Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 27 January 2021

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love How pro-LGBTIQ+ bishops responded to letter about LLF process

Jonathan Pease All Things Lawful And Honest Build Bach Better
“Jonathan Pease examines recent trends and developments in the Church of England’s choral tradition. Although COVID has produced many problems for church choirs in the immediate term, might it be that the pandemic prompts a renaissance in traditional church music and the life of parochial choirs in the long term?”

Helen King ViaMedia.News IICSA, ‘Living in Love and Faith’ & Lockdown 3.0

George Sumner The Living Church Concerning Asymmetry

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Father Ron Smith
4 years ago

George Sumner, in his hope for an ordered ‘asymmetry’ to be brought about within the worldwide Anglican Communion – though laudable in its essence – has real problems. His statement, here, from his perspective as part of the U.S.-based ‘Communiion Partners’ offers some clues as to why this is so: “We can readily think of concrete expressions of asymmetry. Imagine a future like this. Anglicans gather with fellow Anglicans from elsewhere in the global Communion, around the ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the symbol of a longer shared history. They share with those with whom they disagree as part… Read more »

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