Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 23 February 2019

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer ‘General Synod has no confidence in the Church of England’s capacity to regulate its own safeguarding culture’

Sara Gillingham Church Times My intersex story
“Sara Gillingham is fed up with being treated as ‘disordered'”
John Appleby Church Times Created by god male and female?
“Exposure to different experiences has led John Appleby to rethink binary gender models”

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Can It be Right That…?

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Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
6 years ago

Archbishop Cranmer’s article, while making some good points is spoiled by his unnecessary sideswipe at the EU and remain Bishops and disfigured by the rancid comments below conflating paedophilia with homosexuality and laying all the blame on gay men (hardly noting that the ‘gay agenda’ can’t explain the abuse of girls and women by male clerics).

peterpi -- Peter Gross
peterpi -- Peter Gross
Reply to  Richard Ashby
6 years ago

“disfigured by the rancid comments below” Mr. Ashby, Regarding rancid comments, and judging by my experience with the comments section of my local newspaper and a few other websites (an admittedly-small sample size), rancid comments are the norm and the comments section of Thinking Anglicans is a tiny oasis in a vast desert. I appreciate that comments here are monitored, and I don’t know what type of comments the editors have had to decline to publish, but the ones that make it, even when heated, portray a politeness seldom seen elsewhere. Regardless of throwaway lines at the EU’s expense, I… Read more »

John Swanson
John Swanson
Reply to  Richard Ashby
6 years ago

I guess one person’s “unnecessary sideswipe” is another person’s relevant supporting evidence. Surely even the most ardent remainers acknowledge in our heart of hearts that the EU does have a democratic deficit and strong centralising tendencies? Part of the current problem is that we are so desperate to promote the remain cause that we feel we daren’t acknowledge any criticisms of the EU for fear that gives credibility to the leavers. But by denying valid criticisms, we contribute to the sense that we are an elite, out of touch with the real world, and so enveloped in power that we… Read more »

Cynthia Katsarelis
6 years ago

Jayne Ozanne is spot on, as usual.

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