Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 7 September 2024

Pippa Bailey The New Statesman The race for Lambeth Palace
“Can the next archbishop of Canterbury unite a divided Church?”

The Church Mouse Why do priests in the Church of England wear robes?

Chantal Noppen ViaMedia.News Rounding up Sheep or Assembling Cats? Governance in the United Reformed Church and the Church of England

Martyn Percy Surviving Church Joining the Dots Christianity – Assessing Alpha

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The past, the present and the future Church of England


Dr Tim Wambunya apologises for his role in a Berlin ordination service

Church Times report by Francis Martin: Next Bishop of Wolverhampton regrets part in non-canonical ordination

THE next Bishop of Wolverhampton, Dr Tim Wambunya, has apologised for the part he played in a non-canonical ordination of a bishop in Germany, saying that he merely wished to support a former student.

The service, which took place in Berlin in April, was billed as the ordination, as Bishop, of the Revd Wamare Juma, who founded and leads the Revealed Evangelical Mission. The organisation’s website describes it as a “non-denominational para-church”, and it has branches in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania as well as Germany…

…At the service in April, Dr Wambunya laid hands on Bishop Wamare Juma, led him through the declarations and ordination prayer from the Common Worship rite of ordination and consecration of a bishop, and presented him with a “certificate of ordination” which identified Dr Wambunya as the “ordaining bishop”.

On Tuesday, Dr Wambunya said that he took part in a personal capacity. “I did not for a moment imagine I was representing the Church of England, or even any other Anglican province, and I was not there in any official capacity,” he said…

Do read the full report, which includes comments from the Bishops of Oxford and Lichfield.

Also, you can watch the entire event here:


Cathedral Statistics 2023

The Church of England has released its Cathedral Statistics 2023, along with a press release, which is copied below.

Cathedral statistics show continued recovery in 2023

Coronation Celebrations, cultural initiatives, and sustainability efforts highlight year of positive change.

The Church of England’s latest cathedral attendance statistics reveal continued recovery in 2023, with a five per cent increase in weekly service attendance. Attendance at Christmas services was up 20% year on year and the rise was also reflected in easter services, where attendance was up by 10%.

Cathedrals also experienced a resurgence in visitor numbers, with 9.35 million people visiting in 2023, a 17 per cent increase from 2022. This marks a significant recovery, although overall numbers remain slightly below pre-pandemic levels.

The year was marked by celebrations of King Charles III’s coronation, with cathedrals hosting special services and community events. In addition to worship and national events, cathedrals made notable strides in cultural and sustainability efforts, with exhibitions, civic events and significant energy-saving initiatives and biodiversity projects across the country.

The report, released today, shows a weekly total of 30,300 individuals attended cathedral services each week, reflecting a continued return to in-person worship. (more…)


CNC, women bishops, and LLF

Andrew Goddard has written a detailed discussion on this subject, which includes

  • a short history of recent developments in relation to CNC,
  • a short guide to its processes relevant to understanding these outcomes, and then
  • reflections on the failures to appoint particularly with reference to claims being made that relate this to wider debates concerning women bishops and Living in Love and Faith (LLF)
  • discussion of the place of church teaching in the appointment of bishops
  • concluding thoughts on where we are and what happens next

There is a précis of this article here: Is the Church in an episcopal stalemate? But I recommend reading the full article.


Using the Prayers of Love and Faith: an online colloquium

Transforming Worship (formerly Praxis) South West will be hosting an online colloquium entitled ‘Using the Prayers of Love and Faith’ on Thursday 3 October from 10am until 12.30pm via Zoom.

The keynote speakers are Canon Dr Phillip Tovey and the Revd Mark Earey, who are co-authors of the recently published Grove Booklet Can We Use the Prayers of Love and Faith? examining the liturgical possibilities of the PLF material. In this colloquium they will look at the options and possibilities available with the material thus far commended.

Further details, including booking information, can be found on the Transforming Worship website.

The colloquium is open to all.


Opinion – 31 August 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Farewell August: time for the Church of England to wake up?

Martyn Percy Surviving Church Alpha-Mater

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Doing some theology – a sermon about the boy Jesus in the temple

Sam Rylands The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication Is church tradition an obstacle to growing young disciples?


Suffragan Bishop of Wolverhampton

Press release from 10 Downing Street. Further information is available from Lichfield diocese and from Oxford diocese.

Appointment of Suffragan Bishop of Wolverhampton: 27 August 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Dr Timothy Wambunya to the Suffragan See of Wolverhampton in the Diocese of Lichfield.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 27 August 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Dr Timothy Wambunya, Vicar of St Paul’s, Slough, in the Diocese of Oxford, to the Suffragan See of Wolverhampton in the Diocese of Lichfield, in succession to Bishop Clive Gregory, following his retirement.


Tim’s initial career was in Marine Engineering. He trained for ministry at Oakhill Theological College, London, serving his title at St John, Southhall Green, in the Diocese of London, and was ordained Priest in 1998. Tim was appointed Vicar at Emmanuel Holloway Church, Stepney, in 2000 and, in 2007, was appointed Principal at Carlile College (The Church Army Africa College) in Nairobi, Kenya. During these two roles, he studied for a PhD in Paremiology at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (University of Wales). In 2013, he was consecrated and became Bishop of the Diocese of Butere, Anglican Church of Kenya, before taking up his current role in 2020 as Vicar at St Pauls, Slough, in the Diocese of Oxford. He has additionally served as an Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Oxford.


Opinion – 24 August 2024

Madeleine Davies The New Statesman The rise of cultural Christianity

George Pitcher A Word to the Wise Justin Welby: A case for his defence

‘Graham’ ViaMedia.News Safeguarding: Who is in Charge?

Lucy Winkett Church Times Inclusive Christians must not be silent
[This is a long extract from the sermon that I linked to two weeks ago.]

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Turning conservative evangelical dogma and doctrine in today’s C of E upside down

Gerry Lynch Church Times Star-gazing brings a new perspective


Opinion – 21 August 2024

Helen King Independent Is the Church of England safe for children and young people?

The Church Mouse What is the Church’s of England’s doctrine?

Susan Hunt Surviving Church Blackburn and Kenneth -Safeguarding Failures in the Church

Steve Reeves ISB 11 I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.


Opinion – 17 August 2024

Madeleine Davies Church Times

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Mapping the primary activities of today’s Church of England

Giles Fraser UnHerd Why can’t the Church say ‘church’?


Blackburn Cathedral Safeguarding continued


Continued from here.

The BBC has published a further article: Why does the Church of England struggle to deal with child abuse allegations?

Gavin Drake has written Archbishops’ Council ignored chances to fix safeguarding risk assessment loophole

Bishop Philip North has published a reflection: Three Steps We Need to Take Towards a Safer Church – A Reflection on File on 4 ‘The Priest and the Payoff’

The Church Times reports: Risk assessment should suffice to remove a cleric from office, Bishop of Blackburn argues


Opinion – 14 August 2024

Anon ViaMedia.News Clergy Summer Quiz: the Answers!

The Church Mouse How should we pick our bishops

Theo Hobson The Spectator What the Church of England should say to its conservative rebels


Blackburn Cathedral Safeguarding

Updated Tuesday and again Wednesday (twice)

The BBC has published a File on Four radio programme (43 minutes long), to be aired at 8pm this evening on Radio 4

A priest assessed as posing a risk of “significant harm” to children and young people was given a pay-off. What does this tell us about safeguarding in the Church of England?

The BBC News website reports it thus: Priest thought to pose risk to children is paid off. But I recommend listening to the entire radio programme.

The Church of England has released Statements regarding BBC File on Four Blackburn Cathedral case

Statement from the Church of England

“The case highlighted on the BBC today is complicated and very difficult for everyone involved particularly those who came forward.  A number of allegations were made about the Canon over a number of years and a risk assessment was conducted according to the House of Bishops 2017 safeguarding guidance.  In the event, none of the allegations resulted either in a conviction in the criminal courts, or in a determination of misconduct in the independent Church courts through the Clergy Discipline Measure.

“He was removed from office on health grounds by the former Bishop of Blackburn, in 2021, under the Church Dignitaries (Retirement) Measure 1949 , but the Canon then brought a claim in the High Court for judicial review of that decision and payment was made in settlement of that claim. The Church of England is currently reviewing the disciplinary procedure for members of clergy (Clergy Discipline Measure), as recommended by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA and a review of the risk assessment regulations and guidance is under way.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell, said:

“We are truly sorry when survivors are let down by the Church. We were both made aware of this case, including the concerning background and the challenges caused by statutory and Church processes ending with no further action.

“We absolutely believe that there is no place in ministry for people who are a risk or pose a risk to others and continue to work to ensure that our systems are made ever stronger and more robust.

“This case highlights the complexity of our structures and processes and is just one example of why we asked Professor Alexis Jay, the former chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, to provide options and recommendations for how further independence of safeguarding within the Church of England might be achieved. This work is now being taken forward.

“As the Bishop of Blackburn told the BBC, the Church has made huge strides in safeguarding in the past 10 years particularly in listening to the voices of survivors and victims. However, this case, which goes back many years, shows that we are still working to get our processes right and we must learn from the mistakes of the past.”

This is also being reported in other media:


Blackburn Cathedral published Public Statement by the Trustees of Blackburn Cathedral

On Tuesday 13th August 2024, BBC News reported details of an investigation by Radio 4’s File on Four programme, to be broadcast at 8.00pm on Tuesday 13th August, into historic safeguarding concerns in the Church of England involving a senior member of clergy at Blackburn Cathedral.

The Cathedral recognises and fully accepts that there were failures, apologises for them, and has learned important lessons.  In October 2023 The Cathedral Chapter made a statement about the lessons learned from this case and it can be found here.

Since that time the Cathedral has worked and continues to work assiduously to improve its safeguarding culture, policies and procedures to ensure everyone is, and feels, safe.

Regretfully, the Cathedral cannot undo the pain and hurt of the past, and our thoughts are with those survivors whose trauma may now be re-lived as a result of this programme.

The programme gave details about legitimate safeguarding concerns that were raised repeatedly over a twenty-five-year period and highlighted the systemic nature of the institutional failures within the Church of England that prevented Blackburn Cathedral from dealing effectively with the concerns.

There remains work to be done for these institutional hurdles to be overcome.

The programme disclosed that a sum of money was paid to the individual by the Church of England. No Blackburn Cathedral funds were involved in this payment.

Peter Howell-Jones
Dean of Blackburn

Finding support
If you or anyone you are in contact with are affected by this report and want to talk to someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or visit

Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Diocese of Blackburn Safeguarding Team: or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team in your area or the National Safeguarding Team at


Opinion – 10 August 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Being a “Nice” Priest or a “Nice” Church

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Thinking about those Involved in the Commissioning Event at Bishopsgate July 2024

Philip Jones Ecclesiastical law The Church Commissioners: England’s Ministry of Religion

David Goodhew The Living Church The Collapse of the Anglican Church of Canada

Lucy Winkett Faith in her future: Empowering women and girls to lead


Opinion – 3 August 2024

Daniel Sandham Church Times Why churches should keep their doors open
“It is less risky than many people assume — and the benefits for mission are significant”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love

Vivienne Tuffnell Surviving Church On the devastating life-long effects of Spiritual Abuse

Anon ViaMedia.News Clergy Summer Quiz


More on that commissioning service

Updated Friday

This continues the story that began here: Another commissioning service.

Friday updates



Suffragan Bishops of Selby and Whitby

In two press releases from 10 Downing Street the appointments of new suffragan bishops of Selby and Whitby in the diocese of York have been announced:

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Flora Winfield, Third Church Estates Commissioner, for nomination to the Suffragan See of Selby in the Diocese of York.


The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Barry Hill, Strategy Development Enabler in the Diocese of Leicester, for nomination to the Suffragan See of Whitby in the Diocese of York.

The full texts of the press releases are included below the fold.

More information from the diocese of York is here. The consecrations of the two new bishops will take place on 10 October 2024 at York Minster.



Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill starts parliamentary journey

I reported that this bill was included in the recent King’s Speech. It was introduced in the House of Lords today and received its first reading. The second reading is scheduled for 10 September 2024.

The text of the bill and a set of explanatory notes are available, together with a government press release.

The bill will extend the application of the 2015 act for a further five years, specifically to vacancies arising among the Lords Spiritual before 18 May 2030.


Another commissioning service

Updated Monday and again Tuesday

We reported earlier on the service held at All Souls Langham Place, organised by the Church of England Evangelical Council: CEEC commissions Overseers.

Another service took place on 24 July at St Helen’s Bishopgate. A video published by that parish discusses the service.

Anglican Futures has published an article critiquing the service: “Public Commissioning”: Ten Questions. It begins this way:

“Yesterday evening a service took place at St Helen’s Bishopsgate in which 7 men from 4 dioceses were publicly commissioned for Christian leadership in Church of England churches.” So, begins, the latest video from St Helen’s, Bishopsgate, which has been circulating on social media.

The video is 26 minutes long, with an introduction by the Rector, Revd William Taylor, followed by sixteen interviews with retired bishops, clergy and laity, all of whom appear to support the actions taken by St Helen’s.

The video raises many questions and appears to misrepresent the work of the Church of England’s Evangelical Council (CEEC) in two significant ways. It is hoped that in the spirit of transparency, which Revd Taylor seeks from the House of Bishops, answers to the following questions will be forthcoming.

  1. Does Revd Taylor understand that CEEC can only offer ‘alternative spiritual oversight? If so, why does he call on churches to “recognise formally… that those diocesan bishops who voted for the faithless LLF proposals have broken partnership with faithful Anglican Christians and the true Churches of Jesus Christ,” by seeking the “alternative oversight” provided by the CEEC?
  2. Does Revd Taylor understand that the Ephesian Fund,provides PCCs and individuals with a way to give their parish share to the Diocese in support of similar churches”? If so, why does he call on churches, “to cease paying any parish share to the Church of England” by suggesting that it is possible to “divert parish share into the Ephesian Fund or a local Good Stewards Trust to pay for it?”

And there are a further eight questions.


The Church Times reports: Conservatives commission seven men to lead, teach, and preside at ‘informal’ eucharists, This contains additional information about the participation of the former Bishop of Maidstone, Rod Thomas.

The statement from Affirming Catholicism mentioned in that report can be found in full here.

The Church Times article has been updated on Tuesday to add:

A spokesperson for Church House said: “The lead bishop for LLF, alongside the LLF staff team, are in conversation with different networks in order to bring further detail to proposals to the House of Bishops in October.

“We are seeking to move forward as one church. That will require grace, realism and a recognition that, as Christians, we hold a variety of views on these questions, all of which are held with integrity and all of which deserve respect.”

Helen King has written The c-word: what happened in those London churches?


Opinion – 27 July 2024

Helen King ViaMedia.News The Luxury of Marriage

House of Survivors Church of England Redress Scheme

Gavin Drake Church Abuse Archbishops’ Council lies about GMC in battle for secret clergy discipline tribunals