful it is when Roman Catholics talk about… Read more »
‘”Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. I can’t find that in my Bible.’ Can’t you?
There’s a Guardian article today titled “UK populists mix faith and politics” which might fit well in this list of essays. The name Paul Marshall appears, although his links into Lambeth Palace are not described.