Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 29 June 2024

Martin Sewell Surviving Church The continuing Shambles of CofE Safeguarding

God Loves Women Guest Post: A Response to William Nye
[This refers to the two background papers GS 2361A and GS 2361B for a General Synod debate on reviewing abuse at Soul Survivor.]

Simon Friend ViaMedia.News Power Games: Redemptive Violence or Redemptive Love?

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Dr John Wallace
Dr John Wallace
8 months ago

Thank you Simon for your sensible article. Why should sexual activity become the touchstone of orthodoxy either of evangelical or catholic theology? Many us us are weary of this old record being played. As you say what about violence, power, and all the other sinful issues. If I believed in a personal devil, rather like C S Lewis’s Screwtape, I imagine him rubbing his hands at this distraction from preaching and witnessing to the love of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Milton in Lycidas wrote ‘The hungry sheep look up and are not fed…’ We should be looking… Read more »

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
Reply to  Dr John Wallace
8 months ago

Is this what is meant by western elitism?

John Davies
John Davies
Reply to  Dr John Wallace
8 months ago

I was waiting for Simon’s piece to turn up here, too. It was beautifully put, and, for me, very helpful. I can imagine Satan sitting back in his chair, relaxing and laughing with delight as the church gets on and does his job for him. Straining at gnats and swallowing camels, as Jesus put it, over small, individual matters of personal morals and ethics, while happily allowing the really big matters – the ones that are very difficult if not impossible to change, and would threaten our established position – to ride rampant over the world. “Give me the wisdom… Read more »

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