Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 30 June 2018

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau New directions for the Church 7: decentralise

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Vicky Beeching & Jayne Ozanne. Narratives of hope

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Church plants and the problems of ecclesiology and doctrine

Editorial The Guardian view on an Anglican cover-up: the church that didn’t want to know

Donna Birrell Coffee Time The Week That Shook The Church…..

Theo Hobson The Spectator Justin Welby needs to get off the fence

Kelvin Holdsworth Civil Partnerships – What now for the churches?


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Richard W. Symonds
6 years ago

Donna Birrell – Coffee Time:

“On Radio 4’s Sunday programme, the lead Bishop for Safeguarding, Peter Hancock, said there had been “no deliberate intention to cover-up, but that has happened.” He went on to say that there had been “over concern to protect the Church’s reputation” and that “priorities were wrong”. Well done, these are very important words, Bishop Peter”

Yes, well done Bishop Peter.

Ann Reddecliffe
Ann Reddecliffe
6 years ago

Like Stephen Parsons, I have been reading Jayne Ozanne and Vicky Beeching’s books. These are both very important books because they move the debate forward. Both writers are theologically literate and have insider experience at the highest levels. I wonder how many of Vicky Beeching’s detractors have an Oxford theology degree and can read Hebrew and New Testament Greek? Where they move the debate forward is in showing the human cost of the way other Christians treat them. They expose both the homophobia of many in the church, and also the toxic theology behind it. Just because someone holds a… Read more »

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