Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Canterbury

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office

Appointment of Dean of Canterbury: 11 October 2022

Her Late Majesty The Queen approved the nomination of The Very Reverend Dr David Monteith, Dean of Leicester, for election as Dean of Canterbury.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 11 October 2022

Her Late Majesty The Queen approved the nomination of The Very Reverend Dr David Monteith, Dean of Leicester, for election as Dean of Canterbury, in succession to The Very Reverend Dr Robert Willis following his retirement.


David grew up in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. He was educated at St John’s College, Durham, and trained for ministry at St John’s College, Nottingham. He served his title at All Saints’, Kings Heath, in the Diocese of Birmingham, and was ordained Priest in 1994.

In 1997, David was appointed Curate at St Martin-in-the-Fields, in the Diocese of London, and in 2000 he became Associate Vicar. From 2002, David served as Priest-in-Charge at Holy Trinity, Wimbledon, in the Diocese of Southwark, additionally serving as Area Dean of Merton from 2004.

In 2009, he was appointed Team Rector for Merton Priory Team Ministry and additionally went on to serve as Canon Chancellor of Leicester Cathedral. He took up his current role as Dean of Leicester in 2013. He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws in 2016, from the University of Leicester, which acknowledges his role in the community including overseeing the re-interment of King Richard III in Leicester Cathedral in 2015.

As Dean of Leicester, David has chaired the St Philip’s Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and led and chaired the Bishop of Leicester’s Rural Commission. He currently chairs the Church of England College of Deans.

David shares his life in a Civil Partnership with David Hamilton, a palliative care and bereavement counsellor.


There is more on the Canterbury Cathedral website. This includes the date of the new dean’s installation: Saturday 17 December at 15.00.


Opinion – 8 October 2022

Martyn Percy Prospect With the Church of England dying, how much longer can we justify having bishops in the House of Lords?
“The Church of England could be extinct by the 2060s. That threatens to trigger a constitutional, as well as an existential, crisis”

Andrew Goddard Psephizo After Lambeth: what next for the Church of England?

Stephen H Surviving Church My Experience of Bullying in the Church

a first-time incumbent Church Times Do parishes really need thick-skinned priests?
“If the Church want responsive pastors, someone needs to warn them about bumps in the road”


CofE Past Cases Review 2 published

There are two press releases about this. The first one, copied immediately below, is on the Safeguarding pages. The second, much longer one, is on the general news pages, National report on Church of England’s second past cases review published.

I have put the additional text into a PDF file, available here.

And there are separate press releases relating to the National Safeguarding Team, Lambeth Palace, Bishopthorpe Palace, and each diocese (follow the links below).

Press Release from Safeguarding pages:

Past Cases Review 2

The Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) was run in all Church of England dioceses between 2019 – 2022.

Past Cases Review 1 (PCR1) was commissioned because of several Church of England clergy and church officers being charged with sexual offences against children. PCR1 was conducted between 2007 and 2009. In May 2016 concerns were raised regarding the judgements presented from PCR1. An Independent Scrutiny Team concluded that whilst the review was well motivated and thoughtfully planned, limitations existed in relation to its execution. As a result, Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) was commissioned by the Archbishops’ Council in 2019 as part of the overall  commitment to improving the way in which the Church responds to allegations and concerns.

The National Report was published in October 2022.

Read the National Report

Published in October 2022 by the National Safeguarding Steering Group

Other reports

Diocesan reports

The reports of findings in Dioceses are published on local diocesan safeguarding pages.

Key Documents

Please see our FAQs section for more information on PCR2.

PCR2 follows a report in 2018 into the original PCR (2007-2009) which revealed shortcomings both in the process and final result.


Opinion – 5 October 2022

Stephen Kuhrt psephizo How to encourage bullying in the Church

The Guardian C of E must welcome gay people or face questions in parliament, says MP
“Labour’s Ben Bradshaw says church is ‘actively pursuing a campaign of discrimination’ against lesbian and gay people”

Paul Wheatley The Living Church Why Study Biblical Languages?

Laudable Practice ‘Thou hast crowned the year with thy goodness’: Thanksgiving for Harvest in the 18th Century Church of England


Living in Love and Faith: what is happening now?

Updated Wednesday 5 October

Our most recent report on this was published on 2 September: Living in Love and Faith – Listening.

The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England has recently posted these articles:

Helen King has posted these items at Shared Conversations:

Colin Coward has posted at Unadulterated Love:

The Church Times reports: Bishops say meetings with LGBTQ reps at Lambeth Palace were fruitful

I will add links to any further relevant articles that are published.

The LLF Roadmap  currently (updated 5 October) says [plus exact dates as reported to TA]:

Sep-Oct Next Steps Group Members of the Next Steps Group of bishops are holding meetings with representatives of 21 organisations and networks representing a wide possible range of views relating to identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. The organisations are listed below. *
Sep College of Bishops This meeting, which was to initiate the bishops’ process of discernment and decision-making, was cancelled because of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Instead bishops are doing some reflective work individually ahead of the meeting in October.
Oct College of Bishops Bishops will gather for two days to begin the discernment process, including considering proposals for a way forward, the implications for formal decision-making, and how this will be communicated to members of General Synod and the wider Church. [31 October – 2 November]
Dec College & House of Bishops Bishops will gather for two days to finalise proposals and reflect on what is needed to support the decision-making processes in General Synod. [12 -14 December]
Jan 23 College of Bishops Bishops will finalise proposals to bring to Synod in February. [17 January]


*The list of organisations and networks is:

The Society Mosaic Affirming Catholics
Society of the Holy Cross Church Missionary Society CEEC
New Wine USPG The Church Society
HTB Network Changing Attitude (England) Living Out
One Body One Faith Campaign for Equal Marriage Evangelical Group of GS
Diverse Church Ozanne Foundation The Junia Network
GS Human Sexuality Group Society of Catholic Priests Inclusive Church



Opinion – 1 October 2022

C Don Jones Patheos The Dying Church?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Clergy Disciplinary Measure revisited


Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney update

I reported here in August that the Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney had been suspended, and that the suspension had been lifted when she appealed against it. The Episcopal Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church has now refused the appeal by a majority of three to two. The bishop’s suspension from office now resumes with immediate effect until further notice, while the next stage of the process takes place.

1 Comment

Opinion – 28 September 2022

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Eight Progressive CofE Groups to meet Next Steps Group Bishops.

The Archbishop of York The Labour Party Conference Church Service
“Each year Christians on the Left host a church service at the beginning of the Labour Party Conference. This year Archbishop Stephen was invited to preach at St James in the City, Liverpool.”

Andi Chapman ViaMedia.News Ordained, Commissioned, Faithful and Eternally Hopeful


House of Bishops – 26 September 2022

Press release from the Church of England

House of Bishops – 26 September 2022

The House of Bishops met by Zoom for its September meeting.

The meeting began with a series of reflections on the passing of the Queen, with the Bishop of Coventry offering condolences and a vote of thanks on behalf of the House.

An update was then given by the Enabling Officer of the Living in Love and Faith project. The paper updated the House on current timelines and changes, following the cancellation of the College of Bishops in September, due to the death of the Queen. The paper, outlining the proposed approach over the coming months was noted by the House.

The House was then addressed by the Secretary of the House on the inflation and energy crisis, and how it was affecting churches and the wider community. The House discussed work under way on how the national Church institutions may be able to contribute to helping dioceses and churches deal with the extra costs in the coming winter.

The Bishop of Guildford then gave an update on the work of the national governance Review Project Board. Since its formation in February 2022, the National Church Governance Project Board (NGPB) has been developing its proposals in relation to the governance of the National Church Institutions (NCI). The paper shared the Project Board’s proposals so far and sought guidance and assurance from the House on the current direction of travel. The House provided comments on issues such as the future board composition of the Church of England National Services (CENS) and the creation of a Nominations Committee.

The House was then addressed by members of the Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB) updating the House on the work of the Board which provides independent oversight and scrutiny to the work of the National Safeguarding Team and the broader safeguarding culture across the Church of England. The lead bishop for safeguarding updated the House more generally on safeguarding matters.

The meeting then concluded in prayer.


Mpho Tutu denied permission to officiate at a funeral

Updated yet again, Wednesday 28 September

Numerous recent news reports have described how The Revd Mpho Tutu van Furth, the daughter of Desmond Tutu, was not allowed to officiate in a Church of England building at the funeral of her godfather, Martin Kenyon. Here is a selection of such links:

Monday’s newspapers contain letters to the editor about this, see

Tuesday’s Church Times contains a lengthy report, Hereford bar on Canon Tutu van Furth over marital status sparks widespread reaction. Note this paragraph:

Lambeth Palace refused to comment, and directed all press enquiries to the diocese.

The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation has issued this press release:
Tutu Legacy Foundation dismayed at the callous position of the Church of England

A message from the Bishop of Hereford to his diocese has been published on Twitter by The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the CofE, which has also posted this article: “Churlish and hurtful”. This message is also copied below the fold.

The procedure for clergy outside the British Isles obtaining the relevant archbishop’s permission to officiate is described in detail on this CofE web page: scroll down to the heading Overseas (“Archbishop’s”) Permissions to Officiate (OPTO)

The Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967 can be found here.

The House of Bishops Pastoral Guidance on Same Sex Marriage dated 2014, can be found here.



Opinion – 24 September 2022

Anonymous Surviving Church Safeguarding: Remembering Another Anniversary

Fiona Jack ViaMedia.News Getting Hot under the Collar about Sex

Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls An anniversary, and some weddings and funerals


Opinion – 21 September 2022

Helen King sharedconversations When the information flow stops: where is Living in Love and Faith?

Pete Broadbent 2030 Vision: People Strategy: Models of Church and Models of Ministry

Anonymous Survivng Church Safeguarding: Remembering a Birthday and an Anniversary

Martyn Percy Deconstructing Sydney Anglicanism: Past, Present and Futures
There is a pdf version of this article here.

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church When do forms of Pastoral Care become a Safeguarding Concern?


Opinion – 14 September 2022

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Assessing and managing risk

Rachel Starr ViaMedia.News What is Marriage? Living in Love and Faith… and Denial

Margaret Wilkinson Church Times Loss of parish — and housing
“Marriage breakdown can leave spouses without a place to live”


Liturgical resources on the death of HM The Queen

The Church of England has made available a number of resources for churches and schools to remember Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. These include:

  • Guidance for parish churches on the death of HM The Queen
  • Guidance for Prayer and Worship
  • Prayers for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
  • Service of Prayer and Reflection
  • Special Commemorative Service
  • Holy Communion during the period of mourning

There are further resources for collective worship and other activities in schools.

Gracious God,
we give thanks
for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Opinion – 7 September 2022

Laudable Practice Gloriana Day: Thanksgiving for the Mellow Light of the 1559 Prayer Book

Molly Jane Layton The Living Church Lambeth and Women’s Ordination

Andrew Village and Leslie Francis Church Times Lockdown communion: voices from the pews


Dean of Norwich

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office. There is more information on the Norwich Cathedral website.

Appointment of Dean of Norwich: 6 September 2022

The Queen has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Andrew Jonathan Braddock, Interim Dean of Gloucester, to be appointed Dean of Norwich.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 6 September 2022

The Queen has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Andrew Jonathan Braddock, Interim Dean of Gloucester, to be appointed Dean of Norwich, in succession to The Very Reverend Jane Hedges following her retirement.


Andrew was educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and trained for ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He served his title in the parishes of Ranworth with Panxworth, Woodbastwick, South Walsham and Upton, in the Diocese of Norwich and was ordained priest in 1999.

In 2001, Andrew was appointed Rector of Cringleford and Colney, also in the Diocese of Norwich, taking up the additional role of Rural Dean of Humbleyard in 2004. In 2008, Andrew was appointed Diocesan Missioner in the Diocese of Gloucester and in 2013, he became Canon Missioner of Gloucester Cathedral and Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry.

Andrew was commissioned as Interim Dean of Gloucester in April 2022.


Living in Love and Faith – Listening

Updated Saturday and Tuesday

Church of England press release

As part of the church-wide engagement with the Living in Love and Faith resources, everyone who took part was invited to share their learning, insights and reflections. Over 6,000 responses were received, through questionnaires, focus groups, creative responses and a variety of other forms. These responses have been gathered into a report, Listening with Love and Faith. This is accompanied by a more detailed technical report and a reflective essay entitled, Friendship and the Body of Christ. These and the LLF resources will support the bishops in their ongoing discernment process as they seek to discern what they believe God is saying to the Church of England today.


Three articles that provide some context for these documents:


Opinion – 31 August 2022

Stephen Bates The New European The Church of England: Has it got a prayer?

David Ison ViaMedia.News Two Things Which Really Matter


Dean of Truro

The Very Revd Roger Bush, the Dean of Truro, announced earlier this month that he will retire at the end of September. The Bishop of Truro has subsequently announced that he is appointing Fr Simon Robinson SMMS as Interim Dean of Truro for the period of one year from 9 October.

“It is intended that he will fulfil this role for a full year, with the process of the appointment of a new Dean, in succession to the Very Rev. Roger Bush, taking place in parallel.”

Announcement from the Dean
Bishop Philip thanks Dean of Truro
An Interim Dean for Truro Cathedral


Opinion – 27 August 2022

Andrew Godsall ViaMedia.News The Church and the Body: Becoming a Safe Space to Talk about Dating and Sex

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Binary Thinking in Anglican Churches. Is it likely to take over?

Church Times Leader comment: Uncovered: how clergy struggle to take holidays