Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 18 February 2023

A Monument of Fame (Lambeth Palace Library blog) Back to the future: the Church Commissioners’ first computer

Martin Sewell Surviving Church Independent Safeguarding in the CofE. ‘When you give, let go’.

Simon Richiardi Surviving Church I kissed dating goodbye. Surviving a Church that practised ‘Biblical Marriage.’

K-Anonymous Surviving Church Innocent until proved guilty, except in the Church of England

Maggi Dawn Church Times God has many names: a solution to the inclusive-language dilemma

Andrew Nunn Looking back [at eighteen years on the General Synod]

Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News Being Invisible While Anglicans Debate Marrying Same-Sex Couples


After LLF, what next?

Three separate items of interest have recently appeared:

“…This film explores the case for differentiation in the event that the trajectory set by the February 2023 General Synod is followed through on in July (the next General Synod) or thereafter.”

The aim of this short document is to clarify how ANiE can serve churches and clergy in the Church of England, and to be clear about what we are unable to offer in this context.


Anglican Consultative Council meets in Ghana

Updated Wednesday

ACC-18 is meeting in Accra, Ghana from 12 to 19 February. Full coverage is available from here, including videos. I will link only selected items here. Do visit the ACC-18 site for more material.

Archbishop of Canterbury addresses concern over global Anglican structures

Anglican Communion Office rebuts misleading claims about Church of England General Synod

ACC-18 Opening Press Conference (video)

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address at ACC-18

Anglican Consultative Council welcomes new group to explore “structure and decision-making” to “address our differences in the Anglican Communion”


LLF voting figures

Anglican Futures have published some comments on the voting on the LLF motion and amendments at General Synod this week: They Think It’s All Over…. Is It Now?. This includes a very helpful table showing the voting figures for each item. I have copied this below; click on the table for a larger version. The full text of the amendments and the original motion are in this notice paper.

LLF voting figures

There has been comment that the House of Bishops exercised some sort of veto by having votes by houses. But in nearly every case all three houses voted the same way. In four cases (53, 56, 60, 62) the House of Laity voted in favour whilst the other two houses voted against. But in all four the amendment would have been defeated even if the vote had been of the whole synod.

Voting lists, showing how each member of Synod voted, will be published in due course, and we will then publish an article linking to them.


Reactions to Synod vote on LLF

Church Times Synod’s same-sex vote: first reactions

English bishops
Carlisle and Penrith
Exeter, Crediton and Plymouth
Truro and St Germans

Archbishop of Uganda
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion
Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
The Church of England Evangelical Council
Anglican Network in Europe

Charlie Bell All About Power: General Synod and the LLF Debate

Keith Sinclair CEEC: What’s next for Evangelicals in the Church of England

EQUAL (The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England)

Ian Paul What exactly happened at Synod on the Prayers for Love and Faith?

Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Anglicans angry at same-sex blessings question Justin Welby’s ‘fitness to lead’


Opinion – 11 February 2023

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes No, the doctrine of marriage is not fixed

Andrew Goddard Psephizo What are the bishops claiming about marriage?

Helen King sharedconversations Would you Adam and Eve it?

Russell Dewhurst Law & Religion UK Canon B5 and the Prayers of Love and Faith

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Annual Report 2022 National Safeguarding Panel

Giles Fraser UnHerd God has no gender

Frank Cranmer Religion Media Centre Factsheet: Establishment and the Church of England


Living in Love and Faith

Updated to add press reports

General Synod completed its debate on Living in Love and Faith a short time ago after eight hours of debate. It passed the following motion.

That this Synod, recognising the commitment to learning and deep listening to God and to each other of the Living in Love and Faith process, and desiring with God’s help to journey together while acknowledging the different deeply held convictions within the Church:
(a) lament and repent of the failure of the Church to be welcoming to LGBTQI+ people and the harm that LGBTQI+ people have experienced and continue to experience in the life of the Church;
(b) recommit to our shared witness to God’s love for and acceptance of every person by continuing to embed the Pastoral Principles in our life together locally and nationally;
(c) commend the continued learning together enabled by the Living in Love and Faith process and resources in relation to identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage;
(d) welcome the decision of the House of Bishops to replace Issues in Human Sexuality with new pastoral guidance;
(e) welcome the response from the College of Bishops and look forward to the House of Bishops further refining, commending and issuing the Prayers of Love and Faith described in GS 2289 and its Annexes;
(f) invite the House of Bishops to monitor the Church’s use of and response to the Prayers of Love and Faith, once they have been commended and published, and to report back to Synod in five years’ time;
(g) endorse the decision of the College and House of Bishops not to propose any change to the doctrine of marriage, and their intention that the final version of the Prayers of Love and Faith should not be contrary to or indicative of a departure from the doctrine of the Church of England.

The voting was by houses.
Bishops: 36 in favour, 4 against, 2 recorded abstentions
Clergy: 111 in favour, 85 against, 3 recorded abstentions
Laity: 103 in favour, 92 against, 5 recorded abstentions

There is an official press release: Prayers for God’s blessing for same-sex couples take step forward after Synod debate.

Press reports

Church Times Bishops’ proposals to bless same-sex couples carried by Synod, despite sustained opposition
The Guardian Church of England votes in favour of blessings for same-sex unions
Telegraph Blessings for gay couples approved by Church of England for first time
Telegraph Church of England ostracised after it backs blessings for gay couples
BBC News Church of England backs plans to bless gay couples


General Synod – 6 to 9 February 2023

See separate post for the result of the Living in Love and Faith debate

This post will be updated as the meeting proceeds.

The Church of England’s General Synod is meeting this week. The timetable is here, the agenda is here and the papers are here.

Live Video etc

All sessions are streamed live on YouTube and remain available to view afterwards.

Monday afternoon – live from 1.45 pm
Tuesday morning – live from 10.15 am
Tuesday afternoon – live from 2.00 pm
Wednesday morning – live from 9.15 am
Wednesday afternoon – live from 2.00 pm
Thursday morning – live from 9.15 am
Thursday afternoon – live from 1.45 pm

There is an official Twitter account.

Order Papers

OP I – Monday afternoon
OP II – Tuesday morning
OP III – Tuesday afternoon
OP IV  – Wednesday morning
OP V – Wednesday afternoon
OP VI – Thursday morning
OP VII – Thursday afternoon

Business done

Monday 6 February
Tuesday 7 February AM
Tuesday 7 February PM
Wednesday 8 February AM
Wednesday 8 February PM
Thursday 9 February AM
Thursday 9 February PM

Official press releases

Archbishop of Canterbury’s presidential address
Bishop of London’s Living in Love and Faith Presentation [a pdf version is available here]
Archbishop delivers Loyal Address to The King
Synod: Archbishop delivers Loyal Address to The King
Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech in Living in Love and Faith debate
Safeguarding presentation to General Synod

Press reports and comment

Church Times
ISB remains off the Synod’s agenda despite members’ concerns
Synod, trust parishes to discount funeral and wedding fees when needed – this refers to this financial statement
Use language that unites not divides, Archbishop Welby asks, as the General Synod begins
Sexuality discussions opened our eyes to the harm we have done, says Bishop of London
Archbishop Welby praise’s King’s interfaith work in Loyal Address
Reforms to ordinands’ funding are welcomed by Synod, though costs are queried
General Synod: same-sex debate goes into overtime

Episcopal News Service
Church of England’s General Synod gets underway, with questions about same-sex marriage looming

The Guardian
Church of England to consider greener alternatives to burial
Church of England to consider use of gender-neutral terms for God
MPs should not influence church on same-sex marriage, says Justin Welby

Evening Standard
Too many LGBT people have heard ‘the words of rejection’ from Church of England

The Telegraph
Church of England looks at ‘human composting’
Archbishop of Canterbury: MPs won’t tell me what to do on gay marriage

Synod members’ blogs

Helen King
Forty years of foreplay: before the February 2023 General Synod
February 2023 General Synod: sex, sin and separation

Andrew Nunn
The final lap
Picking up speed
It could have been worse
Into extra time
A better story


Synod: another safeguarding update

For previous items, see More safeguarding updates.

Surviving Church has published this article by David Lamming: Will General Synod be allowed to debate the Independent Safeguarding Board? It appears that at present the answer is No.


Hattie Williams has a further detailed update in the Church Times: ISB remains off the Synod’s agenda despite members’ concerns

…By Friday, Mr Sewell had been informed by the Acting Clerk to the Synod, Jenny Jacobs, that the chair for the safeguarding items (the Dean of Southwark, the Very Revd Andrew Nunn) had ruled the motion out of order because it was not compliant with Standing Orders. Specifically, the following motion was not “relevant to and within the scope of its subject matter” of the original NST motion.

Mr Sewell and David Lamming, a former Synod member, redrafted their motion to refer to a previous motion from Dr Gibbs, carried by the Synod during its July sessions last year, which had requested “regular updates on progress at each group of sessions, especially concerning the strengthening of independent accountability and oversight of the Church’s safeguarding work at all levels” (News, 15 July 2022).

Over the weekend, however, this, too, was ruled out of scope, again, on the grounds that: “The ISB is not a workstream for which the NST is responsible.”


Pre-Synod News and Opinion

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News No More Delay: A Call to General Synod

Charlie Bell For whom the Bell tolls A response to ‘The Church of England’s Doctrine of Marriage’, +Fulham et al

Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law Canon B5 and the Prayers of Love and Faith

Lorraine Cavanagh Modern Church What Price Unity?

Colin Coward‘s vlog – episode 2

Catherine Pepinster Religion News Service Church of England submits blessings for same-sex couples to fierce debate in Synod

Francis Martin Church Times MPs plan to put pressure on the C of E after Welby’s disestablishment remarks

Sarah Meyrick Church Times Fourteen bishops publish a defence of traditional marriage

Jayne Ozanne The Guardian One side of the C of E preaches LGBT+ acceptance, the other says I’m going to hell. This can’t go on

Andrew Davison Church Times We will bless couples, not just people

Church of England press: House of Bishops – Monday 20 January 2023
20 is clearly a misprint for 30.


Opinion – 4 February 2021

A Monument of Fame (Lambeth Palace Library blog) Partners at the Palace: the story of the wives of the Archbishops of Canterbury

Peter Reiss Surviving Church Unheard and Un-noticed but not uncommon – Why are we so bad at listening?


General Synod Questions

The Questions (and answers) for next week’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod were sent to Synod members today. They are not yet online with the other Synod papers but I have put copies online. They come in four parts.

QUESTIONS Notice Paper 1 General Feb 2023
QUESTIONS Notice Paper 1 General Feb 2023 additional info
QUESTIONS Notice Paper 2 LLF February 2023
QUESTIONS Notice Paper 2 LLF Feb 2023 additional info

The first of these starts with this note.

The Business Committee has scheduled two hours for Questions at the February 2023 Group of Sessions of the General Synod. This is divided between 80 minutes on Monday 6 February and 40 minutes on Tuesday 7 February. Notice has been given of 206 questions, of which just under one third or 64 are questions of the House of Bishops relating to Living in Love and Faith and ancillary matters. The Business Committee has determined that the two questions sessions will take the following format. There are two Questions Notice Papers. This first Notice Paper contains all questions other than those relating to the Living in Love and Faith process. The second Notice Paper contains all questions to the House of Bishops on Living in Love and Faith. The first session for questions will begin at the start of the first Notice Paper and will continue until the time provided for in the agenda comes to an end. The second session will then begin at the start of the second Notice Paper and will continue until the time provided for in the agenda comes to an end.

The order in which questions are answered follows convention. The three bodies or individuals of whom questions were asked and who appeared at the bottom of the Notice Paper at the previous occasion questions were asked are taken first in this group of sessions. The remaining bodies and individuals follow in the same order as previously.
The previous occasion questions were asked was November 2022. This means questions to the Secretary General, the Clerk to the Synod and National Society Council will be taken first at this group of sessions.


Bishop David Urquhart to be the new Bishop to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York

Press release from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Bishop David Urquhart to be the new Bishop to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York

Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell have announced the Rt Revd David Urquhart as the new Bishop to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. Bishop David will work directly for both Archbishops and closely with the entire College of Bishops. Bishop David takes over from Bishop Emma Ineson who has been appointed Bishop of Kensington.

As a senior member of the Archbishops’ teams, Bishop David will play a key role in supporting the Archbishops and liaising with the House and College of Bishops, as well as alongside NCI and Diocesan colleagues and other key stakeholders.

Bishop David will be part-time in this one-year interim role while continuing in his other part-time role as Assistant Priest for St Mary at Hill in the City of London. He will start in post next week.

Bishop David was ordained in York Minster in 1984 and served in parishes in Hull and Coventry. In 2000 he became Bishop of Birkenhead and in 2006 Bishop of Birmingham, succeeding John Sentamu after he became Archbishop of York, stepping down in October 2022.

He became the Convenor of the Lords Spiritual in May 2015, and was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG) for services to international relations in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2018.

As previous chair of the West Midlands Bishops, and former member of the Assets Committee of the Church Commissioners, Bishop David has wide experience of many aspects of Church and national life.

Bishop David said: “I am looking forward to supporting the ministry of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and to sharing with them the pastoral and practical needs and opportunities of our episcopal colleagues across the Church of England”.

Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell said: “We are delighted to welcome Bishop David to this important role. We know he will bring his considerable wisdom, humour and humility to the role, as well as his wealth of experience as a bishop and leader in the Church and the national life.”


More safeguarding updates

Updated Thursday and Friday

My previous post on this topic is here: Church Safeguarding: Updates for General Synod

Some more recent items:

Church Times Hattie Williams Disputes undermine effectiveness of the Church’s Independent Safeguarding Board

THE Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has upheld a third complaint of a data-breach made by a survivor against the chair of the Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB), Professor Maggie Atkinson, the Church Times has learned.

This paper also understands that, despite being informed of this, the Archbishops’ Council, who employ the ISB as independent contractors, has recently reinstated Professor Atkinson’s access to her ISB email account against the wishes of the two other ISB board members.

The two have requested that her access be removed until they are reassured and can assure survivors that their data is safe…

and the report continues with a great deal of detail on the confusion, ending with:

“…However, due to ongoing concerns about the current working relationships, the Council agreed at its January meeting that members should enter into a dispute-resolution process to ensure this important independent work can continue with effective collaborative working between its members. This will enable the ISB to reach decisions including on outstanding work and to provide services to the Church agreed in its contract.”.

Read the whole report if you can.

The Acting Bishop of Lincoln has written this letter: The Retirement of the Dean of Lincoln, The Very Reverend Christine Wilson. It concludes:

…It is well-known that Dean Christine was caught up in the safeguarding debacle leading from allegations made against the Canon Chancellor. He was subsequently found not guilty; but both the Bishop of Lincoln and Dean Christine were disciplined for a reporting error with regard to the safeguarding breach. Dean Christine voluntarily stepped away from her duties. The Bishop was suspended. Later the Bishop received an apology from the National Church for the undue duration of his suspension. Perhaps because the Dean’s situation was more informal and local, she received no corresponding recognition. A subsequent independent review of the case found that Dean Christine paid too high a price for her mistake, which she apologised publicly for on her return to work. The review, conducted by a senior and highly-esteemed barrister, also found that Christine was never a threat to children or vulnerable adults as had been asserted.

Of course, the first priority of the Diocese was to ensure that no breach of process could possibly lead to a vulnerable adult being hurt. The Court finally determined that there was no case to answer; but the two senior leaders involved paid the price in the meantime. That price has been high and provides a media narrative which will linger for a long time. However, the whole matter can now be seen in perspective, and Dean Christine should in the years ahead be allowed to celebrate her many achievements in ministry under God, as I am celebrating today.

Archbishop of York Press Release: Bishopthorpe Palace publishes its Independent Safeguarding Audit from SCIE  and the full text of the audit report is here.

Church of England Press Release: Statement on ISB and Christ Church review

The Archbishops’ Council, at its meeting last week, has agreed that the review of the handling of safeguarding issues regarding the former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, Dr Martyn Percy, originally referred to the Independent Safeguarding Board, ISB, should be led by another person.

All parties have been informed of this decision and next steps will be announced in due course.

The Archbishops’ Council and the Diocese of Oxford originally referred the review to the ISB early in 2022 and Terms of Reference were announced in May. In the autumn, the ISB announced it was pausing work on the review due to finite resources, current workload and a desire to study the outcomes of other independent reviews into Christ Church.

Due to ongoing concerns about current working relationships and the conclusion of the ICO investigation into the Chair the Council also agreed at its January meeting that the three ISB members should enter into a dispute resolution process to ensure this important independent work can continue with effective collaborative working between its members. This will enable the ISB to reach decisions including on outstanding work and to provide services to the Church agreed in its contract.

The ISB, was set up to provide vital scrutiny of the Church’s safeguarding work and we remain committed to this principle and would like to thank members for their work to date.

Church Times:Review of Dean Percy case will not be conducted by Independent Safeguarding Board

…Early last year, the ISB had agreed — at the request of the diocese of Oxford and the Archbishops’ Council — to undertake a review of the quality of earlier safeguarding investigations into what became a long and protracted dispute between the college authorities and Dean Percy (News, 24 June 2022). The Secretary-General of the Archbishops’ Council, William Nye, later defended the ISB’s ability to do so, after its competence and capacity to investigate were questioned by a General Synod member, Martin Sewell (News, 1 July 2022).

Last October, however, the ISB “paused” its review indefinitely because it was not confident in its own independence and resources (News, 21 October 2022).

On Wednesday, the Archbishops’ Council announced that the Christ Church review “should be led by another person” — the day after the Church Times reported that a third complaint of a data breach had been made by a survivor against the ISB, and that this had been upheld by the Independent Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The complaint concerned an email exchange between the survivor and the chair of the ISB, Professor Maggie Atkinson.


Statement from the ISB about the Cbrist Church review

Church Times Member’s motion to tackle exclusion of Independent Safeguarding Board from Synod

The full text of this motion as originally submitted appears in the comments below.

Report from the ISB to General Synod

“The Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB) is committed to sharing its thinking and emerging findings. Despite attempts to secure an opportunity to update Synod in person, no time was made available. We do not believe that the importance of ISB work is consistent with a ‘fringe’ activity. This paper is published in accordance with our commitment to transparency and accountability.”


LLF: a paper on the Doctrine of Marriage

A new document has been published today, signed by the following bishops

The Bishop of Fulham, Jonathan Baker
The Bishop of Horsham, Ruth Bushyager
The Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth
The Bishop of Woolwich, Karowei Dorgu
The Bishop of Lancaster, Jill Duff
The Bishop of Rochester, Jonathan Gibbs
The Bishop of Hereford, Richard Jackson
The Bishop of Carlisle, James Newcombe [sic]
The Bishop of Leicester, Martyn Snow
The Bishop of Islington, Ric Thorpe
The Bishop of Chichester, Martin Warner
The Bishop of Guildford, Andrew Watson
The Bishop of Sheffield, Pete Wilcox
The Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham, Paul Williams

The full document can be read here.
The paper begins this way:

Since the publication of the Bishops’ LLF Proposal for the consideration of General Synod, a range of lay and ordained people from across the church have asked for some guidance in understanding why many Christians in the Church of England and the Anglican Communion, together with Christians from across the churches of world Christianity, continue to believe that marriage is given by God for the union of a man and woman and that it cannot be extended to those who are of the same sex. 

We felt, therefore, that it would be constructive to make available a relatively short theological summary of the doctrine of marriage as the Church of England has received it, and how it relates particularly to changes in society around same-sex partnerships. This paper does not seek to repeat what is set out more comprehensively in chapter 3 of the LLF Book but rather to build upon it. 

This paper emerged from study and conversations in recent months among a number of bishops, evangelical and catholic. It was helpful not only to us but also to other bishops of the same mind, in clarifying some of our own thinking and prayerful discernment on these important matters as we contributed to the LLF deliberations in the College of Bishops. We now offer the paper below to clergy and congregations at this important time in the life of the Church to inform their understanding, recognising that for some it will be welcome support while for others it may clarify points of disagreement. In offering this paper we are committed to continue to listen and learn from those with whom we disagree. 

Few readers of this paper will feel neutral about it. Some will be instinctively grateful for it, while for others it may compound their sense of disappointment. Without seeking to diminish the value of many committed same-sex relationships, for which there is much to give thanks, we find ourselves constrained by what we sincerely believe the Scriptures teach which cannot be set aside. We pray this will be a constructive contribution to the life and ministry of the Church while the work of discernment continues in General Synod and elsewhere. 


LLF: News and Views


Spectator Theo Hobson The C of E is right to prevaricate on gay marriage

Church Times Jayne Ozanne Why the Church must decide now on same-sex marriage

ViaMedia.News Neil Patterson Time for the Church to Come Out

St Helen’s Bishopsgate PCC Letter to Bishop of London

Premier Christianity Sean Doherty 8 reasons why the CofE’s same-sex proposals won’t work

Church Times Church holds ‘Orwellian position’ on sexuality, Sandi Toksvig tells Archbishop Welby over tea and As the Actress said to the Bishop…

College of Deans Living in Love and Faith: College of Deans response

Anglican Orthodox  Grassroots Anglicans call on Evangelical Bishops to reject plans for blessing same-sex unions

Trevor Thurston-Smith Same Sex Marriage – A Battle for the Soul of the CofE?


Fulcrum Andrew Goddard Last Rites for LLF?


LLF – Holy Matrimony®

GS Misc 1339 Prayers of Love and Faith: a note from the Legal Office has provoked a lot of critical comment on social media.
This further* blog post by Paul Roberts analyses some of the reasons for this:

LLF – Holy Matrimony®

*see his two earlier articles here.


The Church Times has published a news article: Clergy will bless same-sex couples not their marriage, say church lawyers


Opinion – 28 January 2023

David Voas British Religion in Numbers Christian decline: How it’s measured and what it means

Ted Harrison Church Times Most kind and gentle death
“Ted Harrison offers a reflection for Candlemas”

Colin Coward has started a new vlog – here is the first episode.


CEEC responds to LLF proposals from the bishops

CEEC formally responds to House of Bishops’ proposals and subsequent public communications

The Church of England Evangelical Council has published its formal response to the House of Bishops’ proposals and subsequent public communications. The full text of the response can be found at the link above, and is copied below the fold.

CEEC calls for action and offers the Church of England a better way forward

CEEC is grieved and dismayed by the House of Bishops’ response to Living in Love & Faith, and subsequent public communications, believing them to be contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Church of England. If pursued, we believe these proposals will create further division and broken fellowship within the Church of England and a greater tearing of the fabric of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

We wish to alert the House of Bishops to the depth, breadth and strength of opposition to their proposals among members of CEEC, which represents lay and ordained, charismatic and conservative and open, egalitarian and complementarian evangelicals. The Council is drawn from numerous networks including Diocesan Evangelical Fellowships, EGGS, The Junia Network, ReNew, New Wine, Living Out, Latimer Trust, JAEC, Fulcrum, Fellowship of Word and Spirit, Crosslinks, CPAS, Count Everyone In, CMS, Christianity Explored, Church Society and evangelical College Principals.



LLF: some further developments

Updated Thursday and again Friday

An additional General Synod document has been published today: GS Misc 1339 (Prayers of Love and Faith: a note from the Legal Office).

Update this post from Law & Rellgion UK helpfully brings together on one page the two items on LFF from the Legal Office.

The BBC radio programme Sunday interviewed the Archbishop of York. You can listen to the interview (starts at 37 min 31 sec) or read this transcript.

In the House of Commons yesterday, 24 January, Ben Bradshaw asked an Urgent Question to the Second Church Estates Commisioner:

To ask the Second Church Estates Commissioner if he will make a statement on the outcome of the meeting of Church of England bishops on Equal Marriage in the Church of England

There is a video recording of the debate here, and the Hansard transcript is over here.

Update On Thursday, while answering Questions, he issued this clarification of his earlier remarks:

With you permission, Mr Speaker, following my response to the urgent question on Tuesday, the advice I was given then was by the Church legal office, and I was yesterday asked to make a small clarification. A simple majority in each of the three Houses of the General Synod could suffice to pass a measure and amending canon to change the definition of marriage in ecclesiastical law, but circumstances could also arise in which two-thirds majorities in the House of Bishops and the House of Clergy would be needed, and, as with all authorised forms of service, a two-thirds majority in each House would be required for the approval of the Synod as a form of service for the marriage of a same-sex couple. I apologise, Mr Speaker, but I was only informed yesterday. Given that I was answering questions today, I thought you would find it acceptable that I put that slight clarification on the record.

Christopher Landau has written, at Psephizo, Good disagreement? This isn’t it.

Ruth Harley has written Wrestling for a Blessing in a Time of “Theological Nonsense”.

Church Times news reports:


The full text of the statement from the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches is available here. The Church of England has issued this press release in response: Statement from the Church of England regarding GSFA statement.

Friday updates

Two opinion articles in the Church Times: