Thinking Anglicans

Appointment of Bishop of Bolton

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Dr Matthew Porter to the Suffragan See of Bolton, in the Diocese of Manchester.

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office. There is more detail on the diocesan website.

Suffragan Bishop of Bolton: 15 March 2023

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Dr. Matthew Porter to the Suffragan See of Bolton, in the Diocese of Manchester.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 15 March 2023

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Dr. Matthew Porter, Vicar of St Michael le Belfrey, in the Diocese of York to the Suffragan See of Bolton, in the Diocese of Manchester, in succession to The Right Reverend Mark Ashcroft following his retirement.


Matthew holds degrees from the universities of Nottingham, Oxford, Sheffield and Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky, USA and trained for ministry at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He served his title at Christ Church, Dore, in the Diocese of Sheffield, and was ordained priest in 1997. Matthew was appointed Vicar at St Chad’s, Woodseats in 2000 and additionally served as Director of Curate Training for the Diocese of Sheffield from 2005.

In 2009 Matthew was appointed Associate Minister at St Michael le Belfrey, in the Diocese of York, and has served as Vicar there since 2010. Additionally, Matthew has served on the boards of Cranmer Hall, Durham and St Hild College, Leeds, is an author, and was appointed as Honorary Chaplain to the Queen and then King in 2022.


Opinion – 11 March 2023

Ian Paul Psephizo Five good reasons for not giving

Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Blackburn: What We Still Don’t Know

Drew Nathaniel Keane The Living Church
Sunday Liturgy without a Priest: Part One (Communion by Extension)
Sunday Liturgy Without A Priest: Part Two (Morning Prayer and Antecommunion)

Phil Hooper Earth & Altar Who is Athanasius of Alexandria?


Lambeth Palace safeguarding redux

Since the SCIE report on Lambeth Palace Safeguarding was published on 28 February, there has been a series of news and comment articles about it. Our reporting of it has been a bit disjointed so for clarification here is a complete record.

Our original 28 February report is here: Lambeth Palace safeguarding audit published. We then published links to six other items in the Comments rather than by amending the original post. We also mentioned two of these in our Opinion roundup on 4 March. Here are all the links:

28 February Anglican Futures: Unbelievable!

28 February Premier Christian News: Welby’s attempts to create safe CofE culture ‘undermined’ through lack of consistency says audit 

28 February Church Times: Abuse survivors unhappy with their treatment by Lambeth Palace, audit finds

2 March  Jasvinda Sangera Independent Safeguarding Board: Response to SCIE Report on safeguarding practices into Lambeth Palace

3 March Stephen Parsons Surviving ChurchTrying to be heard. How Lambeth Palace has let down the Abused in their search for Justice.

4 March The Times (£)Archbishops’ aide criticised for handling of Church of England sex abuse allegations

Now the Church Times has published two further articles (read the earlier one first, to make sense of them):

9 March Church Times: Abuse survivors criticise Bishop Urquhart’s appointment as Bishop to the Archbishops

10 March Church Times: Safeguarding not a responsibility of the Bishop to the Archbishops, Lambeth said

Here is the Lambeth Palace statement: Clarification from Lambeth Palace of current safeguarding arrangements following publication of SCIE report.


Bishop of Sodor and Man to retire

The Right Reverend Peter Eagles, the Bishop of Sodor and Man, has announced that he is to retire from the role on 28 October 2023.


Appointment of Bishop of Huddersfield

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Madhu Smitha Prasadam, Chaplain of St Alban’s, Copenhagen, in the Diocese of Europe to the Suffragan See of Huddersfield, in the Diocese of Leeds.

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office. There is more on the diocesan website.

Appointment of the Suffragan Bishop of Huddersfield: 8 March 2023

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 8 March 2023

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Madhu Smitha Prasadam, Chaplain of St Alban’s, Copenhagen, in the Diocese of Europe to the Suffragan See of Huddersfield, in the Diocese of Leeds, in succession to The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Gibbs following his appointment as Bishop of Rochester.


Smitha was educated at Leeds University (College of Ripon and York St John) and trained for ministry at Queen’s College Birmingham. She served her title at St Paul, Blackheath in the Diocese of Birmingham, and was ordained Priest in 2004. She was the Vicar of St Paul, Hamstead in the Diocese of Birmingham from 2007 to 2018.

Smitha was appointed to her current role as Chaplain of St Alban’s, Copenhagen in the Diocese of Europe in 2018. She has additionally served as Canon on the Cathedral Chapter since 2021.


Evangelicals support the bishops’ LLF proposals

From the Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England

Evangelical opinion on the bishops’ LLF proposals

The following letter from eighteen evangelicals was published in yesterday’s issue of the Church Times (3 March 2023 –

The Equal Campaign approves. For far too long conservative evangelical organizations such as CEEC and the Church Society have claimed that only those who subscribe to their package of fundamentalist beliefs are entitled to call themselves evangelical. As the writers of the letter show, this is simply not the case.

The full text of the letter to the Church Times is copied below the fold.



Bishop Frank Griswold has died

A former presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, Frank Griswold,  has died.

The Episcopal Church:

Diocese of Chicago:

The Living Church Frank T. Griswold, 25th Presiding Bishop, 1937-2023

Church Times Frank Griswold, a former US Presiding Bishop, dies aged 85


ACRJ issues second biannual report

press release 23/02/2023:
Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice releases Second Biannual Report

The Archbishops’ Commission for Racial Justice has released the second of its biannual Racial Justice reports.

Mandated to drive ‘significant cultural and structural change on issues of racial justice within the Church of England’, the Archbishops’ Commission for Racial Justice (“ACRJ”), headed by The Rt Hon Lord Paul Boateng, is charged with monitoring, holding to account and supporting the implementation of the forty-seven recommendations of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce which were laid out in the Taskforce’s comprehensive 2021 report From Lament to Action….

The remainder of the press release is copied below the fold. From another page:

In this, the second of the six reports the ACRJ will produce, we have reported on the work of the seven workstreams since the publication of the Spring 2022 report and on the progress of work on the five priority areas and the forty-seven recommendations identified in From Lament to Action.

The full text of the report is available here.

A report in the Church Times is available here: Lord Boateng: Church’s racial-justice progress is slow, despite accusations of haste



Opinion – 4 March 2023

Bosco Peters Liturgy Deconstruction Part 1

Philip Zoutendam Earth & Altar Who is Thomas Cranmer?

One of my fellow editors at Thinking Anglicans has written this.
Simon Kershaw Thinking Allowed The Coronation Liturgy

Jasvinder Sanghera, Survivor Advocate Independent Safeguarding Board Response to SCIE report on safeguarding practices into Lambeth Palace
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Trying to be heard. How Lambeth Palace has let down the Abused in their search for Justice
See also links in the comments to our article Lambeth Palace safeguarding audit published.


Bishop of Carlisle announces plans to retire

The Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev James Newcome, has announced that he will retire at the end of August 2023.


Opinion – 1 March 2023

April Alexander ViaMedia.News Learning from history: LLF and the ordination of women

Helen King ViaMedia.News Born-Again Virginity?

Pierre Whalon God does not exist

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Review Time

Martyn Percy Prospect Magazine Why Charles’s coronation could be a spiritual flop

Pete Broadbent Ecclesiastical Law Journal Reflections on the Workings of General Synod
[no longer behind a paywall]


Bishop of Swindon to retire

The Rt Revd Dr Lee Rayfield, the Bishop of Swindon, has announced that he will retire on Sunday 30 April 2023.


Lambeth Palace safeguarding audit published

Press release from Lambeth Palace:
Lambeth Palace publishes its Independent Safeguarding Audit from SCIE

The independent audit by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) of Lambeth Palace’s safeguarding arrangements has been published today.

The audit, which was conducted in March 2022, involved reviewing a wide range of documentation as well as talking to staff members and focus groups. The purpose was to gain a greater understanding of the policies and culture of safeguarding that exists at Lambeth Palace, the office and residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The SCIE audit was part of a national safeguarding audit programme covering Church of England dioceses, cathedrals and palaces, which is now complete. This national programme seeks to support safeguarding improvements across governance and leadership, organisational culture, policies and practice guidance, case-work, responsiveness to (and support of) victims and survivors of abuse, and recruitment and training, ensuring that all offices have the best possible practice in place….

full text of press release continues below the fold

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Independent Safeguarding Audit of Lambeth Palace can be read in full here: Independent Safeguarding Audit of Lambeth Palace

Lambeth Palace will be producing an action plan in response to the SCIE audit and the Independent Safeguarding Board report ‘Don’t Panic – Be Pastoral’, as well as the recommendations of the recent Church of England-wide Past Cases Review 2 project, in which Lambeth Palace participated. This will be published in due course.

In January Bishopthorpe Palace published its own Independent Safeguarding Audit from SCIE which can be found here.



What does CEEC want?

The Church of England Evangelical Council has published some new documents which give further detail on what it thinks should now happen in the Church of England.

John Dunnett, CEEC Director of Strategy and Operations sets out CEEC’s position in A Brief Overview of CEEC’s Position Post Living in Love and Faith.

Keeping Faith: Every Voice Matters is a 6 page PDF document in which:

CEEC calls on EVERY evangelical church, member and leader to:

  • share with your bishop(s) your dismay at the decision of the General Synod to ‘green light’ the bishops’ proposed Prayers of Love and Faith to affirm and celebrate relationships outside marriage between one man and one woman, which will often be sexually active

  • take appropriate actions in your context in response to this development

  • make sure that any action you take is known about within your local church and by CEEC (see next page for CEEC contact details)…

 A slightly older document about “Writing to your bishop” has this:

Download our simple tips and ideas for your letter.

You can find the names and email addresses of all the bishops here.


Opinion – 25 February 2023

Alice Goodman Prospect Clerical life: Will the Church of England survive?
“According to the census less than half the population is now Christian. But in my parish, I still see parents passing their faith down to their children”

A new Resources Guide is now available from the Lambeth Conference team.

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Agents of contamination and decomposition – transcript of the vlog: Unadulterated Love episode 3


February General Synod – electronic voting results

The electronic voting results from this month’s General Synod are now available online and are linked below.

LLF voting

The proposed amendments and the original motion from the LLF debate are in Order Paper V.

Final motion (as amended by 67) Item 11

Amendments to Item 11

Item 44
Item 45
Item 51
Item 52
Item 53
Item 54
Item 55
Item 56
Item 57
Item 58
Item 59
Item 60
Item 61
Item 62
Item 64
Item 65
Item 67
Item 68

Other electronic votes

Item 10 (motion on Cost of Living)
Item 69 (amendment to motion on Governance Review)
Item 502 (final approval of Amending Canon No. 42)
Item 506 (final approval of the Diocesan Stipends Funds (Amendment) Measure)
Item 514 (amendment to the Draft Diocesan Stipends Funds (Amendment) Measure)
Item 521 (amendment to the Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure)
Item 523 (That clause 2 stand part of the Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure)
Item 530 (amendment to the Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure)


Opinion – 22 February 2023

Christopher Cocksworth (Bishop of Coventry) The Living Church Living in Love and Faith: Where do things stand? Where do we go from here?

Andrew Rumsey Down in The Effra Cold Snap

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love GSFA and CEEC persecute LGBTQIA+ people who contaminate the Church


Safeguarding diocesan data 2019-21

New safeguarding data from a three-year period has been published by the Church of England today. The data is for new concerns and allegations reported to the Church in 2019, 2020 and 2021 and relates to all its work, not just to Church Officers. The reports range from concerns about possible risk to direct allegations of abuse. There is more detail in the press release.


Bishop of Edmonton to become CEO of CUF

The Rt Revd Rob Wickham, the Bishop of Edmonton, has today been appointed the new Group Chief Executive of Church Urban Fund (CUF). He will take up the role of CEO on 10 July 2023.

There are announcements on the London diocesan website and the CUF website.


GSFA primates criticise Church of England

This statement was issued today by the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches:
Statement of GSFA Primates on the CofE’s Decision regarding Blessing of Same Sex Unions.

That link above is to a .docx format file. Readers may find this PDF version more accessible.

The Anglican Communion Office has issued this response: Statement by the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued this response: Lambeth Palace responds to GFSA statement. [text copied below the fold]
