Thinking Anglicans

more on planning for women bishops

The Telegraph has a report by George Pitcher today, Women bishops face ‘flying bigots’, which follows up on the recent reports of national proposals with an account of what the Diocese of London did on Friday:

Some priestly women activists had urged a boycott of the event, fearing a mugging from the Anglo-Catholics. In the event, they had nothing to fear. The oppressive St Paul’s felt like that foreign land where women did things differently, but it was unmistakably of the past.

Dr Chartres, too, was playing an open hand. He acknowledged that, for some, the gender issue is one of justice, over which there can be no compromise.

The London Plan, first devised by Dr David Hope as Bishop of London, offers an Episcopal oversight, in the shape of the Bishop of Fulham, for those who cannot accept women as bishops. The question is whether it can be a paradigm for the wider Church. My guess is that the women’s faction will accept such provision for male traditionalists if it’s from an area bishop, like Fulham, within the diocese (whose diocesan bishop may well be a woman) and within a simple code of practice, but not flying bishops effectively from a “third province” founded in law. As Dr Chartres affirms, there can be no “episcopacy-lite” for women.

But that takes no account of the real-politick in evidence in St Paul’s on Friday. Some of the men-only camp are set on legal protection by the back door, after Synod voted clearly for a code of practice. One or two of them were indulging on Friday in what Canon Winkett called “competitive vulnerability”, invoking a term coined by novelist Sara Maitland for those who believe their pain must be bigger than that of others.

There are important further details on his blog at Language of women bishops and ‘flying bigots’.


Stock Exchange chaplain criticised

Updated again Tuesday afternoon

The chaplain to the London Stock Exchange, Peter Mullen is in trouble.

According to the Evening Standard , in a report by Robert Mendick and Simon Kirby Chaplain: Gay men should have sodomy warning tattoos

The chaplain to the London Stock Exchange is under pressure to quit today after demanding gay men should be forced to have “sodomy” warnings tattooed on their bodies.

The suggestion is contained in a series of comments on the internet blog of the Rev Peter Mullen.

The Bishop of London today branded Mr Mullen’s comments “highly offensive” and Stonewall, the gay rights charity, said he should resign…

…the bishop today also rebuked Mr Mullen for his remarks.

In a statement issued to the Evening Standard, a spokesman said: “While clergy are entitled to their own personal views, we recognise that the content of this text is highly offensive and is in no way reflective of the views of the Diocese of London.”

A source at the Diocese said the chaplain may now face a disciplinary inquiry over his comments. The source said: “These comments are now being looked at internally within the Diocese and he faces disciplinary procedures.”

Other newspapers are following up:

Telegraph Aislinn Simpson Homosexuals should carry warning tattoos, says chaplain

Guardian Riazat Butt Vicar could be disciplined for blog slurs against gays and Muslims

Press Association via the Independent Rector condemned for ‘sodomy’ remarks

BBC Tattoo gay people, priest writes

Andrew Brown has noted this item at Comment is free in A taxi-driver, oops, vicar writes.

Ruth Gledhill has Peter Mullen should have his bottom spanked!

And Times Online finally has a report, Chaplain’s blog calls for homosexuals to be tatooed.

Now, after a day of this, second stories:

Press Association Clergyman apologises over call to tattoo gay people

BBC Priest ‘sorry’ for gay comments


press reports on Pittsburgh secession

Updated Monday morning

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Episcopal diocese chooses to secede by Ann Rodgers

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Episcopal diocese votes to split by Brian Bowling

New York Times Pittsburgh Episcopal Diocese Votes for Split by Sean D Hamill

Associated Press Diocese to Break From Episcopal Church and there was this earlier report, prior to the vote from Rachel Zoll Episcopal dioceses mulling split over Bible, gays.

Agence France-Presse US diocese splits from Episcopal Church amid gay crisis

The glossy brochure mentioned in some reports can be seen as a PDF file here.

Monday morning update

A further report in the New York Times by Sean D Hamill After Theological Split, a Clash Over Church Assets


women bishops: further proposals

Updated Sunday afternoon

Jonathan Wynne-Jones reports in the Telegraph about what the drafting group is now proposing.

The first version of this story published online on Saturday afternoon is Bishops to serve male clergy only in plans to avert exodus from Church of England.

The second version, which is presumably what is going into the Sunday paper edition, was published online this evening as Church of England clergy ‘flying bishops’ opt-out proposed to aid move to women bishops

And there is this “Analysis” piece, Church of England ‘flying bishops’ plan offers traditionalists new hope with a very out-of-date picture of the General Synod chamber as it used to be.


Religious Intelligence has published Church of England still divided over women bishops vote.

This includes the following from the Bishop of Blackburn:

The Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt Rev Nicholas Reade, has agreed that the relationship between Synod and the episcopacy needs to be clarified. He said: “Synodical government served us well in the early days but it’s been a kind of juggernaut. I think it’s got totally out of control.”

Bishop Reade spoke against the Synod becoming parliamentary with two competing sides: “Ideally I think the House of Bishops should be there, and we should be listening to the debate, and we should go away and make the decisions.”

He said the clergy and laity should vote, but that it should simply be used as information for the bishops.


Pittsburgh votes today

Updated again late Saturday evening

The Pittsburgh newspapers have reports on this:
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Mike Cronin Episcopal diocese to vote today on split
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Ann Rodgers Episcopal Diocese set to vote today whether to secede

Earlier the New York Times had Pittsburgh Episcopalians Weigh Division by Sean Hamill.
One item in that article caused Episcopal Café to respond with Proclaiming Jesus as Son of God never in debate.

Across the Aisle has published this List of Parishes Committed to Remaining in the Episcopal Church and has also published information about what will happen if “realignment” is approved, see NEXT STEPS: if “Realignment” Happens.

lunchtime update
Episcopal News Service has Convention could create four parishes in midst of realignment vote by Mary Frances Schjonberg.

Statements from the leadership of some of the parishes who are not “re-aligning” can be found here.

evening update
Resolutions considered can be found in this PDF file.

Diocesan press release:

Constitutional Changes Approved

The diocese has voted with a clear majority to remove its accession to the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church.

A total of 191 laity voted. 119 voted in favor. 69 voted against, 3 abstained. A total of 160 clergy voted. 121 voted in favor. 33 voted no. 3 abstained. 2 invalid ballots were cast.

ENS has Bulletin: Pittsburgh votes to leave Episcopal Church, align with Southern Cone.

Further press releases from the diocese:
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh Changes Constitution, Joins Anglican Province
Diocese Begins Process to Recall Bishop Duncan

Two press releases from those opposed to the “realignment”:

Across the Aisle To the Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh Episcopal Group Vows to Help Return Pittsburgh Diocese to Health

And a full report from ENS is now published, Pittsburgh votes to leave Episcopal Church, align with Southern Cone by Mary Frances Schjonberg.


opinions gathered

The Times has The spark of God within us is truth, not empty words by Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba, Bishop of Botswana.

Last week, the Church Times had Creationism has to be exposed by Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester.

This week, the Church Times has Giles Fraser who asks about Facial hair: progressive or passé?

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about John Betjeman on the wireless.

In the Guardian Zaki Cooper and Michael Harris write about Yom Kippur in Face to Faith.

Andrew Brown writes on his new Comment is free blog about God and mammon, redux.


Pennsylvania: Bishop Bennison sentenced

An ecclesiastical court has determined that Diocese of Pennsylvania Bishop Charles E. Bennison should be deposed from the ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church.

ENS has a full report by Mary Frances Schjonberg at Court for the Trial of a Bishop calls for Bennison’s deposition with various links to documents.

The Living Church has a report by Doug LeBlanc at Church Court Rules for Deposition of Bishop Bennison.

The Associated Press reported it, see Pennsylvania Episcopal bishop ousted in cover-up.

The Philadelphia Inquirer has Episcopal court rules to defrock Pa. bishop.


Worcestershire rector claims harassment

The Church Times reports today on the case of The Reverend Mark Sharpe.

See Diocese accepts priest in harassment case is ‘worker’ by Shiranikha Herbert with some additional material by me.

A CHURCH OF ENGLAND cleric is a “worker” who is entitled to bring a claim against the Church, the diocese of Worcester conceded as a preliminary point in a claim brought in an employment tribunal at Birmingham by the Revd Mark Sharpe, Rector of Teme Valley South.

Mr Sharpe, who is 41, a former police officer who was ordained in 2001, claimed that during his three-year tenure he had been subjected to constant verbal abuse, his pet dog had been killed, faeces had been smeared on his car, and his tyres had been slashed. He also claimed that the vicarage where he lived with his wife and four children was infested with mice and frogs, the heating and electrical systems were danger ous, and deadly asbestos had been found.

He applied for damages for economic loss, injury to health and to his feelings, and aggravated damages for his time in the parish, which, he said, had a 40-year history of vicars, including his two immediate predecessors, who had left in controversial circumstances…

There is a further report on the Charity Finance website headed Church denies union claims of employment rights revolution.

The Church, however, says that the tribunal case has no impact on the status of any clergy outside the case itself. Agreeing to consider Revd. Sharpe a ‘worker’ was a requirement to allow the case to move forward, said Sam Setchell, a spokesperson for the Diocese of Worcester.

“The Unite union is making much of a legal technicality that is part of the normal preliminaries to a tribunal. It does not have the wide-ranging implications claimed,” said Ben Wilson, a spokesman for the Church of England. “As the union themselves concede, this case is still in its preliminary stages.”

The tribunal is hearing a case brought against the Diocese of Worcester by Revd. Sharpe who alleges that over his three years at the parish he has been subject to verbal abuse and harassment. The Reverend claims that his living conditions were extremely poor; that asbestos was found at his accommodation and that its electricity and heating systems were dangerous. The Diocese of Worcester denies the allegations, but has refused to make further comment while the case is ongoing.

The claims made by the Unite trade union can be found in its press release.

For more links and background to this case, see the Church Times blog article headed ‘Clergy set for biggest boost in employment conditions in 500 years’, according to union.


Hereford ends fight against pay-out

I reported in February on the award made by the employment tribunal in the case of John Reaney. See Reaney awarded £47K and also Hereford: Church Times report.

At the time, we all thought that was the end of the matter. But it was not. As I reported in the Church Times last week:

Hereford ends fight against pay-out

by Simon Sarmiento

THE Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance has withdrawn the notice of appeal it filed in March in the employment discrimination case involving John Reaney. Mr Reaney will now receive the full award, exceeding £47,000, directed by a Cardiff employment tribunal in February (News, 15 February).

In July 2007, the tribunal decided that the diocese had unlawfully discriminated against Mr Reaney because of his sexual orientation, when the Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Revd Anthony Priddis, refused to confirm his appointment as Diocesan Youth Officer in July 2006 (News, 20 July 2007; News and Comment, 27 July 2007).

The diocese did not appeal against this finding, and said in a statement in February: “We are glad we can draw a line under this unhappy situation.” Nevertheless, in March the diocese filed a notice of appeal against the major portion of the Remedies judgment.

Mr Reaney, who had been employed by the Weston Spirit charity, was made redundant earlier this year, as had been forecast in his submission to the Remedies hearing last December.


Nigeria General Synod

Updated again Thursday morning

The opening address of the Primate, Archbishop Peter Akinola, can be found here (PDF).

Also available is the synod’s Message to the Nation.

And this Pastoral Letter to the Church.

Some critical comments on parts of the opening address have been made by Mark Harris, see Archbishop Akinola, Back Off.


Further comments have been made by Andrew Brown who has written Satan, bestiality, and Sunday trading.

There is also this interview with the archbishop in Punch War against graft, mere rhetoric – Akinola. An excerpt:

But sir, are you aware that in spite of your deep opposition to their practices, there is now a gay church operating in Nigeria? What is your reaction to the report that some gays in Ojodu area of Lagos now have a church for gays?

There is nothing like that; it is all just mere media propaganda. It is not real. If there is anything like that at all, it must have been arranged by some people who just want to take money from those abroad who will like to fund anything just because of our stand on the issue. There is no gay church in Nigeria; it is only a deception, a media propaganda. Efforts have been made to meet them before but they could not be located anywhere.

You have said that many of those who argue in support of the gay culture in the church have also insisted that it is an issue of human rights. What if your resolute stand on this matter leads to a division of the global Anglican Communion?

If that will be the price to pay, so be it. Those of us who shall be left can proudly call ourselves true Anglicans, true Christians.


Pittsburgh: more information

First, two items from within the Diocese of Pittsburgh:

Bruce Robison who is Rector of St Andrew’s Highland Park, wrote to his parishioners about the deposition, explaining the current situation there, see Rector’s Announcement concerning the Deposition of the Rt. Rev. Robert W. Duncan.

Joan Gunderson president of Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh and a member of the steering committee of Across the Aisle, wrote about the current situation, and this was reproduced on the web by Lionel Deimel, see Gundersen Offers Pittsburgh Update.

Also, this news report by Ann Rodgers in last Sunday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is relevant: Diocese found breaking up hard to do, but still a relief.

Second, some more expressions of support for Bishop Robert Duncan:

Archbishop Henry Orombi wrote this Open Letter of Support.

Global South Anglican published this Statement by the Primates’ Council of GAFCON on the alleged deposition of the Bishop of Pittsburgh. The GAFCON website is broken at the moment, no list of signatories is included at GSA.
Update The GAFCON website has no list of signatories either.

Bishop Mark Lawrence of South Carolina wrote this: Bishop Lawrence Reports on the House of Bishops’ Meeting, September 17-19, 2008.


report on CAPA meeting

George Conger reported in the Church of England Newspaper on the recent joint meeting of primates and standing committee of CAPA in Nairobi.

His full report is on Religious Intelligence at African Anglican leaders call for dialogue.

The chairman of the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) has called upon the African church to put aside its differences and engage with its theological opponents within the Anglican Communion. CAPA should eschew a political solution to the divisions over doctrine and disciple Archbishop Ian Ernest said, and focus instead on the church’s transformation through Christian witness…

The version of this report at Global South Anglican omits an interesting final paragraph:

Archbishop Ernest told he was unable to attend the meeting, due to a back injury, and his address was read to the assembly. Rwandan Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini chaired the meeting in his absence. A delayed flight prevented Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola from attending the meeting, while Ugandan Archbishop Henry Orombi was obliged to leave early. The conference communiqué will be released shortly, Archbishop Ernest said.


Fort Worth: the bishop writes

Updated again Wednesday evening

Bishop Jack Iker has written 10 Reasons Why Now Is the Time to Realign.

This appears in the current issue of the diocesan newsletter, Forward in Mission. The complete newsletter is available here as a PDF.

The first URL above appears to be only temporary, so the full text is reproduced below the fold.

Update Wednesday morning

A detailed response to this has been published by Fort Worth Via Media and can be found at 10 Reasons Why Now Is NOT the Time to Realign.

Update Wednesday evening

Further responses can be found by Pluralist – Adrian Worsfold at Iker’s Inaccurate Slur, and also by Mark Harris at Bishop Iker’s Reasoning.



Pittsburgh: deposition performed

Updated Sunday evening

The deposition of the Bishop of Pittsburgh was completed, ENS reports in Jefferts Schori removes Pittsburgh bishop from office by Mary Frances Schjonberg.

The letter sent to Bishop Duncan is here (PDF) and the formal deposition document is here (also a PDF).

Subsequently, the Standing Committee of the diocese issued a further statement, and ENS reported that Convention will go forward, Standing Committee says.

The Church Times reported on all this in US Bishops depose Bishop Bob Duncan for secession by Pat Ashworth.

Six Church of England Diocesan Bishops Make Joint Statement of Support contains the statement signed by the bishops of Blackburn, Chester, Chichester, Exeter, Rochester, and Win­chester.

Update Sunday evening

Across the Aisle has launched a new website at


weekend opinion

George Pitcher in the Telegraph Archbishops should note the balance between serving God and Mammon

Andrew Brown in The Guardian The red archbishop?

Jonathan Sacks in the Times It would be a saner world if we put our children first

Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah in The Guardian There is even more cause to remember this Rosh Ha-Shanah

Giles Fraser writes on the current financial crisis in the Church Times The bubble needed to burst


Canterbury, York and Capitalism

The Archbishop of Canterbury has written in the Spectator Face it: Marx was partly right about capitalism.

The Archbishop of York gave a speech to the Institute of Worshipful Company of International Bankers Archbishop Labels HBOS short sellers as “Bank Robbers”.

Stephen Bates in The Guardian Archbishop offers praise for St Bernadette – and Marx
Sadie Gray and agencies in The Guardian Archbishops attack profiteers and ‘bank robbers’ in City
Martin Beckford in the Telegraph Archbishops of Canterbury and York blame capitalism excesses for financial crisis
Ruth Gledhill in the Times The Archbishop of Canterbury speaks in support of Karl Marx
and Time to curb the ‘asset strippers and robbers’ who ruin the financial markets, say archbishops
Steve Doughty in the Mail Archbishops attack the ‘bank robbers’ who have brought economy to brink of disaster
BBC Archbishops attack City practices


Canterbury and Lourdes

The Archbishop of Canterbury has been participating in anniversary celebrations at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, at the invitation of the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, Monsignor Jacques Perrier. He preached this sermon at the International Mass there yesterday.

Stephen Bates in The Guardian Archbishop offers praise for St Bernadette – and Marx
Martin Beckford in the Telegraph Dr Rowan Williams becomes first Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Lourdes


God’s Own Country

God’s Own Country
Power and the Religious Right in the USA
by Stephen Bates
Hodder and Stoughton July 2008 £9.99

Since Sarah Palin was nominated as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, newspaper articles about her religious views have poured off the presses. See for example, these from Salon: The pastor who clashed with Palin by David Talbot, or Sarah Palin, anointed by God by Alex Koppelman or Sarah Palin, faith-based mayor by Sarah Posner.

To most Britons, it seems quite extraordinary that a person holding such views could be a serious candidate for national office. But to anyone who had read Stephen Bates’ book God’s Own Country when it first came out in 2007 it would not be a surprise. It had good reviews in the Church Times, the Guardian, and the Independent.

The book was republished in paperback in the UK in July this year, with the subtitle changed to more accurately describe the content, just in time for the American election campaign. Inexplicably, the US edition is not due until February 2009, neatly missing what must surely be a major marketing opportunity. However, it can readily be obtained now from Amazon UK.

Although Sarah Palin does not appear in the book, John McCain is mentioned three times. Jim Wallis of Sojourners is quoted as saying:

“John McCain is taking a risk dealing with these people: he has to get the Republican nomination and unless he gets these people’s endorsement from the Religious Right, he has no chance.”

Well, with Palin on the ticket, that endorsement for McCain, which earlier looked quite remote, now appears likely.

The book is aimed primarily at UK readers, and covers a lot of US historical background which one hopes would not be new material for Americans. The purpose is described by Bates himself like this:

There is a tendency here, in the secular UK, to write off American religiosity as alien and monolithic when, of course, it is far from that; and to see all US religious people as crazed fundamentalists, when they are not that either…. What I am hoping to show in this book is that US religion’s relationship with politics did not start with George W. Bush… These motivations have shaped the USA from the beginning and have very deep roots in the American psyche.

In fifteen chapters and nearly 400 pages, Bates therefore has plenty of ground to cover. He keeps the reader’s interest by writing as a journalist rather than as an academic. As with his earlier A Church at War this makes the book a much more enjoyable read.

The Pilgrim Fathers, The Great Awakening, William Jennings Bryan, Mother Angelica, Father Charles Coughlin, Aimee Semple McPherson, Joel Osteen, Judge Roy Moore, Ken Ham, Tim LaHaye, TD Jakes, and many other religious personalities are all included. The religious aspects of recent presidential campaigns (Clinton, Bush) are also covered.

As background to the current US election campaign, it is the ideal, even an essential, introduction to the religious dimension of American politics. Which as the nomination of Sarah Palin demonstrates, will be a crucial factor in the race for the White House this time round as well.


update on New Westminster disputes

On 10 September, the Anglican Network in Canada issued a press release, Parishes ask court to clarify parish trustees’ responsibilities.

On 11 September, the Diocese of New Westminster published Supreme Court suit brought against Diocese and Bishop.

And on 15 September, the Anglican Journal published Former New Westminster clergy and lay leaders sue diocese.


opinions collected

John Polkinghorne writes in The Times about Shining a light where science and theology meet.

Peter Francis writes in the Guardian that interfaith understanding is more important than a literal reading of scripture, see Face to Faith.

And yesterday, Jonathan Romain wrote about antisemitism and Islamophobia, see Keeping up the struggle. And there is more about that Pew survey both here and here.

Doug LeBlanc wrote Storming hell’s gates at Episcopal Life Online.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times about A saint who taught me to see real reverence.

Two weeks ago, Ted Harrison argued for fewer bishops in the CofE, see A case of episcopal hyperinflation.