Thinking Anglicans

synod: reports on Tuesday session

Updated Wednesday morning

Frances Young’s sermon is available in full

Rowan Williams:
Archbishop’s remarks at opening session
Archbishop’s contribution in debate on terrorism
Archbishop’s contribution during the presentation on ‘Episcopacy in the Church of England’

Guardian Stephen Bates Queen opens church synod

Jonathan Petre
Queen extols the ‘unique’ power of Christianity
‘We must forgive suicide bombers’
Bishops’ wives ‘need help running palaces’

and an editorial opinion, The Queen reminds us of lasting values

Times Online carries Ruth Gledhill’s report, now under the headline Bishop backs ‘shoot-to-kill’ police for suicide bombers, but earlier in the day, before the afternoon write-through it was headlined York Archbishop attacks ‘scandalous’ divisions in Church.

Ruth’s blog has Christian church ‘unique’ says Queen.

The press release about the morning tells us what The Queen said.

What the Archbishop of York said to The Queen is published in full. This was certainly the best speech of the day.

ACNS has photographs here (click on individual photos for large versions).
Another picture taken inside the synod chamber is here (warning this is 470K in size).

And also this one.

The official bulletin of the afternoon’s events is here.

There was one attempt to amend the terrorism motion, by substituting “while condemning” for “without excusing” in paragraph (b). This failed.

Earlier the BBC Today radio programme had interviewed Bp Tom Butler: listen here (Real Audio, 5 m 40 s)


synod: agenda for Wednesday

Wednesday 16th November 2005

9.15 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
The Archbishop of Canterbury to move:

That a Loyal Address be presented to Her Majesty the Queen.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will give a Presidential Address

The items in Special Agenda I will be taken – these are listed below the fold.

Lunch break

2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

8. REVIEW OF CLERGY TERMS OF SERVICE: Property Issues and Progress Report (GS 1593)
The Revd Preb David Houlding (London) to move:

That this Synod welcome the recommendations in the report and request the Implementation Group to reflect them in the draft legislation which it is preparing.

See list of Questions.



civil partnerships: LGCM legal opinion

The LGCM has issued an opinion on Civil Partnerships. You can read the full text of it here.

1 Comment

General Synod Agenda for Tuesday

Tuesday 15 November

There will be a service of Holy Communion in Westminster Abbey at 10.30 am, at which Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh will be present. Following the service, at about 12.15 pm, Her Majesty will address the Synod at a brief ceremony in the Assembly Hall of Church House, Westminster. After the Inauguration ceremony, the Synod will adjourn for lunch.

The first Business Session starts at 2.30 pm and runs until 7.00 pm. Here is the Agenda:



The Chairman of the Business Committee (the Revd Dr Richard Turnbull (Winchester)) to move: “That the Synod do take note of this Report.”

“This will provide the customary opportunity for members to raise points about content and shape of the Agenda for this Group of Sessions, or about the Synod’s business generally.”

The following item will start not later than 3.15 p.m.
The Bishop of Southwark to move:

That this Synod

a) condemn the 7 July terrorist atrocities, express its sympathy to the victims and families of all who suffered as a result of those and subsequent events, record its appreciation for the work of the emergency services and acknowledge the daunting responsibility of the Government, police and security services for safeguarding the lives of all our people in these times;

b) nevertheless affirm that a successful counter-terrorism policy must, without excusing violence, understand and address its underlying causes;

c) urge all political parties, in considering draft legislation to heed the clear warnings from history about the progressive erosion of fundamental rights in relation to habeas corpus, free speech and religious liberty; and

d) call upon members of the Church of England to set an example in the promotion of greater understanding, reconciliation and respect within their local communities, especially where there are significant numbers from other faith traditions.

Presentation under Standing Order 97. Extract from the Business Committee report:

In his contribution to the July Synod debate on women in the episcopate, the Archbishop of Canterbury suggested that the General Synod agenda might include a theological seminar on the episcopate. This would enable Synod members to reflect further on some of the wider theological issues in preparation for later debates on the specific question of women bishops. The Archbishop’s remarks were made in the light of earlier exchanges at the July Synod, during debates on the Ordinal, on the meaning of episcopacy in the Church.

The Business Committee has agreed (in the light of discussion at the House of Bishops) that there will accordingly be a seminar at this Group of Sessions, in the form of a presentation, under Standing Order 97. The Bishop of Rochester will open the seminar; his contribution will focus on theological issues concerning the episcopate and will be based on Chapter 2 of the Rochester Report, which will accordingly be circulated to Synod members to help resource the session (GS 1568). The Bishop’s contribution will be followed by other theological contributions. This first phase (lasting no more than 45 minutes) will then be followed by an hour for questions and comments, with a panel consisting of the initial contributors responding at intervals, prior to some closing comments from each of the initial speakers. There will be neither a debate nor any vote at the end of the session.

Wednesday’s agenda will be posted tomorrow.


Pittsburgh conference videos

A number of videos are now available from this URL:

Choose The Day is a video which was shown at the conference.
The Anglican Decision is a video (which is actually titled The Decision) that is packaged with the previous item on the DVD which was offered as a take-home item to all participants at the conference.

The first of these two features Robert Duncan, Kendall Harmon and others. A full transcript can be found here.

A full transcript of the second video can be found here. It tells the story of two parishes that left The Episcopal Church in 2004.

The opening narration is:

In this turbulent time of the Episcopal Church, your congregation is going to have an important decision to make, a decision brought on by national church leaders who have turned their back on the authority of scripture. This is the story of how two small parishes in Washington state, stood up and decided for good, between the current opinions of men and the unchanging heart of God.

The concluding narration is:

The people of St. Charles’and St. Stephens’ Parishes had a choice. They could follow a national church that’s turned its back on 2000 years of biblical orthodoxy or they could remain true to God’s unchanging holy word. Your church has the same choice. When it’s all said or done, what will you do? Will you put your faith in the changing opinions of men, or will you stand firm and remain faithful to the Lord whose faithfulness never ends?


Network conference in Pittsburgh

Updated Sunday morning and again Sunday evening

A huge conference of conservative Anglicans has been happening in Pittsburgh. See the conference site, the diocesan site, and the Network site.

For press reports of the event, see
New York Times Conservative Episcopalians Warn Church That It Must Change Course or Face Split
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Anglicans urge disgruntled Episcopalians to join them
Associated Press via the Washington Post Anglican Bishops Urge U.S. Church Split
Washington Times Episcopal Church’s rift has asset edge and U.S. Anglicans called to ‘repent’
PBS Anglican Communion Network Meeting (this transcript links to a video report which includes quotes from many senior figures at the conference, well worth watching)
Religion News Service Episcopal Liberals Plan for Division

Update Sunday morning
Later press reports contain important developments:
Washington Times Bolivian ordains Anglican clerics
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Priest, deacons ordained to serve Episcopal splitoffs
and Pittsburgh bishop expects an effort to oust him

Update Sunday evening
Three Global South primates (Drexel Gomez,Datuk Yong Ping Chung, Emmanuel Kolini) held a press conference, and there is a 33 minute video of this (.wmv format) which can be viewed here. The sound is not very good, but it is worth persevering – a better version is promised to replace it soon
Also, another 11 minute video of the Bishop of Pittsburgh summarising the conference here.
(hat tip KH).


Saturday reading

First, the Face to Faith column in the Guardian is by Martyn Percy. It’s about Remembrance.

In the Telegraph Christopher Howse writes about a well-known hymn in Hashish-drunk hymn lyrics.

The Times has Jonathan Sacks commenting on the French riots in We are in danger of forgetting that waiting comes before wanting.

Also in The Times Ruth Gledhill reports on what Rowan Williams said when asked about his journey of faith, in Archbishop reveals his unorthodox way to God.

Giles Fraser wrote in the Church Times that we should Beware the Bible traffic Wardens.


Reform on Southwark ordinations

Several resolutions from the recent Reform conference bear on the latest events in Southwark:

Encouragement of Principled Irregular Action
1. This conference acknowledges that the crisis facing the Anglican Communion is to be found in the Church of England as acutely as in ECUSA and the Anglican Church of Canada.(see para. 1 & 4 of ‘Reform in Every Diocese’)
2. This conference instructs the Council of Reform to encourage, help, and further partnership and action at the local level in accordance with the ‘Reform in Every Diocese’ paper.

The Formation of a Panel of Reference
1. The Council of Reform remains resolved to promote and support, wherever possible, the existing structures for selection and training of ordinands and others within the Church of England.
2. This conference see the Panel of Reference as set out in the paper as a positive step in encouraging new ordinands for the Church of God and instructs the Council to further the proposals.
3. This conference invites the Council to finalise the Selection Criteria for Ministry in the light of the conference discussion. 4. This conference asks the members of the Panel of Reference to be appointed in the light of the categories of people mentioned above.

Alternative Episcopal Oversight
In response to the ‘Panel of Reference’ and ‘Reform in Every Diocese’ paper this conference invites the Council to consider establishing an effective route to recognizably Anglican Ordination for ordinands who are in an impaired relationship with their Diocesan Bishop.

Support for Co-Mission Initiative Churches
This conference expresses its full support or those involved in seeking to provide ordained ministry in accordance with the Anglican tradition in Co-Mission Initiative churches.


Reform on civil partnerships

The latest Reform press release is titled ‘OUTRAGEOUS BISHOPSSTATEMENT ON CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS MUST NOW PROVOKE ACTIONSAYS REFORM. If you scroll down, you will also find the resolution on this topic from the recently concluded 2005 conference of this organisation. I reproduce both the press release and the resolution text below the fold.

There is also another document, also available from either Church Society or Anglican Mainstream, written by John Richardson and in PDF format. It is titled The Church of England, Civil Partnerships and the House of Bishops.

And a further document from Reform is Key Issues Arising for from the Civil Partnerships Act September 2005 by Charles Raven (remember him?)



General Synod elections analysed

The Church Times today carries an article headlined General Synod faces unpredictable future which is accompanied by a detailed review of the election results, diocese by diocese (scroll down for this).


Gene Robinson in the Church Times

This week, there is an interview with Gene Robinson by Pat Ashworth and also a report of the St Martin-in-the-Fields service by Rachel Harden. Both of these items are found in ‘I can’t be unmade a bishop,’ says Robinson (scroll down for the news report)

Last week, there was a back page interview with Rachel Harden which you can now read on the web.


Global south documents

updated Sunday evening

A new blog site has appeared which contains many documents emanating from the recent meeting in Egypt (more precisely at Ein El Sukhna on 25-30 October 2005): Global South Anglican

These include:
A full transcript of all the Questions and Answers put to and answered by the Archbishop of Canterbury

Additional Comment: this transcript now appears to have been mysteriously truncated.

Other items not available elsewhere include sermons or presentations by several archbishops:
Peter Akinola,
Datuk Yong Ping Chung, and
Drexel Gomez.

Ruth Gledhill had some comments on all this last Friday, which you can read here


southwark ordinations: church press reports

Updated Friday morning

The Church of England Newspaper carries this report by Andrew Carey
Southwark minister stripped of licence after irregular ordination
and this article, by no less a person than Richard Coekin himself, is entitled
No option but to ordain

In the Church Times Pat Ashworth reports Dr Butler blasts irregular ordinations
and there is editorial comment:
The perils of Surbiton


General Synod Questions

The questions to be asked (and answered) at next week’s General Synod are now online here.

The questions are now also available as a web page here.

Question time is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon (16 November).


A University Sermon

The University Sermon at Oxford on 6 November 2005 was preached in the University Church of St. Mary by The Reverend Canon Marilyn McCord Adams, Regius Professor of Divinity.

It was titled: A serious call to a devout and holy life.

The full text of this sermon can be found as a Word file, here.

Or alternatively as an ordinary web page here.


Southwark takes action

Update Wednesday
Ruth Gledhill has more about this on her blog at Southwark acts against unorthodox ordinations.

Unauthorised Service at Christ Church Surbiton

Press Release from Southwark Diocese

The Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Rev Dr Tom Butler, has written to the clergy in his Diocese explaining why he has revoked the licence of the Revd Richard Coekin. This follows the unauthorised ordination of three members of Mr Coekin’s staff team which took place at Christ Church Surbiton on November 2nd. Writing “We do not do schism in the Diocese of Southwark” the Bishop points to Church tradition and law that bishops from outside the Diocese have no authority to perform ordinations within it without the express permission of the Diocesan Bishop.

The case was made more complicated by the bishop concerned being a bishop from the Church of England in South Africa, a church not in communion with the Church of England nor a member of the Anglican Communion

Mr Coekin had earlier threatened to take action of this sort unless the Bishop of Southwark dissociated himself from the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Statement on Civil Partnerships.

As well as revoking Mr Coekin’s licence the Bishop of Southwark made it clear that the three people involved in the unauthorised ordination, Andy Fenton, Richard Perkins, and Loots Lambrechts have no legal authority to claim to exercise ordained ministry in the Church of England in the Diocese of Southwark.


The full text of the bishop’s letter appears below the fold.



more about those ordinations

Last Saturday there was this piece on the Today radio programme, which I missed at the time (hat tip AM)

A church in London has had three of its priests ordained by a foreign bishop, in protest at the Church of England’s stance on homosexual relationships. We hear from the church’s minister, Reverend Richard Coekin, and the Rt Reverend John Gladwin, the Bishop of Chelmsford.

Listen with Real Audio


Sunday radio programme items

Two items from the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme today.

Changing Attitude

The Anglican Campaign group Changing Attitude is celebrating its tenth anniversary this weekend. …the Anglican Communion’s first openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson, accepted an invitation to fly to the UK and join the birthday celebrations. He was speaking at St Martin in the Fields church in London yesterday, November 5th.

Listen here (7 minutes) Includes interview with Gene Robinson and also one with Davis Mac-Iyalla in Nigeria.

See also this BBC news report, Gay bishop attacks Catholic stand


The Church of England and indeed the whole of the Anglican Communion is in an edgy, some would say fractious, mood over issues such as homosexuality, the authority of scripture and whether the communion can hold together in its present form. Against that background two events this week have led some to fear that a break up is already starting here in the English church…

Listen (6 minutes) An interview with Pete Broadbent.

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weekend articles

Several this weekend are about the 400th anniversary of the gunpowder plot. In the Guardian Catherine Pepinster (who is editor of The Tablet) wrote about this and in The Times Geoffrey Rowell wrote Remember, remember the legacy of suspicion, intolerance and hostility.
Christopher Howse however, wrote about The vision of Magnus Martyr.

In The Tablet *Michael Barnes continues the gunpowder theme with Terror, treason and plot and there are also book reviews. related to this.

Giles Fraser in the Church Times asks Is Sandy Millar a Trojan horse?

The gunpowder theme even extends to Peter Steinfels in the New York Times with A Day to Think About a Case of Faith-Based Terrorism. (hat tip KH)


Church Times on Egypt

Pat Ashworth has this lengthy report today, Divisions dominate Global South conclave. There is a related editorial comment Sinners A & M.