Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 24 March 2021

James Hadley All Things Lawful And Honest Episcopal Soft Power
“The Rev’d Dr James Hadley finds the bishops’ protestations that there is no central plan to do away with the parish system disingenuous. Soft power, stealth, patronage and spin, allied with episcopal groupthink and the control of cash is just as powerful as a synodically agreed central policy.”

Emma Percy Modern Church Blog Queer Eye for a Fearful Church

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Towards a new Mission Statement for the Church of England

Timothy Goode ViaMedia.News ‘Oi Vicar, Why Don’t You Heal Yourself?’

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Refusing to play by House of Bishops’ rules

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Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
4 years ago

REF: Emma Percy Modern Church Blog Queer Eye for a Fearful Church “So, why am I writing about this programme in an essay about the fearful church? Principally because I believe the institutional church is stuck in many ways and is reaching for unhelpful ways of trying to move forward” ~ Emma Percy Two comments stood out for me in the Queer Eye [QE] ‘Preaching out loud’ episode – which I found a challenge at first: “The Church, for me, is a place of hurt, judgement and pain” ~ Member of the QE Team “The Church is quick to try to fix things… Read more »

4 years ago

I see a common thread in most of these opinion pieces, and I am grateful to have them presented here. There is a lack of confidence or even trust in the episcopate as it stands today. There is a feeling of being let down. – By stealth the parish system being undermined, and a lack of open honesty by bishops on LGBTQ+ issues and inclusion more generally. Sadly I think it is true that several bishops think one thing and say another. This lack of honesty and integrity I find quite frankly shocking and must, surely, be called out. Few… Read more »

Susannah Clark
4 years ago

Emma: “Where are the wounded healers…” . In the legend of the grail, the Fisher King is wounded, and yet is also on a journey to healing, not only for self, but for the healing of the land, which has fallen into waste. . I think wound is often the beginning. It may break us open… bring us to the flowing cup… to the overflow and flood of costly, passionate love. . On darkest days, when everything seems loss and waste, we may not see it, but God can bring us through… and works to heal and open us up,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Susannah Clark
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