Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 25 March 2020

Peter Leonard ViaMedia.News Flattening the Curve

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Chance Encounters and Changed Lives part 1

Christopher Southgate, Carla Grosch-Miller and Hilary Ison Tragedy and Congregations guidance for ministers as the coronavirus crisis deepens
“Thoughts for ministers during the first phase of the coronavirus crisis”

Godfrey Kesari Church Times Finding hope in the midst of a pandemic
“During this crisis, it is normal and natural to ask where God is. But this is not a time for Christians to retreat from their faith”

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Allan Sheath
Allan Sheath
5 years ago

Thank you Peter for being open enough to share what works for you. And while you were not prescriptive about it, I’m sure others beside myself will find your piece helpful.

For myself, I found the YouTube video of last Sunday’s Eucharist from St Alban’s Abbey uplifting. Today being a major feast, does anyone know if someone somewhere is doing something similar for the Annunciation? I googled it and came across this from what now seems a different age: “Cowley St John. The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sung Eucharist followed by Champagne Reception.Bartlemas Chapel.”

John Wallace
John Wallace
Reply to  Allan Sheath
5 years ago

St Michael and All Angels, Bedford Park livestreams a Daily Mass at 12 noon via its facebook site and it this then available for the rest of the day

Andrew Godsall
Andrew Godsall
5 years ago

The Sheldon Community have also been delighted to publish the article by Christopher Southgate, Carla Grosch-Miller and Hilary Ison. It is featured on the Sheldon Hub along with other resources in a special collection which includes conversations and resources to help in these especially challenging times.

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