Thinking Anglicans

Women Bishops

Updated Sunday night

There are several items this weekend about Tuesday’s debate and vote on women bishops.

Independent Emily Dugan Church of England poised to vote for women bishops

Telegraph John Bingham All eyes on ‘game-changer’ Welby as Church faces final showdown on women bishops

Telegraph Cole Moreton Ladies in waiting at the Church of England

Ruth Gledhill was interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme this morning. The five minute interview starts 20 min 15 sec in from the start.


Guardian Lizzy Davies Female bishops: history awaits at CofE General Synod vote


Anglican Covenant: report made to ACC-15

On Monday the General Synod is due to hear a presentation on the Anglican Consultative Council meeting held recently in New Zealand. A great many documents from that meeting are now available online here.

Of particular interest for the other agenda item tomorrow, concerning the Anglican Covenant, is this report on Provincial Reception of the Anglican Covenant (PDF).

This paper contains three kinds of information.

The first (Category A) is from member churches which have taken action in their governing body with respect to the Covenant, and which have communicated their decision to the Anglican Communion Office. The second (Category B) is from member churches which have taken action along the way to a decision, but which have not yet made a formal decision. The third (Category C) is from member churches whose actions have not been communicated to the ACO, but about which there is information through the media or on their own websites.

Wherever possible the exact wording of resolutions as adopted or defeated is given…

At the time this document was discussed at the ACC, Mary Frances Schjonberg of ENS filed this report: Council considers status of Anglican Covenant in small groups.

The Anglican Consultative Council spent an hour in private conversation on Oct. 31 (local time) considering the status of the Anglican Covenant but took no action.

Those reflection group conversations, preceded by a short plenary session open to the public, has been the pattern of this 15th meeting of the ACC.

Before the Oct. 31 reflection conversations began, New Zealand Diocese of Christchurch Bishop Victoria Matthews asked the members to consider “why [the covenant] is a cause of fear and why is it a sign of hope for others?”

The results of the reflection conversations were to be given to the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) and the Anglican Communion Standing Committee “as they discern the ways to take the matter forward,” according to a handout on the process…

And the previous day, in this digest report (scroll down for item) she had reported that Members get covenant status update.

While the ACC is not due to discuss the current status of the Anglican Covenant until Oct. 31, a document handed out today shows that nine provinces have made a final decision on the covenant with one rejecting the covenant, six accepting it as is and two making modifications as part of their acceptance.

Those in the so-called Category A that have approved the convent are Ireland, Mexico, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Southern Cone of America, and the West Indies. In addition, according to the document, South East Asia adopted the covenant with an added preamble of its own and the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia has subscribed to the covenant’s first three sections but said it cannot adopt section 4, which outlines a process for resolving disputes.

And, also in Category A, is the Scottish Episcopal Church, which has refused to adopt the covenant.

The U.S.-based Episcopal Church is one of eight provinces sorted into Category B, which is described as including provinces that have made “partial decisions” about the covenant…

The Church of Ireland Gazette also reported on all this, and interviewed Malcolm French of the No Anglican Covenant Coalition. The full text of the Gazette report is available below the fold.



South Carolina: withdrawal from Episcopal Church confirmed

Updated Sunday morning

Episcopal News Service reports: South Carolina convention affirms decision to leave Episcopal Church

The majority of South Carolina Episcopalians who attended a special convention at St. Philip’s Church here Nov. 17 affirmed actions by Bishop Mark Lawrence and the diocesan Standing Committee a month ago to disaffiliate the diocese from the Episcopal Church.

Those actions took place after Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori restricted Lawrence’s ministry on Oct. 17 after the church’s Disciplinary Board for Bishops certified to her that he had abandoned the Episcopal Church “by an open renunciation of the discipline of the church.”

On that same day, the Standing Committee announced that the action of the Disciplinary Board “triggered two pre-existing corporate resolutions of the diocese, which simultaneously disaffiliated the diocese from the Episcopal Church and called a special convention.”

The bishop referred to the special convention as “the Valley of Decision” during his address and asserted, “It is time to turn the page.” He referred to attempts to prevent separation of the diocese, and his oft-mentioned issues of theology, morality and disagreement with church canons…

The full text of Bishop Lawrence’s address to the convention can be found here. It is worth reading in full.

The ENS report notes that:

..While the bishop referred to numerous letters of support from church leaders, he did not announce any open offers of affiliation with the Anglican Communion, and he confirmed that for now the separatist diocese will affiliate with no one. In a conference call following the convention, he confirmed that alignment is not on the table at present.

However, during his address, he claimed that “for now and the foreseeable future, having withdrawn from our association with TEC, we remain an extra-provincial diocese within the larger Anglican Communion.”

Such a designation requires action by the Anglican Consultative Council, which concluded a 12-day meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, on Nov. 7. No action on South Carolina was taken during that meeting and the council will not meet again until May 2016…


Diocese of South Carolina Turns the Page; Looks Forward

Special Convention Approves Canonical and Constitutional Amendments Regarding Disassociation

Today, Saturday, November 17, 2012, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina met in Special Convention at the “mother church of the Diocese,” historic St. Philip’s Church in Charleston. There, an overwhelming majority passed three resolutions…

Full details of the three resolutions can be found here (PDF).

Video of Bishop Lawrence’s address here.



Andrew Brown in The Guardian The dictionary is wrong – science can be a religion too

Susan Russell in the Huffington Post And Here’s to You, Bishop Robinson

Matthew Groves for ResPublica The New Archbishop: A counter-cultural first among equals


Visiting General Synod

The Church of England has issued the following advice about visiting General Synod. It will be particularly relevant for the debate on the women bishops legislation which is timetabled for both the morning and afternoon sessions next Tuesday.

Visiting General Synod

Arrangements have been announced for those wishing to visit general synod and observe its proceedings.

112 tickets will be available each day for the public gallery.

Tickets will be valid for either the morning session (9am-1pm) or afternoon session (2pm-7pm).

Those wishing to view for the whole day will need to obtain tickets for both sessions.

Tickets for the morning session will be available from 8.45 from the Deans Yard entrance to Church House.

Tickets for the afternoon session will be available from 1.45 from the same place.

Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis. Those leaving the premises will be asked to return their tickets to allow others to enter.

In addition to tickets for the public gallery there will be a further 40 tickets available for the Abbey Room where a live feed of proceedings will be broadcast.

There will also be an opportunity to follow synod proceedings via twitter where the CofE comms account – amongst others – will be live tweeting proceedings. The hashtag being used for the whole session will be “#synod”

The proceedings will also be broadcast on a live audio feed available from the Church of England website.

The agenda for the synod is available here:


Church Times articles on the new Archbishop

Today’s Church Times has several articles about the appointment of Justin Welby as the next Archbishop of Canterbury. Some are only available to subscribers, but these two can be read by all

Reconciler Welby to take over in Canterbury

Bishop Welby’s statement

as can this editorial.

Momentous month


Women Bishops latest

Updated latest Friday afternoon

As next Tuesday’s debate and vote at General Synod approaches here are a few recent press articles.

Church Times Madeleine Davies As Synod vote nears, both sides slug it out online

Guardian Vicky Beeching How social media could swing the vote for women bishops

Ekklesia Simon Barrow Saying ‘yes’ to women bishops

Telegraph Riazat Butt Women bishops will have to accept discrimination to exist

Update The Church Mouse reports that Evangelical Women’s Group AWESOME back Women Bishops.

Church of England Newspaper Jody Stowell Yes2WomenBishops?


African challenges for the new archbishop

The Voice of America published this article about the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Tough Path Ahead for New Anglican Leader.

…The archbishop also comes from the church’s evangelical wing, which analysts say should stand him well in Africa. Pityana said that building a bridge between the two sides, however, will not be easy.

“Clearly any archbishop has got to be a master diplomat, has got to be somebody who can really balance out a variety of interests and pushes and pulls in the Anglican community. In this time, I would imagine there is a schism in all but name,” said Pityana.

Pityana said what is needed is an archbishop who can open dialogue, and he thinks Welby may have what it takes.

The incoming archbishop has worked as a crisis negotiator in Africa, working with separatists in the Niger Delta and negotiating with Islamists in northern Nigeria. His experience in Africa is important, Pityana said, especially in Nigeria, host to the world’s largest Anglican community.

“Bishop Justin has worked in Nigeria and one assumes that he has got fraternal relations with the leadership or the emerging leadership of the church in Nigeria. And so he would be able, at the very least, to be persuasive enough to open real genuine dialogue, which clearly under Archbishop Rowan Williams just did not happen,” said Pityana…

But speaking on the BBC, Nigerian Anglican leader Nicholas Okoh made it clear how he views the road ahead.

“The homosexual agenda that is being promoted here and there in the church, and by different governments here and there, if that is the agenda he is coming to promote, of course we will not be part of it,” said Okoh.

Leeds University African-religious studies expert Kevin Ward also is an Anglican priest. He said he thinks Welby has the qualities needed to make better headway toward dialogue within the Communion.

“I think that Justin Welby is going to work hard. He has this strong background of reconciliation, of working with divided people, bringing people together. And I think he will use those skills very well, not least in working with African church leaders,” said Ward.

Agence France-Presse reports: Nigerian lawmakers move ahead on anti-gay bill.
Also published by the Kenyan Daily Nation .

ABUJA — Nigerian lawmakers moved a step closer Tuesday to approving a bill that would harshly crack down on gay rights, including banning same-sex marriage and public displays of affection between homosexual couples.

The bill which has already been approved by the Senate passed a second reading in the House of Representatives with an unanimous vote and will now see a clause-by-clause review in the chamber at an undetermined date.

“It is alien to our society and culture and it must not be imported,” House majority leader Mulikat Adeola-Akande said during debate, referring to same-sex marriage. “Religion abhors it and our culture has no place for it,” she added.

House minority leader Femi Gbajabiamila said the bill represents “convergence of both law and morality.” He said that same-sex marriage “is both illegal and immoral.”

Nigeria’s senate in November 2011 approved the bill that would make same-sex marriages punishable by up to 14 years for the couple and 10 for anyone abetting such unions.

It also set out a 10-year sentence for “any person who … directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationships”.

Gay organisations would also be made illegal, leading some to raise concerns over whether funding channeled through non-governmental organisations in Nigeria for AIDS treatment would be put in jeopardy…


Next Archbishop of Canterbury: yet more news and reactions

The press is still interested in the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

Telegraph John Bingham Blessed are the Rock Badgers as Justin Welby heads for Canterbury
John Bingham Pope welcomes new Archbishop of Canterbury
Katy Brand Justin Welby’s ‘real world’ outlook bodes well for women bishops
Rachel Cooper New Archbishop of Canterbury takes RBS chief Stephen Hester to task
Damian Reece What the banker should have said to the bishop
John Bingham and Daniel Johnson Christians ‘should not be afraid’ to refer to their faith, says new Archbishop

Time Megan Gibson As The Next Archbishop of Canterbury, Can Justin Welby Save The Anglican Communion?

Mail Online Anna Edwards Hats off to you! New Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is already a hit as he swaps headgear with a policeman

Economist Alpha male

There are also more reactions to the appointment.

Colin Coward of Changing Attitude Archbishop-elect Justin Welby has the potential to be very good news

Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk congratulates newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury

Finally, the Guardian has this article by Andy Beckett about Bishop Welby’s old school: Eton: why the old boys’ network still flourishes

1 Comment

Diocese of South Carolina: confusing developments

Updated twice Thursday evening

Earlier reports were here, and also here.

Bishop Mark Lawrence has issued
A Message from Bishop Lawrence to the People of the Diocese of South Carolina which is also available as a PDF here.

…On Thursday, November 15, 2012, the following message to the people of the Diocese of South Carolina from Bishop Mark Lawrence was placed in the Charleston Post and Courier. The Bishop’s message reminds us that we are still here, where we always have been: a historic diocese remaining faithful to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ and recognized as such by the vast majority of the Anglican Communion in spite of recent attempts to assume our identity by the new TEC Steering Committee…

ENS has published Presiding bishop’s pastoral letter to Episcopalians in South Carolina

Katharine, a servant of Christ, to the saints in South Carolina.
May the grace, mercy, and peace of Christ Jesus our Savior be with you all.
You and the challenges you are facing in South Carolina remain in my own prayers and in those of many, many Episcopalians. As the confusion increases, I would like to clarify a number of issues which I understand are being discussed…


The Episcopal Church has issued this Fact sheet: The Diocese of South Carolina dated 9 November.

The Diocese of South Carolina (i.e. the body headed by Bishop Mark Lawrence) has issued

And a rival diocesan website has appeared here. Its contents include:

The group South Carolina Episcopalians has issued numerous further documents, including

There are even more documents from other sources available here.


Uganda anti-gay bill requested by Christians

The Associated Press reports: Official: Uganda’s anti-gay bill to be passed by end of year despite criticism abroad.
Also published in the Washington Post.

Uganda’s anti-gay bill will be passed before the end of 2012 despite international criticism of the draft legislation, the speaker of the country’s parliament said Monday, insisting it is what most Ugandans want.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga told The Associated Press that the bill, which originally mandated death for some gay acts, will become law this year.

Ugandans “are demanding it,” she said, reiterating a promise she made before a meeting on Friday of anti-gay activists who spoke of “the serious threat” posed by homosexuals to Uganda’s children. Some Christian clerics at the meeting in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, asked the speaker to pass the law as “a Christmas gift.”

See this video from NTV Uganda via Anti-Gay Bill: Speaker Kadaga Promises to Speed Up Law in Uganda.


Chichester sexual abuse: two arrests

Updated again on Friday

A retired bishop and a 67 year old retired priest were arrested by Sussex Police today in relation to allegations of sexual abuse. The Church of England issued this statement this morning.

Statement from the Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, Chair of the Churches National Safeguarding Committee
13 November 2012

The Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, Chair of the Churches National Safeguarding Committee said:

“We can confirm that police today arrested a retired Bishop and a 67 year old retired priest in relation to allegations of sexual abuse. The church has been working closely with Sussex police throughout this investigation and the full statement can be read here.

The Church of England takes any allegations of abuse very seriously and is committed to being a safe place for all. To this end we have robust procedures and policies in place. But we can never be complacent. We would like to urge any victims or those with information to feel free to come forward knowing that they will be listened to in confidence.

We have also put support systems in place for all those involved with today’s arrests. Should anyone have further information or need to discuss the personal impact of this news the Church has worked with the NSPCC to set up a confidential helpline no. 0800 389 5344. Although we cannot comment on this case any further at the moment, lessons must be learnt and it is our mission that all our churches are places of safety and joy, of righteousness and justice.”

Although neither the Church nor the police gave the names of those arrested, the media have not been so reticent.

Guardian Robert Booth Retired bishop Peter Ball arrested on suspicion of child sex offences

Independent Tom Pugh Retired bishop Peter Ball held in child sex abuse investigation

Telegraph John Bingham Former Church of England bishop held over sex abuse claims

BBC Former bishop and retired priest arrested over abuse claims

Mail Online Steve Nolan Retired Church of England bishop, 80, arrested by police over historic child sex abuse allegations at scandal-hit Diocese

Update Sussex Police have issued this update.

Guardian Robert Booth Bishop’s arrest part of broad inquiry into Chichester diocese child abuse

Friday update Guardian Robert Booth Police receive further abuse complaints against retired bishop

Comments are closed for this article.


WATCH says "Time to Move On!"

WATCH (Women and the Church) has today issued this Synod Briefing Statement.


Where we are now – Anglican women in ordained ministry

The Church of England depends on its women priests. Twenty years ago (11.11.92) General Synod voted to ordain women as priests. Today we have over three thousand women ministering in parishes and others in chaplaincies in hospitals, prisons, schools and universities. One in three priests is female and almost 50% of new ordinands. Four of our cathedrals have female Deans and there are 26 female archdeacons active in the leadership teams of dioceses.

There have been women bishops in the Anglican Communion since Barbara Harris was ordained in 1989. Since then 34 women have been consecrated in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Cuba, South Africa and the USA. In all these provinces of the Anglican Communion, no legal provision was made for those who oppose women in ordained ministry. Other provinces as varied as Scotland and the Sudan have opened the way for women bishops but not yet made a first appointment.

The discussion so far…

GS voted on a motion to ordain women as deacon, priest and bishop in 1978 – it lost. We have been discussing this issue ever since – for a whole generation.

The present legislative process began in 2000. Since then there have been 3 major church reports, regular debates in Synod and fifteen months of detailed drafting work. All the dioceses in the country have been consulted and at every step of the way support for this legislation to enable women to be bishops has been overwhelming: 42 of 44 dioceses voted ‘yes’ – with more than 75% of all votes cast in favour.

The provision for those opposed in the draft legislation

One reason for the overwhelming support for this legislation is the generous support offered to those who are opposed.

Under the draft Measure any parish can request a male priest or bishop on the grounds of their theological conviction and these convictions must be respected. This will be backed up by a Statutory Code of Practice with legal force. Some people say that this is not enough, but it is as much as can be given without seriously damaging the Church – and 29 dioceses voted against further provision being made.

This is a compromise for everyone

The draft ‘Measure’ is a considerable compromise for those in favour of women bishops. There will be parishes where women will be barred from serving as priests, and women bishops will have to delegate to a male bishop where the parish requests it. Nowhere else in the Anglican Communion has provision been spelled out in law at all – things have been worked out through building relationships ‘on the ground’. Most of WATCH’s supporters would much prefer to have seen this sort of arrangement in the Church of England too. But we have compromised so as to make space for those who are finding this change difficult.

Voting ‘yes’ for this would also be a compromise for those opposed because the legislation does not give them as much reassurance as they would like.

The 20th November

On Tuesday 20th November, General Synod will have to consider “The Measure” as it stands. Nothing can be done to amend it now without starting all over again.

Some, from both sides, want to wait in the hope of getting something better, but to do so would be incredibly destructive. Another 10 years going over and over the same arguments would cripple the Church’s credibility and mission. It would also deprive the Church of the skills and wisdom of women bishops. To waste our time and talents in this way would be quite wrong.

Despite our concerns that this Measure does not do enough to eradicate discrimination from the Church, WATCH is praying that Synod will vote ‘yes’ on 20th November. This is far from the perfect Measure for women, but it is what has been negotiated after years of consultation amongst those of all perspectives. A ‘yes’ will enable women bishops to be appointed whilst allowing that those who disagree to have a respected place within the Church of England.

Time to Decide!

‘To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for discussion and a time for decision. Twenty years after the vote for women’s ordination to the priesthood, and twelve years after we started exploring this issue in detail, it’s time to decide – time to move on.

The Reverend Rachel Weir Chair of WATCH said “This week we have been celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the vote for women priests. We pray that next week, Synod will complete the work that was started in November 1992 and vote for women bishops.


women bishops: lobbying against the Measure continues

updated again Thursday morning

The Chairs of Reform and the Catholic Group in General Synod have jointly published a printed booklet which has been sent to all synod members. It is available online as a PDF: Women Bishops Legislation Not Fit for Purpose.

Update and here is part 2: Yes 2 Women Bishops Part 2: The Right Measure at the Right Time

Church Society has published a video urging a vote against the Measure. See the associated press release here.

New articles continue to be posted at the website Replace the Measure.

Further material in the Church Times is mentioned in this news article: Synod women-bishops vote appears too close to call by Madeleine Davies.

Andrew Brown asked at Cif belief Female bishops vote: heading for a full dress fiasco?


Archbishop of Canterbury: even more reactions

More reactions since our article on Friday.

News items

Observer Peter Stanford The evangelical HQ that claims the new primate as one of its own
[originally published under the headline “New archbishop started his journey to Lambeth Palace at a radical church”]

Telegraph Charles Moore Justin Welby is the Alpha male to save the Church of England
Cole Moreton Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘You have no future in the Church’

BBC John McManus Justin Welby: Those who bet on me should donate winnings
Welby calls for winnings to be donated to church
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: World reaction

Huffington Post Jaweed Kaleem Justin Welby, New Archbishop Of Canterbury, Watched By Pro-Gay Rights Episcopalians As Church Tensions Continue

The Diocese of Durham has published a video of Bishop Justin’s Message To The Diocese.

Living Church John Martin +Welby’s Self-effacing Debut

Episcopal News Service Matthew Davies Hopes and gratitude for incoming, outgoing archbishops of Canterbury

Independent Joan Smith Our zombie church has a new leader. So what?

AllAfrica Nigeria: Who Will Close the Gulf Between Nigerian, UK Anglican Churches?

Mail Online George Arbuthnott and Adam Luck Revealed: Archbishop blindfolded by rebels with Kalashnikovs on jungle mercy mission


The Dean of Durham has written An Open Letter to the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

Leonard Clark has written Shall we stay or fall away?

Alan Wilson And a (Blindfolded) Child shall lead them?

Krishnan Guru-Murthy An untroublesome priest?

(+)+Welby – post-Protestant evangelical?

Colin Coward of Changing Attitude Justin Welby – is he good news for LGB&T Anglicans?

Andy Walton at Fulcrum Beginning Well: A Reflection on Justin Welby’s first press conference at Lambeth Palace

Reactions to the appointment

Statements on 105th Archbishop of Canterbury from across the Anglican Communion


Church of England Evangelical Council

Church of Uganda

Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans

Anglican Church in North America

Some earlier items

Living Church Justin Welby: A TLC Interview

Justin Welby speaking to the American House of Bishops



Martin Wainwright writes in The Guardian about Durham’s loss but not London’s gain: “Praise be for a national institution whose greatest names – Canterbury and York – are outside the M25.

The Guardian has a video of Richard Coles who says that The saints’ lives will always resonate.

Christopher Howse writes in his Sacred Mysteries column in The Telegraph about A life above the brook Cedron.


Justin Welby: Video of press conference Q and A

In addition to the recordings published here, you can watch a complete, unedited, video recording of the Questions and Answers portion of the press conference here.


Initial Reactions to new Archbishop of Canterbury

This page will be updated during the day

The Church of England gives us this Prayer for the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

Following the press conference to announce the new Archbishop this morning the following press reports have already appeared.

Madeleine Davies in the Church Times Welby confirmed as Williams’s successor
and Welby optimistic about Church: ‘The tide of events is turning’

Paul Handley in the Church Times On handling the press

Lizzy Davies in The Guardian Justin Welby confirmed as archbishop of Canterbury
and Justin Welby urges General Synod to vote to ordain women
and Clerical duties: what does the archbishop of Canterbury do?

Andrew Brown in The Guardian Justin Welby introduces himself with self-deprecation and a hint of steel

BBC Justin Welby named as next Archbishop of Canterbury
The new Archbishop of Canterbury: 10 lesser-known things

John Bingham in the Telegraph Justin Welby confirmed as next Archbishop of Canterbury
and New Archbishop Justin Welby pledges re-think on gay marriage relationships
and African leaders warn Welby: Anglican Church is ‘fractured’

Steve Doughty and Amanda Williams in the Mail Online Former oil industry executive the Rt Rev Justin Welby confirmed as next Archbishop of Canterbury quips ‘This is the best-kept secret since the last Cabinet reshuffle’

Channel 4 news Justin Welby named Archbishop of Canterbury

Liverpool Echo Justin Welby announced as new Archbishop of Canterbury
Liverpool Daily Post New Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Wilby upbeat over future of church

New York Times Alan Cowell and John F Burns Former Oil Executive Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury

Christian Today Conservative Anglicans welcome new Archbishop of Canterbury
and What Christians are saying about the next Archbishop of Canterbury

Interview with the Archbishop-designate on BBC Radio Four’s World at One.

Robert Barr for Associated Press Ex-oilman Welby named archbishop of Canterbury

Trevor Grundy in the Washington Post New Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby inherits a divided Anglican Communion

A number of English dioceses have already responded to the announcement.

Bristol Canterbury Derby Ely Lincoln Liverpool Norwich Portsmouth Sheffield Winchester York

There are these other responses.

Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council, the Right Reverend James Tengatenga, Bishop of Malawi
Kenneth Kearon Secretary General of the Anglican Communion
Scottish Episcopal Church
Inclusive Church
Baptist Times
Chief Rabbi
UK Ambassador to the Holy See
Church Army
Affirming Catholicism
WATCH (Women and the Church)
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Archbishop Vincent Nichols
Church in Wales
Integrity USA

David Pocklington at Law & Religion UK has Ten further questions for the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

Andrew Brown in The Guardian The new archbishop of Canterbury: money, sex and other headaches

Savi Hensman for Ekklesia Justin Welby: archbishop amidst fallen idols

Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia For Canterbury, Rerum Novarum

Paul Bickley at Welby is well suited to walk a difficult path ahead

Ekklesia No place for homophobia in church, says Archbishop-elect
and Welby speaks in favour of the Living Wage and tax reform

Giles Fraser in The Guardian As the CofE’s top man, Justin Welby must cope with our infantile projections


Justin Welby appointed 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

Updated at 12.30 pm

At last, it is official. Number 10 just issued this press notice.

Archbishop of Canterbury
Friday 9 November 2012

Justin Welby appointed 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

The Queen has nominated the Right Reverend Justin Welby, MA, Hon FCT, the Lord Bishop of Durham, for election by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury in the place of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Rowan Douglas Williams, MA DPhil DD FBA, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan.

Notes for Editors

Justin Welby (aged 56) was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. After a career in the oil industry in Paris and London, he trained for the ministry at Cranmer Hall and St John’s College Durham. He served his title at Chilvers Coton with Astley, Coventry diocese from 1992 to 1995. From 1995 to 2002 he was Rector of Southam and also Vicar of Ufton, Coventry diocese from 1998 to 2002. From 2002 to 2007 he was Canon Residentiary at Coventry Cathedral; and was Co-Director for International Ministry from 2002 to 2005. From 2005 to 2007 he was Sub-Dean at Coventry Cathedral and also Canon for Reconciliation Ministry and in 2007 was also Priest-in-Charge at Coventry Holy Trinity. From 2007 to 2011 he was Dean of Liverpool. Since 2011 he has been the Bishop of Durham.

From 2000 to 2002 he was Chairman of an NHS Hospital Trust, and he currently also serves on the Committee of Reference for the ethical funds of a large investment company in the City of London. He is also a member of the Banking Standards Commission.

Justin Welby is married to Caroline and they have had six children (one of whom died in infancy).

And Lambeth Palace has this Announcement of the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury.

Update The Lambeth Palace announcement now includes the opening statement made by Bishop Welby at the press conference this morning. There is also a biography of the Archbishop-designate.


Archbishop of Canterbury: more on Justin Welby

The official announcement of the new Archbishop of Canterbury is not expected until later this morning. But that hasn’t stopped a deluge of media articles about Justin Welby, the Bishop of Durham. We published a few earlier; here are more.

Ekklesia Welby expected to be announced as new Archbishop of Canterbury

Lizzy Davies Justin Welby to be next archbishop of Canterbury
Stephen Bates Justin Welby: a real world archbishop of Canterbury
Andrew Brown Justin Welby went to Eton – of course he understands misery
editorial Justin Welby: a pragmatic priest in turbulent times

John Bingham New Archbishop of Canterbury: Justin Welby, the meteoric rise of an ‘astonished’ former oil trader
Fraser Nelson Justin Welby : The worldly capitalist looking to spread the Word of the Lord
New Archbishop of Canterbury: Justin Welby, the oil executive who heard God calling
Peter Mullen A new Archbishop but no change at Canterbury: Justin Welby is just another Left-wing establishment bureaucrat
Damian Thompson ‘HTB’ lands its first Archbishop of Canterbury
John Bingham Archbishop of Canterbury: Claims of ‘insider dealing’ after run of bets on Justin Welby

Cahal Milmo Profile: Justin Welby, the Bishop of Durham
Cahal Milmo Priority one for the next Archbishop of Canterbury: Get the books in holy order
George Pitcher Brace position, Mr Cameron. Justin Welby, the next Archbishop, is not the kind of Etonian you’re used to

Northern Echo Mark Tallentire Who is Justin Welby?

Mick Ord Profile: Anglican Bishop of Durham Justin Welby
Robert Pigott Analysis: new Archbishop’s challenge
Viewpoints: What should new archbishop’s priorities be?
Why Justin Welby left the oil industry for a life in the Church
Justin Welby: Profile of the man set to be Archbishop of Canterbury

Financial Times Brooke Masters Welby’s financial knowledge welcomed

ITV Challenging times ahead as New Archbishop prepares to take leadership

Mail Online Stephen Glover Praise be! A man of steel and principle who could (with God’s help) rescue our bickering Church

Liverpool Echo Paddy Shennan New Archbishop of Canterbury in waiting Justin Welby says he learned so much in Liverpool