Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 26 February 2020 – Ash Wednesday

Each day during Lent 2020 Clare Hayns will be posting on her blog about a different woman from the Hebrew Scriptures, and each post will end with a guide for personal prayer. She starts today with Hagar.

Simon Butler ViaMedia.News The Darkness Within…

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Welby brings peace and reconciliation to South Sudan

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Christian Celebrities and Betrayal

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Tim Chesterton
5 years ago

That’s a very helpful piece from Simon Butler. Thanks to him and the good folks at ViaMedia.

Neil Patterson
Neil Patterson
5 years ago

For comparison/competition with Clare Hayns’s blog, TA readers may like to seek out “Biblical Babes in 40 Days” on Facebook, a splendid compilation by the three Ministry Experience interns of Hereford Diocese

Father Ron Smith
5 years ago

I appreciated the contribution from Fr.Simon Butler – because of the reality that we are all sinners in need of redemption – on a daily basis. One good reason for the Daily Mass, where we confess our human need of God, who presences Christ with us in the Sacrament. The problem comes when we think that we are ‘not like that sinner over there’ (the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican). “There, but for the grace of God, go I!”
Jesu, mercy. Mary, pray.

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